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This table has 109 rows altogether.

Page Report StatName StatDisplayName Definition Anchor
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status ACW ACW The current number of agents in the AfterCallWork status. Typically this status happens when an agent is no longer talking with the customer but still requires additional time to handle properly customer requests. AGS_ACW
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Break Break The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Break. AGS_Break
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Consult Consult The current number of agents in CallConsult status (participating in consultation calls). AGS_Consult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Dialing Dialing The current number of agents in CallDialing status (dialing calls). AGS_Dialing
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Inbound Inbound The current number of agents in CallInbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more inbound calls. AGS_Inbound
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Internal Internal The current number of agents in CallInternal status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more internal calls. AGS_Internal
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status LoggedOut Logged Out The number of agents that are currently logged out from Genesys environment. AGS_LoggedOut
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Lunch Lunch The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason Lunch. AGS_Lunch
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status NotReady Not Ready The number of agents who are currently logged in and who are currently in the NotReady state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents not available to handle incoming interactions. AGS_NotReady
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Offline Offline The number of agents who are in Not Ready state with Reason different from Lunch and Break. AGS_Offline
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status OnHold On Hold The current number of agents in CallOnHold status; that is, where the agent has one or more calls on hold. AGS_OnHold
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Outbound Outbound The current number of agents in CallOutbound status; that is, where the agent is conducting one or more outbound calls. AGS_Outbound
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status PercentInbound % Inbound The percentage of agents handling customer calls. AGS_PercentInbound
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status PercentNotReady % Not Ready The percentage of agents in a not ready status. AGS_PercentNotReady
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status PercentReady % Ready The percentage of agents ready to handle customers calls. AGS_PercentReady
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Ready Ready The number of agents who are currently in the Ready state. Typically, it represents the total number of agents waiting for customer interactions or specific tasks. AGS_Ready
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Group Status Ringing Ringing The current number of agents in CallRinging status; that is, where one or more calls are waiting to be answered by an agent. AGS_Ringing
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AbandonedRinging Abandoned Ringing The total number of calls abaondoned while Agent Workspace was ringing. AGS_AbandonedRinging
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs ACWTime ACW Time The total time an agent's DN(s) completed being in AfterCallWork status during the reporting interval. This typically represents the time an agent spent doing follow-up work after calls. AGS_ACWTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AgentOccupancy Agent Occupancy The percent of time an agent spends handling calls versus their total login time. AGS_AgentOccupancy
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AHT AHT The average handling time represents the total time an agent spends handling inbound, outbound, internal, consultation, on hold and after call work tasks divided by the total number of inboud, outbound and internal calls. AGS_AHT
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Answered Answered The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent. AGS_Answered
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Answered(lastHr) Answered (last Hr) The total number of incoming calls answered by the agent in the last hour. AGS_Answered(lastHr)
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AvgACWTime Avg ACW Time The average After-Call-Work time represents the total time an agent spends on ACW status divided by the total number of time this agent was on ACW. AGS_AvgACWTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AvgHoldTime Avg Hold Time The average Hold time represents the total time an agent spends on Hold status divided by the total number of time this agent put customer on hold. AGS_AvgHoldTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AvgInTime Avg In Time The average In time represents the total time an agent spends handling an incoming calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling inbound calls. AGS_AvgInTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AvgOutTime Avg Out Time The average Out time represents the total time an agent spends handling an outbound calls divided by the total number of time this agent was handling outbound calls. AGS_AvgOutTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs AvgRingTime Avg Ring Time The average Ring time represents the total time an Agent Workspace was ringing divided by the total number of time this Agent Workspace was ringing. AGS_AvgRingTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs BreakTime Break Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Break. AGS_BreakTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs CallsDropped Calls Dropped The total number of calls forwarded from one Agent Workspace to another (RONA). AGS_CallsDropped
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs ConsultMade Consult Made The total number of voice consultations made by this agent. AGS_ConsultMade
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs ConsultTime Consult Time The total time agents spend handling consultative calls. AGS_ConsultTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs DialingTime Dialing Time The total amount of time that calls were dialing on an agent's phone. AGS_DialingTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs HandleTime Handle Time The total time agents spend handling inbound, internal or outbound calls. AGS_HandleTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Held Held The total number of calls put on hold by the agent. AGS_Held
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs HoldTime Hold Time The total time agents spend on hold. AGS_HoldTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Internal Internal The total number of internal calls handled by the agent. AGS_Internal
