View table: PDMTable

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Table structure:

  • tableName - String
  • shortDesc - Wikitext
  • tableDesc - Wikitext
  • subjectAreas - List of String
  • introduced - Wikitext
  • modified - List of Wikitext
  • discontinued - Wikitext
  • dataExport - String
  • partitioned - String

This table has 286 rows altogether.

Page tableName shortDesc tableDesc subjectAreas introduced modified discontinued dataExport partitioned
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL AUDIT LOG CTL_AUDIT_LOG This table allows facts and dimensions to be described by data lineage attributes. This table allows facts and dimensions to be described by data lineage attributes. Each row represents a logical transaction that is committed by Genesys Info Mart, identifying the ETL job that is involved in the transaction, including the minimum and maximum DATE_TIME values (which give a date-time range for the data that is committed in the transaction), and providing the processing status (an internal indicator of the kind of data that is processed). (PRODUCER_INFO_KEY added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL ETL HISTORY CTL_ETL_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution of each Genesys Info Mart job. A row is added to this table after each job completes.
Genesys recommends that you use the ADMIN_ETL_JOB_HISTORY view to query the job execution data.
8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL EXTRACT HISTORY CTL_EXTRACT_HISTORY This table contains information about the last attempted and last successful incremental extraction. The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time and/or a sequence number are provided for the data source table that was used in the last extract attempt. Data source information covers such details as the IDB from which the data was extracted, the ICON instance that populated the IDB, and the application that was the original source of data (T-Server, Outbound Contact Server, and so forth). 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL GDPR HISTORY CTL_GDPR_HISTORY This table provides details about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "export" or "forget" requests that were processed successfully. A row is added to this table for each field that might have contained an instance of personally identifiable information (PII) specified in the customer-provided JSON file.

The following tables and columns potentially contain PII:

Table Column
For Consumer GDPR Requests










Custom user data fact tables (e.g., IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1) CUSTOM_DATA_*
For Employee GDPR Requests





(starting with release


For audit purposes, a value of "NULL" in a record indicates that the field was evaluated for a particular instance of PII and was found to be empty.

By default, data is retained in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table for 15 days. You can configure the days-to-keep-gdpr-history option to specify a different retention period, up to 30 days.

For more information about Genesys Info Mart support for GDPR compliance, see General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Genesys Info Mart Support for GDPR in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.

8.5.010 (scope extended to include ROUTING_TARGET.TARGET_OBJECT_SELECTED) (scope extended to cover employee GDPR requests)
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL PURGE HISTORY CTL_PURGE_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution history of Job_MaintainGIM as it pertains to purge. 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Documentation:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL TRANSFORM HISTORY CTL_TRANSFORM_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution history of Job_TransformGIM. 8.5.010 (HWM_VALUE2 column added) 8.5.009 (AUDIT_KEY column added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-AGENT LOCATION AGENT_LOCATION Records geographical locations of agents for both voice and multimedia login sessions. Writer's note: Reviewers, pending your confirmation that this PDM should not show schema changes prior to the Multicloud release, the query that populates the Table and View pages will be modified to suppress all Introduced/Modified/Discontinued metadata with a release number earlier than, later for PE.

This dimension table records geographical locations of agents for both voice and multimedia login sessions. Each row describes one location as reported for a given agent login session. Because a voice login session and a multimedia login session for the same agent are reported separately from different data sources, the location values might differ for voice and multimedia media types. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the AGENT_LOCATION_STRING column modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-AGENT LOCATION NewTitle AGENT_LOCATION Records geographical locations of agents for both voice and multimedia login sessions. Writer's note: Reviewers, pending your confirmation that this PDM should not show schema changes prior to the Multicloud release, the query that populates the Table and View pages will be modified to suppress all Introduced/Modified/Discontinued metadata with a release number earlier than, later for PE.

This dimension table records geographical locations of agents for both voice and multimedia login sessions. Each row describes one location as reported for a given agent login session. Because a voice login session and a multimedia login session for the same agent are reported separately from different data sources, the location values might differ for voice and multimedia media types. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the AGENT_LOCATION_STRING column modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-ANCHOR FLAGS ANCHOR_FLAGS Enables identification of the beginning of the handling of an interaction or interaction thread from the perspective of the handling resource, such as an agent's first participation in an interaction. This dimension table contains possible combinations of flags that indicate the first participation of an agent in a particular interaction, or in a reply within a particular interaction, in a particular interaction thread, or in a reply within a particular interaction thread,as well as the first participation by any handling resource in the thread. Writer's note: Reviewers, is the info required to identify if the customer left first provided in GEC by default? i.e., Can we modify the last sentence to say: "as well as whether the customer left the interaction first." Each row represents the mapping of a distinct combination of values that are actually set in the ANCHOR_FLAGS_KEY field in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT table by means of a bit mask.

Writer's note: Reviewers, should the next paragraph be deleted altogether, or just delete "thread" from the phrases, "interaction thread" and "thread metrics"?
This dimension enables IRFs to be described based on a number of aspects of participation in an interaction thread at the same time, and it enables downstream reporting applications to report thread metrics for agent and other handling resources at the agent level and at the tenant level.

Interaction thread metrics accounted for in the ANCHOR_FLAGS table do not apply to Chat Thread reporting with Advanced Chat.
Interaction_Resource 8.5.004 (CUSTOMER_LEFT_FIRST column added) 8.5.001 (population of FIRST_*_THRD metrics made conditional) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-ATTEMPT DISPOSITION ATTEMPT_DISPOSITION Indicates what event caused termination of a contact attempt. Writer's note: Pls. confirm if this description applies as is for Azure and PE. e.g., Would we still refer only to OCS?

This table indicates a cause for contact attempt termination. Outbound Contact Server (OCS) provides this data as a cause of the final transition to Unloaded state for a contact attempt record. This data may be useful in a report to classify the causes for the termination of the outbound processing. For example, the ChainRejected and ChainReschedToContinue dispositions distinguish between rejected and rescheduled records, respectively. In addition, the final transition has a descriptor that provides further details of the transition — for example, whether rescheduling was caused by an agent or by the system. This release supports the descriptor for the CHAINEVENTRECORDRESCHEDULE disposition only.

Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: CAUSE, CAUSE_CODE, DESCRIPTOR, DESCRIPTOR_CODE) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BGS BOT DIM BGS_BOT_DIM Allows BGS session facts to be described based on the function of the bot. This dimension table allows Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session facts to be described based on the characteristics of the bot used in the session, such as category and function. 8.5.011 yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BGS BOT NAME DIM BGS_BOT_NAME_DIM Allows BGS session facts to be described based on the name of the bot. This dimension table allows Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session facts to be described based on the name of the bot used in the session. 8.5.011 yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BGS SESSION DIM BGS_SESSION_DIM Allows BGS session facts to be described based on characteristics of the session. This dimension table allows Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session facts to be described based on characteristics of the session, such as how the session ended. 8.5.011 yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BGS SESSION FACT BGS_SESSION_FACT Represents bot activity in a chat session. Each row in this table describes a chat bot session managed by Bot Gateway Server (BGS). The statistics reported in each record summarize session activity for a particular bot instance or process.

Is the note still true?

BGS is currently available only in restricted release. For more information about including chat bot functionality in your eServices deployment, contact your Genesys account representative.

Each fact is based on application data attributes in a reporting event produced by BGS. BGS generates the event when the bot session ends and publishes the event as a Kafka message. Genesys Info Mart pulls the data directly from Kafka and transforms it to combine the statistics in each event into a single BGS_SESSION_FACT record. Rows are inserted once and are not updated.

The MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID links the BGS_SESSION_FACT record with the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record, as well as with the related INTERACTION_FACT (IF).

