View table: PEEvent

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Table structure:

  • Event - String
  • EventDesc - Wikitext
  • EventGroup - String
  • OptionalAttrs - List of String
  • MandatoryAttrs - List of String

This table has 66 rows altogether.

Page Event EventDesc EventGroup OptionalAttrs MandatoryAttrs
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentLogin The agent has logged in to the ACD group specified by ThisQueue. Multiple agent logins are allowed for the same DN and agent ID combination (since EventAgentLogin does not indicate by itself a transition of agent state).

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN Agent ID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue Agent Work Mode Extensions id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentLogout The agent has logged out of the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

On CTI platforms that support agent login for multiple queues, this event signals that the agent has been moved to the Logged Out state, and is therefore used only for an agent's final logout.e

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN ReferenceID CustomerID Agent ID ThisQueue Reasons Extensions id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentNotReady The agent is not ready to receive ACD calls.

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN AgentID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue AgentWorkMode Extensions id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentReady The agent is ready to receive ACD calls.

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN AgentID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue Extensions id Server ThisDN time AgentWorkMode
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNBackInService The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is back in service and can make or receive calls. This event is generated when a DN, which has been out of service and for which the EventDNOutOfService was previously distributed, returns to service.

In the absence of EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, all clients should assume, for backward-compatibility reasons, that the DN is in service.

Between EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, the client is not able to perform any requests, and no events should be expected during this outage. Genesys recommends that you perform TQueryAddress() after EventDNBackInService to ensure synchronization between Voice Microservices and the client.

Agent state and DN Extensions id ThisDN
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNDOff The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID Extensions id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNDOn The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID Extensions id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNOutOfService The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is out of service and cannot make or receive calls. This event is generated when an out-of-service state is first detected or when a new client registers on a DN known to be out of service.

When a DN is out of service, only the following Voice Microservices requests can be issued for it: client registration and unregistration, queries, agent login, and private service requests.

Voice Microservices return a TERR_OUT_OF_SERVICE error if called on to attempt a supported operation that cannot progress on an out-of-service DN.

When a DN goes out of service, Voice Microservices notify the user about the termination of active calls or change an agent state (not ready/logout) using normal events. The other applications should rely only on those events to change the DN/agent state.

Agent state and DN Extensions id ThisDN
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventForwardCancel The Forwarding feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions Reasons ReferenceID id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventForwardSet The Forwarding feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

The InfoStatus event attribute has a value of either CallForwardingStatus or SendAllCallsStatus in the EventForwardSet event.

The OtherDN event attribute specifies the target party when the Forward feature is in progress.

Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions InfoStatus OtherDN Reasons ReferenceID ForwardMode id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventMuteOff A party identified by ThisDN is no longer in Mute (microphone-disabled) mode. The ReferenceID attribute is set to indicate the corresponding TSetMuteOff() function. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ReferenceID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData ConnID id ThisDN ThisDNRole
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventMuteOn A party identified by ThisDN is now in the Mute mode. Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData ConnID id ThisDN ThisDNRole
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventOffHook The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone off-hook. Agent state and DN AgentID CallHistory CallID CallState CallType ConnID CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventOnHook The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone on-hook. Agent state and DN AgentID CallHistory CallID ConnID CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ThisDNRole ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData id Server ThisDN time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventAbandoned The caller abandoned the call before it was answered.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThisQueue attribute must appear for an ACD call.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDestinationBusy The called party specified by OtherDN is busy with another call.

For scenarios initiated with RequestMakeCall, the CallState attribute might have values that clarify the reason for the destination being busy, for instance CallStateSitInvalidNum.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDialing An attempt to make a call on behalf of the telephony object specified by ThisDN is in progress.

CallType can be Unknown.