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs InternalTime Internal Time The total time agents spend handling internal calls. AGS_InternalTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs InTime In Time The total time agents spend handling inbound calls. AGS_InTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs LoginTime Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. This metric does not include logged-in time when the switch is disconnected from Stat Server. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group. AGS_LoginTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs LunchTime Lunch Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason Lunch. AGS_LunchTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs NotReadyTime Not Ready Time The total time that an agent's DN completed being in NotReadyForNextCall status during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total not ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group. AGS_NotReadyTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Offered Offered The total number of calls offered to an agent. AGS_Offered
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs OfflineTime Offline Time The total of time an agent was not available to handle incoming interactions because he was not Ready with Reason different from Break and Lunch. AGS_OfflineTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs Out Out The total number of outbound calls handled by the agent. AGS_Out
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs OutTime Out Time The total time agents spend handling outbound calls. AGS_OutTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs ReadyTime Ready Time The total time this agent spent waiting for the next call. The total duration of all WaitForNextCall statuses that completed for a particular agent during the reporting interval. When this metric is applied to an Agent Group, this metric calculates the total ready time for all the agents belonging to the specified group. AGS_ReadyTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs RingingTime Ringing Time The total amount of time that calls were ringing on an agent's phone. AGS_RingingTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs ShortTalk<10s Short Talk < 10s The total number of times this agent's DN completed being in Call status of less then specified duration (10s). AGS_ShortTalk<10s
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent KPIs TransfersMade Transfers Made The total number of voice interactions transferred by this agent during the reporting interval. AGS_TransfersMade
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login BusinessResult Business Result Business Result associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP. AGS_BusinessResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login ContinuousLoginTime Continuous Login Time Current continuous time Agent remained logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces this statistics calculates total of all Agents (Places) in the Group. AGS_ContinuousLoginTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login CurrentStatus Current Status The current state (status) of a specified agent. Some examples of an agent's status include CallInbound, CallOutbound, and CallConsult. AGS_CurrentStatus
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login CurrentStatusKVP Current Status KVP The current state (status) of a specified agent to use in formulas for KVPs (Service Type, Service Sub Type, Customer Segment, Business Result). AGS_CurrentStatusKVP
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login CustomerSegment Customer Segment Customer Segment associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP. AGS_CustomerSegment
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login EmployeeId Employee Id Agent's Employee ID. AGS_EmployeeId
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login Extension Extension Agent's Extension. AGS_Extension
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login LoginId Login Id Agent's Login ID. AGS_LoginId
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login LoginTime Login Time The total time that monitored agents were logged in. Applied to GroupAgents and GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total login time for all the agents belonging to the specified group. AGS_LoginTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login Place Place Agent's Place. AGS_Place
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login Position Position Agent's Position. AGS_Position
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login Reason Reason Reason(s) selected by Agent. AGS_Reason
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login ServiceSubType Service Sub Type Service Sub Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP. AGS_ServiceSubType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login ServiceType Service Type Service Type associated to the call segmentation. Must be defined in the callflow as KVP. AGS_ServiceType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login Switch Switch Agent's Switch. AGS_Switch
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS Agent Login TimeinStatus Time in Status The time agent spent in Current State. AGS_TimeinStatus
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity Accepted Accepted The total number of work items that were offered for processing and that were accepted during the specified period. AGS_Accepted
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity AvgProcessingTime Avg Processing Time The average amount of time that an agent, a place, or a group thereof spent handling work items interactions. AGS_AvgProcessingTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity Offered Offered The total number of work items that were offered for processing to this resource or agent group during the specified period. This stat type counts interactions both offered by business routing strategies and other agents. AGS_Offered
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity Processed Processed The total number of work items handled by an agent or agent group during the specified period. AGS_Processed
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity ProcessingTime Processing Time The total amount of time that work items either: were in processing at this place or this agent's or agent group desktop at the beginning of the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval or Started processing within the reporting interval and finished processing within the same reporting interval. AGS_ProcessingTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity Rejected Rejected The total number of work items that were offered for processing to an agent or agent group, and that were rejected, during the specified period. AGS_Rejected
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity Terminated Terminated The total number of work items that were terminated by an agent or agent group during the specified period. AGS_Terminated
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity TimedOut Timed Out The total number of work items that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource or agent group during the specified period because of prolonged non activity. For e-mail interactions, this stat type excludes revoked e-mail interactions that were rejected by the agent and includes interactions that timed out as not accepted while delivering. AGS_TimedOut