8.5.011 yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BOT ATTRIBUTES BOT_ATTRIBUTES Allows SDR bot session facts to be described based on the attributes of the bot. This dimension table enables Session Detail Record (SDR) bot session facts to be described based on attributes of the bot invoked by the Designer application. Each row describes one bot resource.

Writer's note: The description probably needs to be extended, depending on the meaning of OUTCOME. Would the following addition be correct: "There are separate rows for successful and failed invocations of each bot." Supported only in certain Genesys Multicloud CX and on-premises deployments. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-BOT INTENT BOT_INTENT Allows SDR bot session facts to be described based on the attributes of the intent detected by the bot. This dimension table enables Session Detail Record (SDR) bot session facts to be described based on attributes of the intent detected by the bot during the bot session, such as "Book ticket" or "Close account". Each row describes one intent, or what it is that the customer wants to do. Supported only in certain Genesys Multicloud CX and on-premises deployments. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALL RESULT CALL_RESULT Enables facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign call result. This table enables facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign call result. Each row describes one call result. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the CALL_RESULT and CALL_RESULT_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK DIAL RESULTS CALLBACK_DIAL_RESULTS Allows callback facts to be described based on the results of the dialing attempts. This dimension table allows callback facts to be described based on the results of up to five callback dialing attempts. PLACEHOLDER AGT_CALLBACK (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the DIAL_*_RESULT columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK DIM 1 CALLBACK_DIM_1 Allows callback facts to be described based on characteristics of the callback offer and attempts. This dimension table allows callback facts to be described based on characteristics of the callback offer and attempts. PLACEHOLDER AGT_CALLBACK 8.1.402. Supported for on-premises deployments starting with release 8.5.005. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data types for the following columns modified in single-language databases: CHANNEL, CALLBACK_OFFER_TYPE, CALLBACK_TYPE, CONNECT_ORDER) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data types for the following columns modified in multi-language databases: CHANNEL, CALLBACK_OFFER_TYPE, CALLBACK_TYPE, CONNECT_ORDER) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK DIM 2 CALLBACK_DIM_2 Allows callback facts to be described based on attributes of the callback attempt. This dimension table allows callback facts to be described based on attributes of the final callback attempt. PLACEHOLDER AGT_CALLBACK 8.1.402. Supported for on-premises deployments starting with release 8.5.005. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data types for the following columns modified in single-language databases: DIAL_DIALOG_RESULT, CALL_DIRECTION, FINAL_DIAL_RESULT, OFFER_TIMING) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data types for the following columns modified in multi-language databases: DIAL_DIALOG_RESULT, CALL_DIRECTION, FINAL_DIAL_RESULT, OFFER_TIMING) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK DIM 3 CALLBACK_DIM_3 Allows callback facts to be described based on attributes that characterize the state of the callback. This dimension table allows callback facts to be described based on attributes that characterize the state of the callback. PLACEHOLDER AGT_CALLBACK 8.1.402. Supported for on-premises deployments starting with release 8.5.005. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the FINAL_TARGET and DISPOSITION columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for FINAL_TARGET modified in multi-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK DIM 4 CALLBACK_DIM_4 Allows callback facts to be described based on attributes that characterize the callback dialing attempt. This dimension table allows callback facts to be described based on attributes that characterize the callback dialing attempt. PLACEHOLDER AGT_CALLBACK yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLBACK FACT CALLBACK_FACT Represents a callback-related event. Each row in this table describes a callback-related event, such as a callback offer, callback cancellation, or successful callback. The facts are based on data passed from Callback applications. Rows are inserted at receipt of a callback-related event and are not updated. The SERVICE_ID links the CALLBACK_FACT record with the related IRF record. There are no associated MSF records.
Whether or not rows are created for all callbacks that are offered depends on whether Genesys Info Mart receives the required KVP(s) from Genesys Mobile Services (GMS). Depending on your setup, the CALLBACK_FACT table might contain records for accepted callbacks only; in this case, certain columns might be empty or might contain default values that need to be interpreted in this context. For more information about the circumstances in which required KVPs will be sent, see Set Up Historical Reporting in the Callback Solution Guide.
Facts AGT_CALLBACK 8.1.402. Supported for on-premises deployments starting with release 8.5.005. (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for various ID columns modified in multi-language databases, as identified in the column descriptions) (21 new columns added, as identified in the column descriptions) 8.5.008 (data type of DS_AUDIT_KEY increased) 8.5.003 (PUSH_DELIVERY_CONFIRMED_TS and CUSTOMER_READY_TO_START_IXN_TS added DESIRED_TIME renamed to DESIRED_TIME_TS, which has been made mandatory) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CALLING LIST METRIC FACT CALLING_LIST_METRIC_FACT Represents a snapshot of outbound campaign calling list metrics. Each row represents a set of outbound campaign calling list metrics, calculated by Outbound Contact Server in configurable snapshots. Rows in this table are not updated; they are inserted or deleted only. Calling_List_Metric Facts (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CAMPAIGN GROUP SESSION FACT CAMPAIGN_GROUP_SESSION_FACT Represents the loading and unloading of an outbound campaign group session. Each row represents an outbound campaign group session, where a session is started when a campaign group is loaded and ended when a campaign group is unloaded. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the campaign group session. Campaign_Group_Session Facts (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CAMPAIGN GROUP STATE CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATE Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign group status. Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign group status. Each row describes one campaign group status. Rows exist for the Loaded, Started, and Unloading statuses. Campaign_Group_State (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATE and CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATE_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CAMPAIGN GROUP STATE FACT CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATE_FACT Represents the states of a campaign group session. Each row in this table represents the state of an outbound campaign group. The states that are recorded are Loaded, Started, and Unloading. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the campaign group in the given state. Campaign_Group_State Facts (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CDR DIM1 CDR_DIM1 Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the DEVICE_NAME column modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CDR FACT CDR_FACT Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (size of the CALL_ID column increased) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CHAT SESSION DIM CHAT_SESSION_DIM Allows chat session facts to be described based on characteristics of the session. This dimension table allows chat session facts to be described based on characteristics of the session, such as where the session originated and how it ended. 8.5.011 (ASYNC_MODE column added to table and index) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CHAT SESSION FACT CHAT_SESSION_FACT Represents chat session activity in a multimedia interaction. In on-premises deployments with Genesys Chat managed by Chat Server and in cloud deployments with Genesys Chat Writer's note: Are we still using the term "Genesys Chat"? or Advanced Chat, each row in this table describes a chat session. A chat session is a single chat interaction from the point of view of the server that manages chat activity, and a single conversation from the point of view of the customer. Multiple agents can participate in a single chat interaction (session).

Each fact is based on user data sent in an Interaction Server reporting event when the chat session ends. Genesys Info Mart extracts the KVP data from the G_USERDATA_HISTORY table in IDB reporting event, and the transformation job combines the statistics in each event into a single CHAT_SESSION_FACT record. Writer's note: Pls. esp. confirm the next statement. Rows are inserted on receipt of the reporting event and are not updated. The chat statistics reported in each record are summarized by session and are not connected to specific agents or, in deployments that include Bot Gateway Server (BGS), bots.

The MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID links the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record with the related INTERACTION_FACT (IF). In deployments that include BGS, the MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID also links the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record with the related BGS_SESSION_FACT records. In this way, Genesys Info Mart enables you to generate reports that provide details about Genesys Chat or Advanced Chat activity at the interaction level, session level, and chat bot level:

  • The MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID links the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record with the related INTERACTION_FACT (IF).
  • In deployments that include BGS, the MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID also links the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record with the related BGS_SESSION_FACT records.
  • In Genesys Multicloud CX deployments with Advanced Chat, the THREAD_ID links the CHAT_SESSION_FACT record with the related CHAT_THREAD_FACT. To get interaction details associated with a thread, you can join CHAT_SESSION_FACT and IF (via the MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID) and then filter the results by CHAT_SESSION_FACT.THREAD_ID.