OtherDN is either a dialed number or not present if Voice Microservices have no information about the other party. OtherDNRole appears if the attribute OtherDN is present.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

ThisQueue must appear in predictive dialing and be equal to ThisDN.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDiverted The call has been diverted from the queue to another telephony object.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThirdPartyDN and ThirdPartyQueue attributes must be present if the value of CallState is Redirected. In all other call scenarios, ThirdPartyDN must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI link.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call handling and transfer/conference CallHistory CollectedDigits CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThirdPartyQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole ThisQueue time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventEstablished For the application associated with the calling party: the telephony object specified by OtherDN has answered (either the calling party answered or the switch simulated an answer if option auto-answer is set on the switch) and the connection has been established. For the application associated with the called party: the call associated with ConnID has been established.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventHeld The call has been placed on hold.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventNetworkReached The call has reached the public network interface.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyAdded One or more parties has been added to the call as a result of a conference.

Voice MCS always distributes EventPartyAdded for every party. If only one party is added (as in the case of a simple conference call), the corresponding telephony object is specified in OtherDN. Similarly, if more than one party is added to a call and there are multiple EventPartyAdded messages, one for each party on the consultation call joining the main call, then the corresponding telephony object is specified in OtherDN.

The ThirdPartyDN and ThirdPartyDNRole attributes are not present if the switch does not distribute them to Voice Microservices.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyChanged The telephony object specified by OtherDN has replaced the telephony object specified by OtherDN in the previously received event; or the PreviousConnID of the call has been given a new value, ConnID.

The value of CallState can be either Transferred or Conferenced.

The OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherTrunk, ThirdPartyDNRole attributes must not appear if the CallState is Conferenced.

The ThirdPartyDN attribute is not present if the switch does not distribute it to Voice Microservices.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherTrunk ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id PreviousConnID Server ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyDeleted The telephony object specified by OtherDN has been deleted from the conference call in question.

The CallState attribute indicates whether a call is still considered as a conference (that is, the number of parties in the call is more than two).

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventQueued The call has been queued in the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThirdPartyDN ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole ThisQueue time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventReleased The telephony object specified by ThisDN has disconnected or has been dropped from the call.

The OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherQueue, and OtherTrunk attributes do not appear if the release is from a conference. In all other call scenarios, the attribute must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI link.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

The appearance of ThirdPartyDN depends on the following conditions:

  • If information about the new destination is available from the switch at the moment when EventReleased is generated, then ThirdPartyDN is mandatory. Or, if Voice Microservices have initiated a single-step transfer, redirection, or previously set the forwarding target, this attribute is also mandatory.
  • If a call has gone through a single-step transfer, been redirected, or forwarded by another application (not the Voice Microservices in question), the ThirdPartyDN attribute is absent.
Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory Cause CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventRetrieved The call has been retrieved from hold.

In all call scenarios, the OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherQueue, and OtherTrunk attributes must be present only if the information is provided by a CTI link.

The value for the ThisDNRole and ThisQueue attributes is the same as that for the events preceding EventRetrieved (EventEstablished and EventRinging) for the same call. For non-ACD calls, ThisQueue is not reported.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventRinging A call has been delivered to the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThisQueue attribute must appear for an ACD call.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory Cause CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallRoutingEvents EventRouteRequest The call has been placed on the routing point specified by ThisDN, and the switch is waiting for routing instructions.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if a call with CallType=Consult has been placed on a routing point.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call routing ANI CallHistory CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisTrunk ThirdPartyDN TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisQueue time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallRoutingEvents EventRouteUsed The call has been routed as requested in the function TRouteCall() or has been default routed by the switch after the routing timeout has expired (that is, there was no routing instruction from the computer domain within the specified timeout).

The ThirdPartyDN attribute specifies the destination DN or dialing number. It is:

  • Mandatory if routing was done by Voice Microservices.
  • Absent if the call was rejected. Optional in other cases.

For the EventRouteUsed event, ThirdPartyDNRole=Destination.

The OtherDN attribute is used to specify the target party when the forward feature is in progress.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call routing ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN OtherDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisQueue time
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentApplied The call has been treated and the Treatment Device (TD) is processing the treatment instruction. Call treatment NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID Extensions id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time TreatmentType
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentEnd The call has been treated and the Treatment Device (TD) is waiting for another instruction.

This event does not appear in cases of continuing treatments like Silence or RingBack.

The CollectedDigits and LastCollectedDigit attributes are present if TreatmentType is either CollectDigits or PlayAnnouncementAndCollectDigits.