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesAGS IWD Agent Activity TransfersMade Transfers Made The total number of work item transfers made by this agent or agent group during the specified period. Applied to GroupAgents or GroupPlaces, this stat type calculates the total number of transfers made by all of the agents belonging to the respective group. This stat type counts each transfer instance separately including those where the agent transfers the same interaction more than once. AGS_TransfersMade
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity Answers Answers The total number of dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answer (when a call is answered by a human voice). In some contact centers, the call result can also mean Right Party Contacted; that is, the call is answered by a live person who is not the Wrong Party. CA_Answers
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity AttemptBusies Attempt Busies The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Busy; that is, the call does not go through because of a busy signal for the called party. CA_AttemptBusies
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity AttemptsCancelled Attempts Cancelled The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Cancel. CA_AttemptsCancelled
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity Attemptsmade Attempts made Total number of all dialing attempts made (initiated) by a Campaign Manager with any call results. CA_Attemptsmade
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity DialedAbandoned Dialed Abandoned The total number of dialing attempts with a call result of Abandon. CampAbandoned statistics pertain to a specified campaign or to a specified calling list. CA_DialedAbandoned
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity DialedAnsweringMachine Dialed Answering Machine The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answering Machine Detected; that is, the Campaign Manager dropped the call because an answering machine was detected on the called party's side. CA_DialedAnsweringMachine
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity DoNotCallResults DoNotCall Results The total number of completed dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of DoNotCall; that is, the customer asked to be put onto the 'Do not call list' when the call was intercepted by an operator. This case is also considered as an unsuccessful dial attempt. CA_DoNotCall Results
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity DroppedResults Dropped Results The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Dropped. Dropped calls are those that are answered at the destination but then abandoned in the queue because no agent is available to take them. CA_DroppedResults
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity EstimatedTime Estimated Time The estimated time, in minutes, to complete a campaign or calling list. CA_EstimatedTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity FaxModemResults Fax Modem Results The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Fax Detected or Modem Detected. CA_FaxModemResults
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity HitRatio Hit Ratio The percentage of successful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Answer (DialAnswer)-that is, a call is answered by a human voice-relative to the number of all dialing attempts made (DialMade) during the same time period. CA_HitRatio
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity NoAnswerResult No Answer Result The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of No Answer. CA_NoAnswerResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity RecordsCompleted Records Completed The total number of leads from calling lists (counting records from the same lead as one record) processed to the point that no further action will be taken. CA_RecordsCompleted
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity SITDetected SIT Detected The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of DIALSITDetected. A Special Information Tone (SIT) identifies a network-provided announcement and precedes a machine-generated announcement when, for instance, a telephone number is invalid, no circuit is available, or a recorded operator message intercepts a call. CA_SITDetected
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Activity WrongPartyResult Wrong Party Result The total number of unsuccessful dialing attempts initiated by a Campaign Manager with a call result of Wrong Party; that is, the call is answered by a live person but not the intended person. CA_WrongPartyResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status Completed Completed The total number of callbacks completed. The completion of a callback only indicates that the callback was performed; it does not indicate that the callback was completed successfully. CA_Completed
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status Missed Missed The total number of callbacks missed. A callback is considered as 'missed' if it is scheduled for a certain period of time, but for some reason the callback is not performed. CA_Missed
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status Personal Completed PersonalCompleted Total number of personal callbacks completed. Completion of a personal callback only indicates that the callback was performed; it does not indicate if the callback was completed successfully. CA_PersonalCompleted
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status PersonalMissed Personal Missed Total number of personal callbacks missed. A personal callback is missed, for example, because all outbound trunks are busy at the time of a scheduled callback or because an agent for whom a callback is assigned is busy or not logged in at the time of the scheduled personal callback. CA_PersonalMissed
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status PersonalScheduled Personal Scheduled The total number of personal callbacks scheduled. CA_PersonalScheduled
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Callback Status Scheduled Scheduled The total number of callbacks scheduled. CA_Scheduled
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Group Activity Activated Activated The total amount of time that a specific campaign group was in StatusActivated status. StatusActivated status indicates that the campaign has been loaded for a specified group, but that no dialing has yet occurred. CA_Activated
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Group Activity Deactivated Deactivated The total amount of time that a specific campaign group stays in deactivated status. StatusDeactivated status indicates that a campaign has not been loaded for the specified campaign group. CA_Deactivated
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Group Activity Running Running The total amount of time that a specific campaign group stays in StatusRunning status. StatusRunning status means that a campaign is loaded for a specified group and that dialing is in progress. CA_Running
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PulseMetricsLibrary/RTRTemplatesCA Campaign Group Activity SystemError System Error The total time during which a specified campaign group has been in the SystemError system condition. This system condition indicates that a system error such as a switch failure or a software problem prevents the campaign from running and that dialing has stopped. CA_SystemError


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