Terminology note

The meanings of terms such as interaction, session, thread, and conversation have evolved with Genesys chat implementations, and these terms might have different technical meanings in different contexts, depending on the type and version of chat implementation in your deployment.

  • For the CHAT_SESSION_FACT table, the reporting entity is a set of chat messages with a particular customer on a single topic. The messages occur in close time proximity to each other. From the point of view of the server managing the chat activity, the messages occur within a single interaction.
    In the Genesys Info Mart documentation, the reporting entity that is the subject of CHAT_SESSION_FACT records is always referred to as a session. In certain chat implementations in cloud deployments and, therefore, in documentation describing those deployments, such a set of messages could be referred to as an interaction, and the term session could have a different meaning (see next bullet).
  • For the CHAT_THREAD_FACT table, the reporting entity is a thread of multiple chat interactions with a particular customer over time.
    In the Genesys Info Mart documentation, the reporting entity that is the subject of CHAT_THREAD_FACT records is always referred to as a thread. In certain chat implementations in cloud deployments and, therefore, in documentation describing those deployments, these linked interactions, or threads, are referred to as sessions or conversations. As noted in the previous bullet, in the Genesys Info Mart documentation the term session always refers to the individual interactions in a thread.
  • The term asynchronous chat or asynchronous interactions refers to chat interactions when both parties are not present in the chat at the same time. The types of supported asynchronous chat scenarios depend on the type and version of chat implementation in your deployment and determine what columns are populated in the CHAT_SESSION_FACT table.
8.5.011 (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (PARKING_QUEUE_COUNT and PARKING_QUEUE_DURATION columns added) (THREAD_ID column added) (8 new columns added specific to eServices asynchronous chat, as identified in the column descriptions) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CHAT THREAD FACT CHAT_THREAD_FACT Represents chat session activity in a given thread. This table is populated in cloud deployments with Advanced Chat. Each row in this table describes a chat thread, providing accumulated statistics for all chat sessions within a thread, in a deployment with Advanced Chat.

Each fact is based on user data about the chat thread sent in an Interaction Server reporting event when a particular chat session ends. Genesys Info Mart extracts the KVP data from the G_USERDATA_HISTORY table in IDB reporting event, and the transformation job combines the statistics in each event into a single CHAT_THREAD_FACT record. Rows are inserted on receipt of the reporting event; rows are updated when a subsequent reporting event is received about a new chat session that is part of the same thread. The chat statistics reported in each record are summarized by thread and are not connected to specific agents.

The THREAD_ID links the CHAT_THREAD_FACT record with the related CHAT_SESSION_FACT.

Terminology note

The meanings of terms such as interaction, session, thread, and conversation have evolved with Genesys chat implementations, and these terms might have different technical meanings in different contexts, depending on the type and version of chat implementation in your deployment.

  • For the CHAT_SESSION_FACT table, the reporting entity is a set of chat messages with a particular customer on a single topic. The messages occur in close time proximity to each other. From the point of view of the server managing the chat activity, the messages occur within a single interaction.
    In the Genesys Info Mart documentation, the reporting entity that is the subject of CHAT_SESSION_FACT records is always referred to as a session. In certain chat implementations in cloud deployments and, therefore, in documentation describing those deployments, such a set of messages could be referred to as an interaction, and the term session could have a different meaning (see next bullet).
  • For the CHAT_THREAD_FACT table, the reporting entity is a thread of multiple chat interactions with a particular customer over time.
    In the Genesys Info Mart documentation, the reporting entity that is the subject of CHAT_THREAD_FACT records is always referred to as a thread. In certain chat implementations in cloud deployments and, therefore, in documentation describing those deployments, these linked interactions, or threads, are referred to as sessions or conversations. As noted in the previous bullet, in the Genesys Info Mart documentation the term session always refers to the individual interactions in a thread. (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-COBROWSE END REASON COBROWSE_END_REASON Allows Co-browse facts to be described based on reasons for Co-browse sessions to finish. This dimension table allows Co-browse facts to be described based on reasons for Co-browse sessions to finish. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SESSION_END_REASON column modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-COBROWSE FACT COBROWSE_FACT Allows to describe a web page visit shared by an agent and a customer during a Co-browse session. Each row in this table describes a web page visit shared by an agent and a customer during a Co-browse session. The facts are based on data sent in reporting events from Co-browse Server to Genesys Kafka instance when a Co-browse session ends. Genesys Info Mart inserts a new row when it retrieves related data from Kafka; rows in this table are not updated. There is one row per web page viewed in a Co-browse session.

The MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID links the COBROWSE_FACT record with the INTERACTION_FACT (IF) record for the Voice or Chat interaction that is associated with the Co-browse session. In this way, Genesys Info Mart enables you to generate reports that provide details about Genesys Co-browse activity in conjunction with the underlying interaction activity. yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-COBROWSE MODE COBROWSE_MODE Allows Co-browse facts to be described based on the modes that are used in a Co-browse session. This dimension table allows Co-browse facts to be described based on the modes that are used in a Co-browse session. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SEGMENT_MODE column modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-COBROWSE PAGE COBROWSE_PAGE Allows Co-browse session facts to be described based on characteristics of the web pages that are shared during Co-browse sessions. This dimension table allows Co-browse session facts to be described based on characteristics of the web pages that are shared during Co-browse sessions. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the PAGE_DOMAIN and PAGE_PATH columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-COBROWSE USER AGENT COBROWSE_USER_AGENT Allows Co-browse facts to be described based on characteristics of the customer's system that is used to view web pages in a Co-browse session. This dimension table allows Co-browse facts to be described based on characteristics of the customer's system that is used to view web pages in a Co-browse session. The system characteristics include details about customer's device and browser. (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the CREATOR_USER_AGENT, CREATOR_DEVICE_*, CREATOR_OS_*, and CREATOR_AGENT_* columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CONTACT ATTEMPT FACT CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT Represents a processing attempt for an outbound campaign contact. Each row in this table describes an Outbound Contact Server (OCS) processing attempt for an outbound campaign contact. An attempt may or may not include dialing; an example of an attempt that did not include dialing would be a preview record that is retrieved but then canceled without dialing.

Writer's note: What needs to change in the following paragraph for (a) AWS, (b) Azure, or (c) PE?
Starting with release, you can control whether Genesys Info Mart creates separate CONTACT_ATTEMPT_FACT (CAF) records or a single, aggregated CAF record for calls dialed in the context of the same CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID. The default is a single, aggregated record. Prior to release, Genesys Info Mart always created separate records for each call attempt dialed in the context of the same CALL_ATTEMPT_GUID. If you want to retain the prior behavior, set the ocs-caf-aggregates-calls option to false.

The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the attempt. Record-based columns are populated with data from the first record associated with the contact attempt. Rows are inserted only when the attempt is completed, and they are not updated.

The CALL_ATTEMPT_ID enables you to link a CAF record with the associated Interaction Resource Fact (IRF).

