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  • Title - String
  • FirstPublished - Datetime
  • LastPublished - Datetime
  • ArticleNumber - String
  • Audience - String
  • Summary - Wikitext
  • Overview - Wikitext
  • Details - Wikitext
  • Environment - Wikitext
  • Supplemental - Wikitext
  • RelatedArticles - List of URL
  • Attachment - File

This table has 4 rows altogether.

Page Title FirstPublished LastPublished ArticleNumber Audience Summary Overview Details Environment Supplemental RelatedArticles Attachment
Draft:CustomerCare/Current/KB/393020 Another test October 6, 2021 8:13:41 PM October 6, 2021 8:13:58 PM 393020 DB test test
Draft:CustomerCare/Current/KB/661727 Changing the Password or User NT/Domain Account Information for IWP June 26, 2020 8:24:37 PM July 20, 2020 4:21:35 PM 661727 Admin This article goes through the needed steps to changing Domain Account information including user or password information with regards to IWP/LDAP use.Any Changes should be made in a maintenance window to limit the impact possible on service Here are the steps to follow :
  1. On the Marquee server, stop ININ Marquee Server and ININ-IWP-LDS services.
  2. Change the Log On information for the ININ-IWP-LDS service to match the new credentials.
  3. Before making any changes to the ININ.IWP.Marquee.WinService.exe.Config and web.config files, make a backup copy of each file.
  4. Open the ININ.IWP.Marquee.WinService.exe.Config file in a text editor (Notepad will suffice). By default, this file is located in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Intelligence\Interaction Web Portal\Marquee. This location may vary by environment setup of drive letters.
  5. Copy the section highlighted in yellow and paste it to replace the section highlighted in blue:
    • Replace myHostname with the Hostname of the LDAP server. Typically, this will be the IWP/Marquee server hostname
    • Replace myWindowsCredentials and myPassword with the Admin account and password configured to run LDS. Typically, this will be the Log On user for the ININ-IWP-LDS service, as seen in services.msc
  6. Save the changes to the file and close the text editor.
  7. Rename the ININ.IWP.Marquee.WinService.exe.Config file to web.config (it is helpful to have File Explorer show known file type extensions, this way you can avoid potentially naming the file web.config.config).
  8. Navigate to the Site directory and open the web.config file in a text editor. By default, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Intelligence\Interaction Web Portal\Site. This location may vary by environment setup of drive letters.
  9. Make the same change to this web.config file as noted in Step 5 above. Save changes to the file and close the text editor.
  10. Open a command prompt (run as administrator) and run the aspnet_regiis command for each web.config file, as shown in the screen shot below:
  11. Navigate to the Marquee directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Intelligence\Interaction Web Portal\Marquee) and name the web.config file back to ININ.IWP.Marquee.WinService.exe.Config.
  12. On the IC server, open up Interaction Administrator and navigate to the IC Data Sources container.
  13. Open up the Interaction Web Portal LDAP data source and change the user name and/or password as needed to match the new credentials. Apply the changes.
  14. Still on the IC server, open IC System Manager and restart the WebPortal subsystem.
  15. Once the WebPortal subsystem is back up and running, go back over to the IWP/Marquee server and reboot the server.
  16. Once the IWP/Marquee server is back up, log in and try to sign into the web portal with the new credentials.

Note: If the domain account was changed, a CIC server restart could possibly be needed to propagate the changes in cached settings (though this is not always needed, so check web portal functionality before restarting CIC. If it is not functional, that restart may be needed to update Domain user.).

Versions impacted: 4.0 to current

Draft:CustomerCare/Current/KB/844304 Modify properties for the ININ QoS driver installation July 20, 2020 4:22:57 PM July 20, 2020 4:38:40 PM 844304 Admin This article describes how to modify the default Interactive Intelligence QoS driver installation in IC 4.0 and covers the implications for server installs such as Interaction Center Server and Interaction Media Server, as well as IC User Applications installs with SIP Soft Phone and/or Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client selected. Solution:

How to modify the default Interactive Intelligence QoS driver installation

In IC 4.0, Interactive Intelligence developed a new QoS driver to more closely integrate with the Interaction Center. It is the new default QoS driver for IC 4.0. It operates independently of the Windows QoS Packet Scheduler, which was the recommended QoS driver for IC 3.0.

The following IC 4.0 GA installs use the QoS feature:

Application name Install name OS
IC Server ICServer.msi 64-bit
Interaction Media Server MediaServer.msi 64-bit
Interaction Conference Media Server InteractionConferenceMediaServer_64bit.msi 64-bit
Interaction Recorder Extreme Query IRRExtremeQueryServer.msi 64-bit
Interaction Recorder Remote Content Service IRRemoteContentService.msi 64-bit
IC Session Manager (“Off-Server”) SessionManager.msi 64-bit
IC Status Aggregator StatusAggregator.msi 64-bit
Loquendo Automatic Speech Recognition LoquendoASR.msi 64-bit
Nuance Recognizer ASRServerNuanceRecognizer.msi 64-bit
IC User Applications 32-bit ICUserApps_32bit.msi with one or both of these features selected:

-SIP Soft Phone -Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client

IC User Applications 64-bit ICUserApps_64bit.msi with one or both of these features selected:

-SIP Soft Phone -Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client


Note: Additional installs that use the QoS feature may be included in future IC 4.0 Service Updates.