The following key-value pairs are set for all treatment types:

  • For all treatment types where an announcement was played, INTERRUPTED is set to:
    • NO, if the announcement was not interrupted.
    • KEYPAD, if it was interrupted by keypad entry.
    • VOICE, if it was interrupted by the caller speaking something.
  • For all treatment types where digits are to be collected from the caller, COMPLETION_STATUS is set to:
    • NORMAL, if the treatment completed normally (optional).
    • TIMEOUT, if the digit collection timed out before all required digits could be collected.
    • CANCELLED, if the treatment was cancelled by a request from router.
  • For TreatmentType=DigitsVerification only, the following key-value pairs apply:
    • VERIFICATION_STATUS (the result of digits verification) is set to 1 if verification succeed, 0 if it did not.
    • ATTEMPTS is set to the number of digit-collection attempts made.
  • For TreatmentType=RecordUserAnnouncement, the following key-value pair applies:
    • USER_ANN_ID is set to the message identifier, an integer, recorded by the user specified with USER_ID.
Call treatment CollectedDigits Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID id Server ThisDN time TreatmentType
Draft:VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentNotApplied The call has not been treated for some reason. The reason is returned in ErrorCode and ErrorMessage parameters. Call treatment ErrorMessage Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID ErrorCode id ReferenceID Server ThisDN time TreatmentType
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentLogin The agent has logged in to the ACD group specified by ThisQueue. Multiple agent logins are allowed for the same DN and agent ID combination (since EventAgentLogin does not indicate by itself a transition of agent state).

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN Agent ID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue Agent Work Mode Extensions id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentLogout The agent has logged out of the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

On CTI platforms that support agent login for multiple queues, this event signals that the agent has been moved to the Logged Out state, and is therefore used only for an agent's final logout.e

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN ReferenceID CustomerID Agent ID ThisQueue Reasons Extensions id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentNotReady The agent is not ready to receive ACD calls.

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN AgentID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue AgentWorkMode Extensions id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventAgentReady The agent is ready to receive ACD calls.

AgentID must be present if the agent is logged in through Voice Microservices or if the information is available.

If present, the Extensions attribute might include a ReasonCode value specifically used to communicate hardware reasons.

Agent state and DN AgentID CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue Extensions id Server ThisDN time AgentWorkMode
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNBackInService The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is back in service and can make or receive calls. This event is generated when a DN, which has been out of service and for which the EventDNOutOfService was previously distributed, returns to service.

In the absence of EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, all clients should assume, for backward-compatibility reasons, that the DN is in service.

Between EventDNOutOfService and EventDNBackInService, the client is not able to perform any requests, and no events should be expected during this outage. Genesys recommends that you perform TQueryAddress() after EventDNBackInService to ensure synchronization between Voice Microservices and the client.

Agent state and DN Extensions id ThisDN
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNDOff The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID Extensions id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNDOn The Do-Not-Disturb (DND) feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons ReferenceID Extensions id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventDNOutOfService The DN specified in the ThisDN attribute is out of service and cannot make or receive calls. This event is generated when an out-of-service state is first detected or when a new client registers on a DN known to be out of service.

When a DN is out of service, only the following Voice Microservices requests can be issued for it: client registration and unregistration, queries, agent login, and private service requests.

Voice Microservices return a TERR_OUT_OF_SERVICE error if called on to attempt a supported operation that cannot progress on an out-of-service DN.

When a DN goes out of service, Voice Microservices notify the user about the termination of active calls or change an agent state (not ready/logout) using normal events. The other applications should rely only on those events to change the DN/agent state.

Agent state and DN Extensions id ThisDN
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventForwardCancel The Forwarding feature has been turned off for the telephony object specified by ThisDN. Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions Reasons ReferenceID id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventForwardSet The Forwarding feature has been turned on for the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

The InfoStatus event attribute has a value of either CallForwardingStatus or SendAllCallsStatus in the EventForwardSet event.

The OtherDN event attribute specifies the target party when the Forward feature is in progress.

Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions InfoStatus OtherDN Reasons ReferenceID ForwardMode id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventMuteOff A party identified by ThisDN is no longer in Mute (microphone-disabled) mode. The ReferenceID attribute is set to indicate the corresponding TSetMuteOff() function. Agent state and DN CustomerID Reasons Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ReferenceID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData ConnID id ThisDN ThisDNRole
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventMuteOn A party identified by ThisDN is now in the Mute mode. Agent state and DN CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData ConnID id ThisDN ThisDNRole
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventOffHook The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone off-hook. Agent state and DN AgentID CallHistory CallID CallState CallType ConnID CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/AgentStateandDNEvents EventOnHook The telephony object specified by ThisDN has gone on-hook. Agent state and DN AgentID CallHistory CallID ConnID CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID ThisDNRole ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData id Server ThisDN time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventAbandoned The caller abandoned the call before it was answered.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThisQueue attribute must appear for an ACD call.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDestinationBusy The called party specified by OtherDN is busy with another call.

For scenarios initiated with RequestMakeCall, the CallState attribute might have values that clarify the reason for the destination being busy, for instance CallStateSitInvalidNum.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDialing An attempt to make a call on behalf of the telephony object specified by ThisDN is in progress.

CallType can be Unknown.

OtherDN is either a dialed number or not present if Voice Microservices have no information about the other party. OtherDNRole appears if the attribute OtherDN is present.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

ThisQueue must appear in predictive dialing and be equal to ThisDN.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventDiverted The call has been diverted from the queue to another telephony object.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThirdPartyDN and ThirdPartyQueue attributes must be present if the value of CallState is Redirected. In all other call scenarios, ThirdPartyDN must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI link.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call handling and transfer/conference CallHistory CollectedDigits CustomerID Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThirdPartyQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole ThisQueue time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventEstablished For the application associated with the calling party: the telephony object specified by OtherDN has answered (either the calling party answered or the switch simulated an answer if option auto-answer is set on the switch) and the connection has been established. For the application associated with the called party: the call associated with ConnID has been established.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventHeld The call has been placed on hold.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventNetworkReached The call has reached the public network interface.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

Call handling and transfer/conference ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyAdded One or more parties has been added to the call as a result of a conference.

Voice MCS always distributes EventPartyAdded for every party. If only one party is added (as in the case of a simple conference call), the corresponding telephony object is specified in OtherDN. Similarly, if more than one party is added to a call and there are multiple EventPartyAdded messages, one for each party on the consultation call joining the main call, then the corresponding telephony object is specified in OtherDN.

The ThirdPartyDN and ThirdPartyDNRole attributes are not present if the switch does not distribute them to Voice Microservices.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyChanged The telephony object specified by OtherDN has replaced the telephony object specified by OtherDN in the previously received event; or the PreviousConnID of the call has been given a new value, ConnID.

The value of CallState can be either Transferred or Conferenced.

The OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherTrunk, ThirdPartyDNRole attributes must not appear if the CallState is Conferenced.

The ThirdPartyDN attribute is not present if the switch does not distribute it to Voice Microservices.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherTrunk ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id PreviousConnID Server ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventPartyDeleted The telephony object specified by OtherDN has been deleted from the conference call in question.

The CallState attribute indicates whether a call is still considered as a conference (that is, the number of parties in the call is more than two).

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventQueued The call has been queued in the ACD group specified by ThisQueue.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CallState CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThirdPartyDN ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole ThisQueue time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventReleased The telephony object specified by ThisDN has disconnected or has been dropped from the call.

The OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherQueue, and OtherTrunk attributes do not appear if the release is from a conference. In all other call scenarios, the attribute must be present only if such information is provided by a CTI link.

The PreviousConnID attribute must be included if the value of CallType is Consult.

The appearance of ThirdPartyDN depends on the following conditions:

  • If information about the new destination is available from the switch at the moment when EventReleased is generated, then ThirdPartyDN is mandatory. Or, if Voice Microservices have initiated a single-step transfer, redirection, or previously set the forwarding target, this attribute is also mandatory.
  • If a call has gone through a single-step transfer, been redirected, or forwarded by another application (not the Voice Microservices in question), the ThirdPartyDN attribute is absent.
Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory Cause CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventRetrieved The call has been retrieved from hold.