Contact_Attempt Facts (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (record-creation behavior changed) 8.5.003 (RECORD_FIELD_41 through RECORD_FIELD_60 added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CONTACT INFO TYPE CONTACT_INFO_TYPE Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign contact information type. Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign contact information type. Each row describes one contact information type, such as Home Phone. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the CONTACT_INFO_TYPE and CONTACT_INFO_TYPE_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL AUDIT LOG CTL_AUDIT_LOG This table allows facts and dimensions to be described by data lineage attributes. This table allows facts and dimensions to be described by data lineage attributes. Each row represents a logical transaction that is committed by Genesys Info Mart, identifying the ETL job that is involved in the transaction, including the minimum and maximum DATE_TIME values (which give a date-time range for the data that is committed in the transaction), and providing the processing status (an internal indicator of the kind of data that is processed). (PRODUCER_INFO_KEY added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL ETL HISTORY CTL_ETL_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution of each Genesys Info Mart job. This table provides information about the execution of each Genesys Info Mart job. A row is added to this table after each job completes.
Genesys recommends that you use the ADMIN_ETL_JOB_HISTORY view to query the job execution data.
8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL EXTRACT HISTORY CTL_EXTRACT_HISTORY This table contains information about the last attempted and last successful incremental extraction. This table contains information about the last attempted and last successful incremental extraction. The UTC-equivalent value of the date and time and/or a sequence number are provided for the data source table that was used in the last extract attempt. Data source information covers such details as the IDB from which the data was extracted, the ICON instance that populated the IDB, and the application that was the original source of data (T-Server, Outbound Contact Server, and so forth). 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL GDPR HISTORY CTL_GDPR_HISTORY This table provides details about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "export" or "forget" requests that were processed successfully. This table provides details about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "export" or "forget" requests that were processed successfully. A row is added to this table for each field that might have contained an instance of personally identifiable information (PII) specified in the customer-provided JSON file.

The following tables and columns potentially contain PII:

Table Column
For Consumer GDPR Requests










Custom user data fact tables (e.g., IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1) CUSTOM_DATA_*
For Employee GDPR Requests





(starting with release


For audit purposes, a value of "NULL" in a record indicates that the field was evaluated for a particular instance of PII and was found to be empty.

By default, data is retained in the CTL_GDPR_HISTORY table for 15 days. You can configure the days-to-keep-gdpr-history option to specify a different retention period, up to 30 days.

For more information about Genesys Info Mart support for GDPR compliance, see General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Genesys Info Mart Support for GDPR in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.

8.5.010 (scope extended to include ROUTING_TARGET.TARGET_OBJECT_SELECTED) (scope extended to cover employee GDPR requests)
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL PURGE HISTORY CTL_PURGE_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution history of Job_MaintainGIM as it pertains to purge. This table provides information about the execution history of Job_MaintainGIM as it pertains to purge. 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-CTL TRANSFORM HISTORY CTL_TRANSFORM_HISTORY This table provides information about the execution history of Job_TransformGIM. This table provides information about the execution history of Job_TransformGIM. 8.5.010 (HWM_VALUE2 column added) 8.5.009 (AUDIT_KEY column added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-DATE TIME DATE_TIME Allows facts to be described by attributes of a calendar date and 15-minute interval. Allows facts to be described by attributes of calendar date and 15-minute time interval. This dimension is a calendar — either default or defined in configuration. The table is first populated for a configurable time period in which the schema is initialized and is subsequently populated for the next time period as part of maintenance. Configuration of a time zone and week-numbering rules affect the data population for this table. Each row describes a 15-minute time interval for one calendar date. A single row that contains a date in 2025 is included to serve a special purpose: this future date earmarks a tentative end time for active facts so that applications do not have to test for null. This table enables aggregation along an arbitrary time interval.

Custom DATE_TIME tables can be added to the schema at any point during or after the Genesys Info Mart deployment. These tables have the same structure as the DATE_TIME table, are controlled with dedicated configuration options, and are populated by using algorithms that are similar to those for the DATE_TIME table.

By default, the DATE_TIME calendar is a Gregorian, not a fiscal, calendar. Values that describe the weeks in which dates belong are fixed to begin on Sunday, with the exception of the first week of the year, which may contain fewer than seven days and may start on a day other than Sunday. The last week of a year may also contain fewer than seven days. This setting is referred to as "simple week numbering" because the calendar year and the week-numbering year coincide. By customizing settings in the date-time configuration section before Genesys Info Mart is initialized, you can change the week starting day, the minimum number of days in the first week of the year, and the time zone. Alternatively, by changing the fiscal-year-week-pattern setting, you can configure the calendar to be a fiscal one.

If you want to change any of the fundamental features of the DATE_TIME dimension during runtime, you must take special steps to avoid introducing inconsistencies into your calendar data and compromising your reporting results. For information about changing calendar settings during runtime, see the procedure about changing calendar options in the Genesys Info Mart Operations Guide.

Day and month designations (such as "Sunday" and "January") are localizable; other abbreviations, such as "Q" for quarter, are not.

The DATE_TIME_NEXT_* keys facilitate the retrieval of data for a defined reporting interval by identifying all of the rows in the table that define the upper boundary of the reporting interval.

The LABEL_* fields provide various string representations of a standard calendar date and/or 15-minute interval.

The RUNNING_* fields facilitate the search of facts for the last x number of years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, or subhours.

Calling_List_Metric Calling_List_To_Campaign Campaign_Group_Session Campaign_Group_State Campaign_Group_To_Campaign Contact_Attempt Interaction Interaction_Resource Interaction_Resource_State Mediation_Segment Place_Group Resource_Group Resource_Skill Summary_Resource_Session Summary_Resource_State Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_GRP AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_CAMPAIGN AGT_I_AGENT AGT_I_SESS_STATE AGT_I_STATE_RSN AGT_ID AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT AGT_QUEUE_GRP AGT_CALLBACK 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-DIALING MODE DIALING_MODE Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign dialing mode. This table allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign dialing mode. Each row describes one dialing mode. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the DIALING_MODE and DIALING_MODE_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC CALLING LIST GIDB_GC_CALLING_LIST Stores information about the configuration of Calling List objects. This table stores information about the configuration of Calling List objects for Outbound Contact campaigns.

The CALLING_LIST view is based on this table.

Writer's note: Most column descriptions are from the ICON PDM. Reviewers, please especially confirm GSYS_* column descriptions. The other GIDB tables will be made consistent with whatever changes are made here.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC CAMPAIGN GIDB_GC_CAMPAIGN Stores information about the configuration of Campaign objects. This table stores information about the configuration of Campaign objects in Outbound Contact campaigns.

The CAMPAIGN view is based on this table.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC FOLDER GIDB_GC_FOLDER Stores information about the configuration of Folder objects. This table stores information about the configuration of Folder objects.
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC GROUP GIDB_GC_GROUP Stores information about agent group, place group, and DN group configuration objects. This table stores information about agent group, place group, and DN group configuration objects.

The GROUP view is based on this table.

Writer's note to self: Get Mykola to rerun this because it was missing from the XML file.

8.1.514.47 (size of Script column increased from 255 to 1024 chars in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL deployments)
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC LOGIN GIDB_GC_LOGIN Contains information about configuration of Agent Login objects. This table contains information about configuration of Agent Login objects.

Writer's note: Again, is this table now always populated?

In a SIP Cluster environment, this table might not be populated because the objects about which this table typically stores information are not required. However, if the objects usually recorded in this table are created in the Configuration Layer, data about them appears in the table in the same way as in a non-Cluster environment.
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC PLACE GIDB_GC_PLACE Contains information about configuration of Place objects. This table stores information about the configuration of Place objects.

The PLACE view is based on this table.

Writer's note: Same as previous
Note: In a SIP Cluster environment, this table might not be populated because the objects about which this table typically stores information are not required. However, if the objects usually recorded in this table are created in the Configuration Layer, data about them appears in the table in the same way as in a non-Cluster environment.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC SKILL GIDB_GC_SKILL Contains information about configuration of Skill objects. This table stores information about the configuration of Skill objects.