The default behavior for most of these installs is to silently install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver and add the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list. (The IC User Applications installs are the exception.)

Some sites may prefer to modify this default behavior for the following reasons:

  • They may not want to install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver because they use some other form of QoS.
  • They may want to install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver but do not want to add the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list. For example, the site might have a Group Policy in place that prohibits the user or machine from adding certificates to the system.

IC Server and other server installs that use the QoS feature

For the IC Server and other server installs that use the QoS feature, the default is to silently install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver and silently add the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list.

If you want to modify the default Interactive Intelligence QoS driver installation, do not run the install in "full UI" mode (i.e. double-clicking the .msi). Instead, use one of the following methods to modify the QoS feature properties and run the install:

  • Group Policy
  • Startup or logon script
  • Command line

QoS feature properties


If you do not want to install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver, set the DONOTINSTALL_ININQOSDRIVER property to "1”. When the install runs, the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver is not installed and the certificate is not added to the Trusted Publishers list.



If you want to install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver, but do not want to add the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list, set the DONOTADDCERTTOTRUSTEDPUBLIST property to"1”. When the install runs, the following message appears:

  • Click Install to install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver.
  • Leave Always trust software from Interactive Intelligence, Inc. unchecked. The certificate will not be added to the Trusted Publishers list.

Important notes about using Group Policy or startup/logon scripts

Machine-based Group Policy or startup script

Because a machine group policy or startup script runs under the Local System account, the only QoS driver-related property that should be added is the “DONOTINSTALL_ININQOSDRIVER” to disable both the QoS driver installation and the adding of the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list. Specifying the “DONOTADDCERTTOTRUSTEDPUBLIST” property causes the Windows Security screen to display as noted above. This screen is invisible when the install is run under the Local System account and will cause the install to fail and roll back.

User-based Group Policy or logon script

It is possible to specify to disable both the “DONOTADDCERTTOTRUSTEDPUBLIST” and “DONOTINSTALL_ININQOSDRIVER” properties. If the “DONOTADDCERTTOTRUSTEDPUBLIST” property alone is added the user will be prompted with the Windows Security screen as noted above and must select “Install”. If the user does not select “Install” to complete this action, the install will fail and rollback.

IC User Applications installs with SIP Soft Phone and/or Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client selected

For the IC User Applications installs with SIP Soft Phone and/or Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client selected:

  • If the install is run using Group Policy, startup or logon script, or command line, the default is to silently install the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver and silently add the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list. If you want to modify the default Interactive Intelligence QoS driver installation, use one of these methods to modify the QoS feature properties and run the install, as described in "IC Server and other server installs that use the QoS feature".

QoS-related prompts in IC User Applications installs when run in “full UI mode”

When the IC User Applications installs are run in "Full UI mode" (via Setup.exe or double-clicking the .msi) and SIP Soft Phone and/or Interaction Screen Recorder Capture Client features are selected in the Custom Setup screen, the following screen appears:

Interactive Intelligence QoS driver

This is the default and recommended option. When this option is selected, the install will add the Interactive Intelligence certificate to the Trusted Publishers list, then install the driver. In most cases, adding the certificate to the Trusted Publishers list saves the user from being prompted by Windows Security to manually trust the certificate.

If the system administrator does not allow the Trusted Publishers list to be modified, the user will be prompted with the Windows Security dialog. To make it easier for the user, the following message appears first, explaining what to do when the Windows Security dialog appears.


If Other is selected in the QoS Requirement dialog, the Interactive Intelligence certificate is not added to the Trusted Publishers list and driver is not installed. We recommend that users do not select this option unless specified by the administrator. Selecting this option implies that another form of QoS is used at the site.

Note for SIP Soft Phone sites: If Other is selected because another form of QoS is used, the administrator will need to set "QoS Enabled" to "No" in the Interaction Administrator Managed IP Phone Configuration Options tab before provisioning the phone. Otherwise the user will not be able to take calls.


Additional information

  • If you need to remove applications with the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver installed and the certificate was added to the Trusted Publishers list during the installation, the uninstall process will remove that entry in the Trusted Publishers list.
  • The certificate for the Interactive Intelligence QoS driver can also be manually added or removed using “certmgr.msc” utility or by installing it with a Group Policy.
Draft:CustomerCare/Current/KB/982373 Roger's Article October 6, 2021 8:21:42 PM October 6, 2021 8:21:57 PM 982373 Admin test
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