In all call scenarios, the OtherDN, OtherDNRole, OtherQueue, and OtherTrunk attributes must be present only if the information is provided by a CTI link.

The value for the ThisDNRole and ThisQueue attributes is the same as that for the events preceding EventRetrieved (EventEstablished and EventRinging) for the same call. For non-ACD calls, ThisQueue is not reported.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory CustomerID DNIS Extensions OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID ThisQueue ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallHandlingTransferConferenceEvents EventRinging A call has been delivered to the telephony object specified by ThisDN.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if the value of CallType is Consult.

The ThisQueue attribute must appear for an ACD call.

Call handling and transfer/conference AgentID ANI CallHistory Cause CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN ThisQueue TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallState CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallRoutingEvents EventRouteRequest The call has been placed on the routing point specified by ThisDN, and the switch is waiting for routing instructions.

The PreviousConnID attribute must appear if a call with CallType=Consult has been placed on a routing point.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call routing ANI CallHistory CollectedDigits CustomerID DNIS Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID OtherDN OtherDNRole OtherQueue OtherTrunk PreviousConnID ThisTrunk ThirdPartyDN TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisQueue time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallRoutingEvents EventRouteUsed The call has been routed as requested in the function TRouteCall() or has been default routed by the switch after the routing timeout has expired (that is, there was no routing instruction from the computer domain within the specified timeout).

The ThirdPartyDN attribute specifies the destination DN or dialing number. It is:

  • Mandatory if routing was done by Voice Microservices.
  • Absent if the call was rejected. Optional in other cases.

For the EventRouteUsed event, ThirdPartyDNRole=Destination.

The OtherDN attribute is used to specify the target party when the forward feature is in progress.

ThisDN and ThisQueue attributes must have equal values.

Call routing ANI CallHistory CallState CustomerID DNIS Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID ThirdPartyDN OtherDN ThirdPartyDNRole ThisTrunk TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID id Server ThisDN ThisQueue time
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentApplied The call has been treated and the Treatment Device (TD) is processing the treatment instruction. Call treatment NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID Extensions id Server ThisDN ThisDNRole time TreatmentType
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentEnd The call has been treated and the Treatment Device (TD) is waiting for another instruction.

This event does not appear in cases of continuing treatments like Silence or RingBack.

The CollectedDigits and LastCollectedDigit attributes are present if TreatmentType is either CollectDigits or PlayAnnouncementAndCollectDigits.

The following key-value pairs are set for all treatment types:

  • For all treatment types where an announcement was played, INTERRUPTED is set to:
    • NO, if the announcement was not interrupted.
    • KEYPAD, if it was interrupted by keypad entry.
    • VOICE, if it was interrupted by the caller speaking something.
  • For all treatment types where digits are to be collected from the caller, COMPLETION_STATUS is set to:
    • NORMAL, if the treatment completed normally (optional).
    • TIMEOUT, if the digit collection timed out before all required digits could be collected.
    • CANCELLED, if the treatment was cancelled by a request from router.
  • For TreatmentType=DigitsVerification only, the following key-value pairs apply:
    • VERIFICATION_STATUS (the result of digits verification) is set to 1 if verification succeed, 0 if it did not.
    • ATTEMPTS is set to the number of digit-collection attempts made.
  • For TreatmentType=RecordUserAnnouncement, the following key-value pair applies:
    • USER_ANN_ID is set to the message identifier, an integer, recorded by the user specified with USER_ID.
Call treatment CollectedDigits Extensions LastCollectedDigit NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons ReferenceID TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID id Server ThisDN time TreatmentType
VM/Current/VMEventsandModels/CallTreatmentEvents EventTreatmentNotApplied The call has not been treated for some reason. The reason is returned in ErrorCode and ErrorMessage parameters. Call treatment ErrorMessage Extensions NetworkCallID NetworkNodeID Reasons TransferConnID TransferredNetworkCallID TransferredNetworkNodeID TreatmentParms UserData CallID CallThreadID CallType ConnID CustomerID ErrorCode id ReferenceID Server ThisDN time TreatmentType
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