The SKILL view is based on this table.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GC TENANT GIDB_GC_TENANT Stores information about Tenant configuration objects. The table stores information about Tenant configuration objects.

The TENANT view is based on this table.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GIDB GCX LOGIN INFO GIDB_GCX_LOGIN_INFO Stores information about the associations of agent to agent logins, including terminated associations. This table stores information about the associations of agent to agent logins, including terminated associations.

Writer's note: Reviewers, does the following note still apply, or is this table now always populated?
Note: In a SIP Cluster environment, this table might not be populated because the objects about which this table typically stores information are not required. However, if the objects usually recorded in this table are created in the Configuration Layer, data about them appears in the table in the same way as in a non-Cluster environment.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GPM DIM1 GPM_DIM1 Allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on miscellaneous characteristics of the predictor and routing attempt. This table allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on miscellaneous characteristics of the predictor and routing attempt. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GPM FACT GPM_FACT Represents Predictive Routing events. Each row in this table describes an attempt to route an interaction to an agent using Predictive Routing. The facts are based on data sent in UserEvents by your routing solution for interactions on voice, web, and mobile channels. Rows are inserted on receipt of a Predictive Routing–related event and are not updated. There is one row per interaction routing attempt per agent.

The MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID links the GPM_FACT record with the related INTERACTION_FACT (IF), and the RESOURCE_KEY enables you to then link further to an INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF). Starting with release, you can also use the MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID and the VQ_GUID to link GPM_FACT records with related MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT (MSF) records. In this way, the GPM_FACT table enables you to generate reports that provide interaction-level and queue-level detail about Predictive Routing usage and its impact on KPIs, as well as evaluate the results for various models and predictors.

8.5.009 (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (VQ_GUID and VQ_RESOURCE_KEY added) (DEFAULT_SCORE, DEFAULT_SCORE_USED, DEFAULT_SCORES_COUNT, GLOBAL_SCORES_COUNT, ADJUSTED_SCORE, INITIAL_SCORE_THRESHOLD, FINAL_SCORE_THRESHOLD, SUITABLE_AGENTS_COUNT, GPM_DIM1_KEY added) 8.5.011 (START_DATE_TIME_KEY became part of the composite primary key in nonpartitioned as well as partitioned databases) (UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for MEDIA_SERVER_IXN_GUID modified in multi-language databases) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GPM MODEL GPM_MODEL Allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the model used to match interactions with routing targets. This table allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the model used to match interactions with routing targets. The model is the variant of the predictor used to calculate agent scores for the interaction. 8.5.009 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the MODEL and MODEL_ID columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GPM PREDICTOR GPM_PREDICTOR Allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the predictor used for scoring. This table allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the predictor used for scoring. 8.5.009 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the PREDICTOR and PREDICTOR_ID columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GPM RESULT GPM_RESULT Allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the Predictive Routing result. This table allows Predictive Routing facts to be described based on characteristics of the Predictive Routing result. 8.5.009 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: GPM_MODE, GPM_STATUS, GPM_RESULT, GPM_USE, CUSTOMER_FOUND) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-GROUP ANNEX GROUP_ANNEX Stores additional configuration data to support Genesys Interactive Insights capability to control visibility of certain data and reports. This table stores additional configuration data for configuration objects of the following types:
  • Agent Group
  • DN Group

The data is based on the records that are stored in the GC_ANNEX table of the configuration IDB for these configuration objects. Genesys Interactive Insights uses the data to control visibility for certain data and reports.

A new row is issued for each geographical location, business line, or organizational structure attribute that is specified for a resource group as a configuration option on the Annex tab of the corresponding configuration object. Changing the name of the specified option causes a new row to be created. Changing the name of the specified section causes a new row to be created for each option that is associated with this section. Deleting the section causes all records for associated options to be terminated.

No subject area 8.1.4 (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the VALUE column modified in single-language databases and for the SECTIONNAME and KEYNAME columns modified in single- and multi-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-INTERACTION DESCRIPTOR INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR Allows interaction facts to be described by deployment-specific business attributes that characterize the interaction, such as service type and customer segment. This table allows interaction facts to be described by deployment-specific business attributes that characterize the interaction, such as service type, service subtype, customer segment, and business result. Because the business attribute values may change over the lifetime of an interaction, each interaction resource fact has an interaction descriptor that snapshots the current value of the attributes.

Each row in this table describes a distinct combination of business attributes that characterize the interaction. A new row is issued for each distinct combination of business attributes. The values are populated from the user data (attached data or UserEvent-based KVP data) according to a propagation rule, configurable for each column.

Although the maximum length of the underlying IDB fields is 255 characters, Genesys Info Mart restricts the maximum length of the fields related to user data KVPs in this dimension table to 170 for RDBMSs other than Oracle. Refer to the RDBMS Considerations on the User Data Mapping page in the Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide for more information.
Interaction Interaction_Resource AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_GRP AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_CAMPAIGN AGT_ID AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT AGT_QUEUE_GRP 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single- and multi-language databases: CUSTOMER_SEGMENT, SERVICE_TYPE, SERVICE_SUBTYPE, BUSINESS_RESULT) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-INTERACTION FACT INTERACTION_FACT Represents interactions from the perspective of a customer experience. This table represents the interaction from the perspective of a customer experience. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that summarizes facts that are related to a given interaction.

For multimedia interactions, the grain of the fact is the same as for voice interactions in the majority of cases. A new INTERACTION_FACT row is generated for:

  • Each new root interaction (identified by a unique ROOTIRID)
  • Each new inbound interaction, even if this interaction is associated with an existing root interaction (has the same ROOTIRID value) as could be the case with an inbound customer reply interaction
  • A late outbound reply (a multimedia interaction representing an e-mail reply that is created after the parent interaction has already been terminated)
Facts Interaction (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.007 (SUBJECT data type extended from 255 to 1024 characters) 8.5.003 (ANCHOR_ID and ANCHOR_SDT_KEY added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-INTERACTION RESOURCE FACT INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT Represents a summary of each attempt to handle an interaction. It encompasses the mediation process that is required to offer the interaction to a target handling resource, as well as the activities of that target handling resource. This table represents a summary of an attempt to:
  • Start a new interaction.
  • Handle an existing interaction.
  • Mediate and handle an interaction.

IRF resources include handling resources (such as agents, self-service IVRs, and DNs that have no associated agents) and mediation resources in which the IRF ends in mediation (such as queues, routing points, and non-self service IVRs).

A row is added to this table as a result of one of the following call scenarios:

  • A new interaction was initiated by a contact center resource.
  • An attempt to transfer an interaction or an attempt to consult or conference additional contact center resources was initiated by a handling resource.
  • An interaction was delivered to a handling resource, either directly or through one or more mediation resources.
  • An interaction was delivered to a handling resource as a result of consultation, transfer, or conference, either directly or through one or more mediation resources.
  • An interaction was abandoned at a mediation resource while trying to reach a handling resource.
  • An attempt to deliver a transfer or consultation or an attempt to initiate a conference was abandoned while the transferred, consultation, or conferenced interaction was at a mediation resource, trying to reach a handling resource.
  • Starting with release 8.5.003, in eServices outbound scenarios where an outbound interaction is created outside the scope of eServices (for example, by OCS) and placed into an Interaction Queue, a strategy handles the interaction without agent involvement.

This table facilitates the creation of reports and serves as one of the primary tables from which aggregation tables are populated.

The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot of a contact center resource's contiguous participation in the interaction, including the time that is spent wrapping up the interaction.

IRF start and end dates and times are stored as facts in the UTC time zone. They are also stored as DATE_TIME dimension references.

Media-neutral counts and durations are provided to categorize the time that is spent on various activities, such as time that is spent in mediation in queues, routing points, and IVRs.

Customer-related counts and durations are provided to categorize the time that is spent on the interactions in which customers are present, regardless of whether the customer is internal or external.

For clarifications about customer and non-customer metrics, refer to the information about Populating Interaction Resource Data in the Genesys Info Mart User's Guide. (Genesys Multicloud CX customers: For your convenience, the relevant page is reproduced here in the Reporting guide.)

The RESOURCE_ dimension represents the resource that is involved with this interaction resource fact.

The PLACE dimension indicates the place at which the IRF was processed.

The TECHNICAL_DESCRIPTOR dimension identifies the role of the resource and the technical result of its involvement with respect to the IRF.

The INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR dimension identifies the customer segment (indicating the value of the customer) and the type of service that is being requested.

The STRATEGY dimension identifies the Genesys routing strategy that processed the IRF.

The ROUTING_TARGET and REQUESTED_SKILL dimensions indicate the activities of the Genesys router by identifying the target that was selected and the list of skills that were requested to process the IRF.

The ANCHOR_FLAGS dimension identifies aspects of a handling resource’s participation in interactions that are relevant for metrics about unique participations in an interaction or thread.

As previously indicated, many interaction attributes are formally modeled. However, deployment-specific attributes are represented in the model in the form of user-defined attached data. Low-cardinality string user data that is associated with the interaction resource are represented by using the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS and USER_DATA_CUST_DIM_1 dimensions. Numeric user data and high-cardinality string user data that are associated with the interaction resource are represented by using the IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1 and IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1 fact extension tables.

Facts Interaction_Resource (size of the ORSSESSIONID column increased) (ORSSESSIONID added) (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.006 (TARGET_ADDRESS column added) 8.5.004 (IRF_ANCHOR_SENT_TS renamed to IRF_ANCHOR_TS LAST_INTERACTION_RESOURCE column populated for all media types scope of ANCHOR_FLAGS_KEY extended columns added: FOCUS_TIME_COUNT, FOCUS_TIME_DURATION, ASM_COUNT, ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION) 8.5.003 (IRF_ANCHOR_DATE_TIME_KEY column renamed to IRF_ANCHOR_SENT_TS LAST_INTERACTION_RESOURCE column populated for voice) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) 8.5.001 (scope of some CONS_* fields expanded to include chat consultations) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-INTERACTION RESOURCE STATE INTERACTION_RESOURCE_STATE Allows facts to be described by the states of contact center resources, as resources are offered and handle interactions. This dimension table contains possible interaction-related resource states. STATE_NAME_CODE identifies the resource state, while a combination of a state descriptor and a state role provides additional details.

This table allows facts to be described by the interaction-related state of the associated IRF resource. Each row describes one distinct interaction-related state, combined with a state descriptor and state role.

Note: States are not generated for routing point or ACD queue IRF resources, as these resources have only one state.

Interaction_Resource_State (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the STATE_* columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-INTERACTION TYPE INTERACTION_TYPE Allows facts to be described based on interaction type, such as Inbound, Outbound or Internal. This table allows facts to be described based on interaction type, such as Inbound, Outbound, or Internal. Each row describes one interaction type. Interaction Interaction_Resource Mediation_Segment AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_GRP AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_I_AGENT AGT_ID AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT AGT_QUEUE_GRP (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the INTERACTION_TYPE, INTERACTION_TYPE_CODE, INTERACTION_SUBTYPE and INTERACTION_SUBTYPE_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-IRF USER DATA CUST 1 IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1 Is provided as a sample of a table to store high-cardinality data that comes as deployment-specific, user-defined business attributes that characterize the interaction. By default, this table is not included in the schema. IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1 is included in the schema document for sample purposes only. Tables such as IRF_USER_DATA_CUST_1 are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. If one or more tables are required to store deployment-specific, user-defined string attributes that may come attached with interactions, use the Genesys-provided script as an example of how to add these tables to the schema. For full details, see Preparing Custom User-Data Storage on the Info Mart Database Scripts page in the Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide.

The name of this table and the column names are configurable and may differ in your deployment.

The table stores high-cardinality data for up to 16 key-value pairs (KVPs) that are associated with interactions. Each row describes a combination of user-defined custom attributes that characterize the interaction. A new row is issued for each new interaction resource fact. If the DN- or Script-level [gim-etl].link-msf-userdata configuration option or, starting with release 8.5.003, the application-level link-msf-userdata-voice or link-msf-userdata-mm configuration options are specified, a new row is also issued for each new mediation segment fact, to store the user data for an interaction that is in mediation. The row is populated according to a propagation rule, configurable for each KVP.

Interaction_Resource AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_GRP AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_CAMPAIGN AGT_ID AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT AGT_QUEUE_GRP (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.007 (data types for CUSTOM_DATA_1 through CUSTOM_DATA_16 were extended from 255 to 1024 characters) (data types of CUSTOM_DATA_13 through CUSTOM_DATA_16 changed to character data types) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) 8.5.001 (CREATE_AUDIT_KEY and UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-IRF USER DATA GEN 1 IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1 Allows interaction resource facts and, if so configured, mediation segment facts to be described by Genesys-defined (predefined) string attributes that may come attached with interactions. IRF_USER_DATA_GEN_1 allows interaction resource facts and mediation segment facts to be described by Genesys-defined (predefined) string attributes that may come attached with interactions. You cannot change the name of this table or the names of the table columns.

The table stores high-cardinality data for a set of predefined KVPs that are associated with interactions. (The Revenue and Satisfaction KVPs are also included in this table although the associated attributes are not currently predefined in Genesys Configuration Database.) Each row describes a combination of user-defined custom attributes that characterize the interaction. A new row is issued for each new interaction resource fact. If the DN-level [gim-etl].link-msf-userdata configuration option or, starting with release 8.5.003 the application-level link-msf-userdata-voice or link-msf-userdata-mm configuration options are specified, a new row is also issued for each new mediation segment fact, to store the user data for an interaction that is in mediation. The values are populated from user data (attached data or UserEvent-based KVP data) according to a propagation rule, configurable for each column.

Interaction_Resource (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (GVP_SESSION_ID added) (GSW_CALL_TYPE added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) 8.5.001 (CREATE_AUDIT_KEY and UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-IRF USER DATA KEYS IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS Allows specification of up to 800 deployment-specific, user-defined string attributes that may come attached with interactions. Use this table to define low-cardinality dimensions if you require storing low-cardinality KVP data for reporting purposes. IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS allows specification of up to 800 deployment-specific, user-defined string attributes that may come attached with interactions. Use this table to define low-cardinality dimensions if you require storing low-cardinality KVP data for reporting purposes.

The table includes a foreign key that references either an IRF record or an MSF record. The table also includes references to foreign key columns for the predefined dimensions that are based on user data and to a configurable number of Custom_Key columns.

Each row describes a combination of foreign keys to predefined and custom dimensions that characterize the interaction. A new row is issued for each new interaction resource fact. If the DN- or Script-level [gim-etl].link-msf-userdata configuration option or, starting with release 8.5.003, the application-level link-msf-userdata-voice or link-msf-userdata-mm configuration options are specified, a new row is also issued for each new mediation segment fact, to store the user data for an interaction that is in mediation.

Interaction_Resource (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (USER_DATA_GEN_DIM_KEY_1 and USER_DATA_GEN_DIM_KEY_2 added) 8.5.001 (CREATE_AUDIT_KEY and UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-IXN RESOURCE STATE FACT IXN_RESOURCE_STATE_FACT Provides detailed interaction-handling state information in the context of an interaction resource fact. It facilitates interval-based reporting for interaction-related resource states. Each row in this table describes an interaction-related state of an agent. The grain of the fact is an accumulating snapshot that represents the duration of the state. The start and end dates and times are stored as seconds since midnight of January 1, 1970. The place that is associated with the resource state is also included as a dimensional reference.

If an agent handles multiple interactions simultaneously, this table may include facts that happen simultaneously on different interactions, but that are associated with the same agent.

Facts Interaction_Resource_State (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR CAMPAIGN LDR_CAMPAIGN Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on characteristics of the outbound campaign. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on characteristics of the outbound campaign. Each row describes one campaign. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR DEVICE LDR_DEVICE Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on device characteristics of the contact list records. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on device characteristics of the contact list records. Each row describes one record from the contact list. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR FACT LDR_FACT Describes contact list records that CX Contact reported as unattempted. Each row in this table describes a contact list record that was not attempted because CX Contact suppressed the record during preloading of an outbound campaign. Suppressed (unattempted) records do not reach the Outbound Contact Server (OCS) processing phase of outbound campaigns. Rows are inserted into the table when a contact list record is suppressed; rows are updated only when personally identifiable information (PII) is redacted from the database fields as a result of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) "forget" requests.

Each row in this table describes a contact list record that was not attempted because CX Contact suppressed the record during preloading

The LDR_LIST_KEY enables you to link an LDR_FACT record with the LDR_LIST table; LDR_LIST.LIST_ID contains the DBID of the contact list object and can be joined further to CALLING_LIST_METRIC_FACT and other Info Mart tables. yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR GROUP LDR_GROUP Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on the name of the agent group or place group associated with the outbound campaign. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on the name of the agent group or place group associated with the outbound campaign. Each row describes one group of agents or places. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR LIST LDR_LIST Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on characteristics of contact lists. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on characteristics of contact lists. Each row describes one contact list. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR POSTAL CODE LDR_POSTAL_CODE Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on postal code values of contact list records. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on postal code values of contact list records. Each row describes one postal code. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-LDR RECORD LDR_RECORD Allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on contact information type, record type, record status, and disposition. This dimension table allows CX Contact record facts to be described based on characteristics of the contact list records, such as contact information type, record type, record status, and disposition. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-MEDIA ORIGIN MEDIA_ORIGIN Allows chat session thread facts to be described based on where the session originated. This dimension table allows chat thread facts to be described based on where the chat session originated. This dimension table is populated only in cloud deployments with Advanced Chat. Depending on specific media, the media origin values are either the same as, or complementary to, the media types stored in the MEDIA_TYPE table. For instance, for Facebook public messaging, Facebook is the value recorded both as MEDIA_NAME in the MEDIA_TYPE table and as MEDIA_ORIGIN in the MEDIA_ORIGIN table. For Facebook private messaging, however, the value recorded as MEDIA_NAME in the MEDIA_TYPE table would be CHAT, while the value recorded as MEDIA_ORIGIN in the MEDIA_ORIGIN table would be Facebook. yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-MEDIA TYPE MEDIA_TYPE Allows facts to be described based on media type, such as Voice. This table allows facts to be described based on media type, such as voice. Each row describes one media type.

New 3rd Party Media media types can be populated in this dimension manually. Genesys recommends that you manually insert online media types into this table prior to their use, so that they are processed and represented properly starting with their first appearance in data. The Genesys Info Mart Server also adds new 3rd Party Media media types to this table as they are encountered, storing them as offline media by default. For media types that are truly online media, the IS_ONLINE value should be changed manually in this case. Refer to {{{MC}}} on the {{{MC}}} page in the Genesys Info Mart Deployment Guide for instructions.

Contact_Attempt Interaction Interaction_Resource Interaction_Resource_State Mediation_Segment Summary_Resource_Session Summary_Resource_State Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_GRP AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_I_AGENT AGT_I_SESS_STATE AGT_I_STATE_RSN AGT_ID AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the MEDIA_NAME and MEDIA_NAME_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-MEDIATION SEGMENT FACT MEDIATION_SEGMENT_FACT Describes interaction activity with respect to ACD queues, virtual queues, interaction queues, and interaction workbins. This table describes interaction activity with respect to mediation DNs, including virtual and ACD queues, as well as Genesys eServices/Multimedia interaction queues and workbins. The grain of the fact spans the time from when the interaction enters the mediation DN to when the interaction leaves the mediation DN in one of the following three ways:
  • Abandoned in the mediation DN
  • Cleared from the mediation DN (for virtual queues only)
  • Distributed from the mediation DN, including the time that it takes the interaction to be answered by the target resource or to be abandoned while alerting at the target resource

For voice, only completed ACD queue and virtual queue activity is populated; for multimedia, both active and completed virtual queue activity is populated.

Availability of active virtual queue data in Genesys Info Mart depends on the vq-write-mode configuration option in Interaction Concentrator.

In releases prior to 8.5.003, the populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts configuration option disables the population of eServices/Multimedia Interaction Queue activity to the MSF table. Starting with release 8.5.003, an MSF record is populated for the starting Interaction Queue of an Inbound Interaction, even if populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts is set to false.

The mediation segment start and end dates and times are stored as facts in the UTC format.

Facts Mediation_Segment (size of the ORSSESSIONID column increased) (ORSSESSIONID added) (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) 8.5.004 (USERDATA_FLAG added) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 1 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_1 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on the scores assigned by customers. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on the scores customers assign to the call, agent, product, and company during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: SURVEY_IAGENTSCORE, SURVEY_ICOMPANYSCORE, SURVEY_ICALLSCORE, SURVEY_IPRODUCTSCORE, SURVEY_IQ1) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 2 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_2 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on post-call survey responses provided by customers. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on responses provided by customers during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SURVEY_IQ* columns modified in single-language databases and for the SURVEY_SQ* columns modified in single- and multi-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 3 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_3 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on responses provided by customers during post-call survey. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on responses provided by customers during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SURVEY_SQ* columns modified in single- and multi-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 4 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_4 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on post-call survey responses provided by customers. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on responses provided by customers during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SURVEY_IQ* columns modified in single-language databases and for the SURVEY_SQ* columns modified in single- and multi-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 5 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_5 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on post-call survey responses provided by customers. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on responses provided by customers during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SURVEY_IQ* columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-POST CALL SURVEY DIM 6 POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_6 Allows interaction resource facts to be described based on the post-call survey completion and customer recommendation score. This dimension table enables interaction resource facts to be described based on survey completion and a recommendation score, provided by customers during post-call survey.

The POST_CALL_SURVEY_DIM_* tables are not part of the default Genesys Info Mart database schema. In deployments that rely on Genesys Info Mart for reporting on Post-Call Survey user data that may come attached with interactions, use the applicable Genesys-provided make_gim_post_call_survey*.sql script to add these tables to the schema.

8.5.003. Supported in certain deployments only. 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SURVEY_* columns modified in single-language databases) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RECORD FIELD GROUP 1 RECORD_FIELD_GROUP_1 Allows contact attempt facts to be described by deployment-specific outbound campaign calling list field values. This table allows contact attempt facts to be described by deployment-specific field values of outbound campaign calling lists. Each row describes a distinct combination of calling list field values. A new row is issued for each distinct combination of calling list field values that are encountered in the contact attempt source data. Calling list field values must be of low cardinality, to prevent this dimension from becoming as large as the fact tables. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the RECORD_FIELD_1_STRING_1 Through RECORD_FIELD_1_STRING_10 columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RECORD FIELD GROUP 2 RECORD_FIELD_GROUP_2 Allows contact attempt facts to be described by deployment-specific outbound campaign calling list field values. This table allows contact attempt facts to be described by deployment-specific field values of outbound campaign calling lists. Each row describes a distinct combination of calling list field values. A new row is issued for each distinct combination of calling list field values that are encountered in the contact attempt source data. Calling list field values must be of low cardinality, to prevent this dimension from becoming as large as the fact tables. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the RECORD_FIELD_2_STRING_1 Through RECORD_FIELD_2_STRING_10 columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RECORD STATUS RECORD_STATUS Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign record status. RECORD_STATUS allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign record status. Each row describes one record status, such as Updated or Canceled. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the RECORD_STATUS and RECORD_STATUS_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RECORD TYPE RECORD_TYPE Allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign record type. RECORD_TYPE allows facts to be described based on attributes of an outbound campaign record type. Each row describes one record type, such as General and PersonalCallback. Contact_Attempt (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the RECORD_TYPE and RECORD_TYPE_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-REQUESTED SKILL REQUESTED_SKILL Allows facts to be described based on a combination of requested skills and minimum skill proficiencies. REQUESTED_SKILL allows facts to be described based on a combination of requested skills and minimum skill proficiencies. This multivalue bridge table bridges facts with the SKILL dimension. Each row describes one requested skill (and its minimum proficiency level) among a distinct combination of requested skills. Each distinct combination of skills shares a unique requested skill combination key column. A new set of rows is issued for each distinct combination of skills and skill proficiency levels that are encountered as attached data in the interaction source data. Interaction Interaction_Resource yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-REQUESTED SKILL COMBINATION REQUESTED_SKILL_COMBINATION Allows facts to be described by a single string field that represents the full combination of requested skills and proficiencies. This table allows facts to be described by a single string field that represents the full combination of requested skills and proficiencies. Interaction Interaction_Resource (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the SKILL_COMBINATION_STRING and SKILL_COMBINATION_AUX_KEY columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RESOURCE RESOURCE_ Allows facts to be described based on the attributes of contact center resources. This table allows facts to be described based on the attributes of the associated resource; routing points, queues, IVRs, and agents are all resources. Each row describes one resource. A new row is issued for each configured DN--such as routing point, queue DN, position, extension, IVR DN, and agent--identified by its ID in the contact center configuration. The subtype column specifies the media-specific DN type, while the type column recasts the media-specific DN type as a media-neutral type. For example, External Routing Point, Routing Point, Routing Queues, Service Numbers, and Virtual Routing Point DNs are all considered Routing Points; ACD Queues and Virtual Queues are considered Queues. For Genesys eServices/Multimedia, Script objects that represent Interaction Queues and Workbins are considered Queues; Script objects that represent Routing Strategies are considered Routing Points.

Deleting a script, routing point, queue, or another DN and re-creating it under the same name causes a new row to be issued. Changing agent attributes--such as last name, first name, and employee ID--causes an update to an existing row. Deleting an agent and re-creating it with the same attributes causes a new row to be issued.

Note: The Genesys Info Mart ETL does not populate the EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_ID and IVR_NAME columns.

Contact_Attempt Interaction_Resource Interaction_Resource_State Mediation_Segment Resource_Group Resource_Skill Summary_Resource_Session Summary_Resource_State Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_I_AGENT AGT_I_SESS_STATE AGT_I_STATE_RSN AGT_QUEUE AGT_QUEUE_ABN AGT_QUEUE_ACC_AGENT AGT_CALLBACK (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: SWITCH_NAME, IVR_NAME, RESOURCE_TYPE, RESOURCE_TYPE_CODE, RESOURCE_SUBTYPE, RESOURCE_NAME, AGENT_FIRST_NAME, AGENT_LAST_NAME, EMPLOYEE_ID, EXTERNAL_RESOURCE_ID, RESOURCE_ALIAS) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RESOURCE ANNEX RESOURCE_ANNEX Stores additional configuration data for configuration objects of type Person. This table stores additional configuration data for configuration objects of type Person.

The data is based on the records for these configuration objects that are stored in the GC_ANNEX table of the configuration IDB. Genesys Interactive Insights uses the data associated with Person configuration objects to control visibility for certain data and reports.

A new row is issued for each configuration option specified in an RPT* section (in other words, in a configuration section with section name starting with “RPT”) on the Annex tab of the corresponding configuration object. Changing the value of the specified option causes an update to an existing row. Changing the name of the specified option causes a new row to be created. Changing the name of the specified section causes a new row to be created for each option that is associated with this section. Deleting the section causes all records for associated options to be terminated. (PRODUCER_BATCH_ID added) (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the VALUE column modified in single-language databases and for the SECTIONNAME and KEYNAME columns modified in single- and multi-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RESOURCE GROUP COMBINATION RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION Allows facts to be described based on the membership of resources in a combination of resource groups. This table allows facts to be described based on the set of groups to which contact center resources (for example, agents or queues) belong. This multivalue bridge table bridges facts with the GROUP_ dimension. Each row describes one group among a distinct combination of groups. Each distinct combination of groups shares a unique resource group combination key column. A new set of rows is issued for each distinct combination of groups to which a resource belongs. Once created, resource group combinations are reused. Interaction_Resource Mediation_Segment Summary_Resource_Session Summary_Resource_State Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_AGENT AGT_AGENT_CAMPAIGN AGT_AGENT_QUEUE AGT_I_SESS_STATE AGT_I_STATE_RSN yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RESOURCE STATE RESOURCE_STATE Allows facts to be described by the states of the contact center resources. This resource state dimension contains possible agent states. The states have two levels of granularity: state type and state name. Each state type may include several state names, so that several agent states could be grouped by type. This table allows facts to be described by the state of the associated agent resource. Each row describes one distinct media-specific agent state. Each media-specific agent state is also described as a media-neutral state type, so that facts can be described in either a media-specific or a media-neutral way. Interaction_Resource Summary_Resource_State Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_I_STATE_RSN (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the STATE_TYPE, STATE_TYPE_CODE, STATE_NAME, and STATE_NAME_CODE columns modified in single-language databases) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-RESOURCE STATE REASON RESOURCE_STATE_REASON Allows facts to be described by the state reason of the associated agent resource. This table allows facts to be described by the state reason of the associated agent resource at a particular DN resource. Each row describes a hardware or software reason and a work mode. Summary_Resource_State_Reason AGT_I_STATE_RSN (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: REASON_TYPE, REASON_TYPE_CODE, HARDWARE_REASON, SOFTWARE_REASON_KEY, SOFTWARE_REASON_VALUE, WORKMODE, WORKMODE_CODE) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-ROUTING TARGET ROUTING_TARGET Allows facts to be described by routing targets that are selected by the router. This table allows facts to be described by routing targets that are selected by the router. It enables aggregation, based on the number of times that the router selected each target or how many interactions a given resource processed because it was a member of a particular target.

Each row describes a routing target that has been used by the router. Refer to the ROUTING_TARGET_TYPE column for a list of target types. A new row is issued for each distinct routing target that is encountered as attached data in the interaction source data.

Interaction_Resource (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for the following columns modified in single-language databases: ROUTING_TARGET_TYPE, ROUTING_TARGET_TYPE_CODE, TARGET_OBJECT_SELECTED, AGENT_GROUP_NAME, PLACE_GROUP_NAME, SKILL_EXPRESSION) 8.5.003 (in Oracle, fields with VARCHAR data types use explicit CHAR character-length semantics) yes
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/PDMLibraryGIM/Table-SDR ACTIVITIES FACT SDR_ACTIVITIES_FACT Records activities that the user encountered while the call was being processed by the Application. This fact table contains a record of the activities that the user encountered while the call was being processed by the Application. A new row is added for each activity (for example, booking an airline ticket). 8.5.007. Supported in Genesys Multicloud CX deployments only. (size of the SESSION_ID increased) (UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY added) 8.5.010 (in Microsoft SQL Server, data type for SESSION_ID modified in multi-language databases) yes yes


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