View table: GCXI_Attribute

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Table structure:

  • attr - Wikitext
  • shortDesc - Wikitext
  • longDesc - Wikitext
  • folder - String
  • displaysInFolder - List of String
  • displaysInFolder_Cloud - List of String
  • displaysInFolder_Premise - List of String
  • dataType - String
  • form - List of String
  • lov - String
  • internalMetricID - String
  • dbTable - List of String
  • usedIn - List of String
  • cloud - String
  • premise - String
  • project - String
  • notproject - String
  • introduced - Wikitext
  • modified - Wikitext
  • discontinued - Wikitext
  • anchor - String

This table has 866 rows altogether.

Page attr shortDesc longDesc folder displaysInFolder displaysInFolder Cloud displaysInFolder Premise dataType form lov internalMetricID dbTable usedIn cloud premise project notproject introduced modified discontinued anchor
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Active Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table is active. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table is active. Agent > Detail > Session Number SESS_ACTIVE_FLAG SM_RES_SESSION_FACT_GI2.ACTIVE_FLAG Agent Login-Logout Details Report yes yes AgentDetailSessionActive
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Active Reason Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table is active. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table is active. Agent > Detail > State Number STATE_REASON_ACTIVE_FLAG SM_RES_STATE_RSN_FACT.ACTIVE_FLAG_RSN Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentDetailStateActiveReason
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Active State Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table is active. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by whether or not the corresponding record in the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table is active. Agent > Detail > State Number STATE_ACTIVE_FLAG SM_RES_STATE_RSN_FACT.ACTIVE_FLAG_ST Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentDetailStateActiveState
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Additional Info Enables data to be organized by the primary key of the INTERACTION_FACT table.
  • For voice interactions, equal to the call’s connection ID.
  • For multimedia interactions originating from an Interaction Server, equal to the assigned Interaction ID.
Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the primary key of the INTERACTION_FACT table.
  • For voice interactions, the Interaction ID is the call’s connection ID, which is assigned by the telephony server. This ID remains unchanged for as long as the telephony server processes the interaction.
  • For multimedia interactions originating from an Interaction Server, this value is the assigned Interaction ID.
Agent > Detail > Ixn State Number IRSF_ADD_INFO INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT_GI2.INTERACTION_ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report yes yes AgentDetailIxnStateAdditionalInfo
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Group Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the groups to which agents belong. An agent can belong to more than one agent group. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the groups to which agents belong. An agent can belong to more than one agent group. Agent Agent > Activity Agent > State and Reason Chat > Agent Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Character agentgroup_lov GROUP_A.GROUP_NAME (WHERE GROUP_.GROUP_TYPE_CODE in ('AGENT' 'UNKNOWN' 'NO_VALUE')) Agent Task Dashboard Async Chat Dashboard Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Interaction Handling Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity yes yes AgentAgentGroup
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Group Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the groups to which agents belong. An agent can belong to more than one agent group. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the groups to which agents belong. An agent can belong to more than one agent group. Agent > Group Membership Text agentgroup_lov A_AGENT_GROUP, CA_AGENT_GROUP, AD_AGENT_GROUP, LIST OF VALUES IA_AGENT_GROUP GROUP_A.GROUP_NAME Agent Group Membership Details Report yes yes AgentGroupMembershipAgentGroup
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Name Enables data to be organized by certain attributes of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Enables data to be organized by certain attributes of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Agent Agent > Activity Agent > State and Reason Chat > Agent Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Billing Data Text User Name Last Name First Name Employee ID Dynamically generated from information that describes the configuration of business results in your contact center. RESOURCE_A.AGENT_NAME Agent Performance Dashboard Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Supervisor Dashboard Agent Activity Agent Conduct Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interaction State Agent Interval Based Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Omnichannel Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Social Engagement Report Agent State Details Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Agent Utilization Report Agent Wrap Report Chat Engagement Report Co-browse Summary Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Interaction Time) Survey Answer Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Routing Agent Summary Activity yes yes AgentAgentName
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Name Enables data to be organized by certain attributes of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Enables data to be organized by certain attributes of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Agent > Group Membership Character User Name Last Name First Name Employee ID A_AGENT_NAME, CA_AGENT_NAME, AD_AGENT_NAME, SO_AGENT_NAME, IA_AGENT_NAME RESOURCE_GI2.AGENT_NAME Agent Group Membership Details Report yes yes AgentGroupMembershipAgentName
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Resource Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the ID of the agent associated with the interaction.

This attribute is reserved for internal computations.

Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the ID of the agent associated with the int

This attribute is reserved for internal computations.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Agent Resource Key This attribute is reserved for internal use only. This attribute is reserved for internal use only. Agent > Group Membership Number RESOURCE_A_RESOURCE_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.RESOURCE_KEY yes yes AgentGroupMembershipAgentResourceKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Date Added Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the date an agent as added to a group. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the date an agent as added to a group. Agent > Group Membership Datetime AGM_START_TS_TIME RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.START_TS_TIME Agent Group Membership Details Report yes yes AgentGroupMembershipDateAdded
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Date Removed Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent was removed from a group. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent was removed from a group. Agent > Group Membership DateTime AGM_END_TS_TIME RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.END_TS_TIME Agent Group Membership Details Report yes yes AgentGroupMembershipDateRemoved
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes End Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent session ended. If the agent has not logged out, the value of this attribute is NULL. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent session ended. If the agent has not logged out, the value of this attribute is NULL. Agent > Detail > Session Datetime SESS_END_TS_TIME SM_RES_SESSION_FACT_GI2.END_TS_TIME Agent Login-Logout Details Report yes yes AgentDetailSessionEndTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes End Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent state ended. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent state ended. Agent > Detail > State Datetime STATE_END_TS_TIME SM_RES_STATE_RSN_FACT.END_TS_TIME_ST yes yes AgentDetailStateEndTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes End Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction state ended. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction state ended. Agent > Detail > Ixn State Datetime IRSF_END_TS_TIME IXN_RESOURCE_STATE_FACT_GI2.END_TS_TIME yes yes AgentDetailIxnStateEndTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes End TS Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent left a group. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent left a group. Agent > Group Membership Number RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.END_TS yes yes AgentGroupMembershipEndTS
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Group Combination Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the related primary key of the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION attribute.

This attribute is reserved for internal computations.

Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the related primary key of the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION attribute.

This attribute is reserved for internal computations.

Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Group Combination Sess Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the primary key of the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION attribute. This attribute is reserved for internal use. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the primary key of the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION attribute. This attribute is reserved for internal use. Agent > State and Reason Number agentgroup_lov AG2_I_SESS_STATE-*.GROUP_COMBINATION_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION.GROUP_COMBINATION_KEY yes yes AgentStateandReasonGroupCombinationSessKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Group Key This attribute is reserved for internal computations. This attribute is reserved for internal computations. Agent Number AG2_AGENT_GRP_*.GROUP_KEY AG2_CHAT_AGENT_GRP_*.GROUP_KEY GROUP_A.GROUP_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION.GROUP_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.GROUP_KEY yes yes AgentGroupKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Group Key This attribute is reserved for internal use only. This attribute is reserved for internal use only. Agent > Group Membership Number GROUP_A.GROUP_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION.GROUP_KEY RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.GROUP_KEY yes yes AgentGroupMembershipGroupKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Interaction Type This attribute is always null and is provided only to populate null values in the Interaction Type column of the Agent Details Activity Report when the record specifically reports data about an agent’s status or his/her session. Agent

statuses and sessions have no interaction type.

This attribute is always null and is provided only to populate null values in the Interaction Type column of the Agent Details Activity Report when the record specifically reports data about an agent’s status or his/her session. Agent

statuses and sessions have no interaction type.

Agent > Detail > Ixn State Text interactiontype_lov INTERACTION_TYPE_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE none yes yes AgentDetailIxnStateInteractionType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Reason Code Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the reason that the agent selected. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the reason that the agent selected. Agent > State and Reason Agent > Detail > State Text STATE_REASON_CODE, IA_REASON_CODE RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.REASON_CODE Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentStateandReasonReasonCode
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Reason Key For software-related reason codes, this attribute enables data to be organized by the key of the keyvalue pair that is associated with this reason code.

For hardware-related reason codes, this attribute is null.

For software-related reason codes, this attribute enables data to be organized by the key of the keyvalue pair that is associated with this reason code.

For hardware-related reason codes, this attribute is null.

Agent > State and Reason Agent > Detail > State Text RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.SOFTWARE_REASON_KEY yes yes AgentStateandReasonReasonKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Reason Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent entered a specific state-reason combination. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment when the agent entered a specific state-reason combination. Agent > Detail > State Datetime STATE_END_TS_TIME SM_RES_STATE_RSN_FACT.START_TS_TIME_RSN Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentDetailStateReasonTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Reason Type Code Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the reason code that is associated with the agent’s status. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the reason code that is associated with the agent’s status. Agent > State and Reason Agent > Detail > State Text RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.REASON_TYPE_CODE yes yes AgentStateandReasonReasonTypeCode
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Reason Value
  • For software-related reason codes, enables data to be organized by the value of the key-value pair that is associated with this reason code.
  • For hardware-related reason codes, enables data to be organized by the hardware-related reason.
Enables data to be organized based on one of the following:
  • For software-related reason codes, this attribute enables data to be organized by the value of the key-value pair that is associated with this reason code.
  • For hardware-related reason codes, this attribute enables data to be organized by the hardware-related reason.
Agent > State and Reason Agent > Detail > State Text RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.SOFTWARE_REASON_VALUE RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.HARDWARE_REASON yes yes AgentStateandReasonReasonValue
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Resource State Reason Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the key of the keyvalue pair that is associated with this resource state. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the key of the keyvalue pair that is associated with this resource state. Agent > State and Reason Number AG2_I_STATE_RSN_*.RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_KEY .RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_GI2.RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_KEY SM_RES_STATE_RSN_FACT.RESOURCE_STATE_REASON_KEY Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentStateandReasonReasourceStateResourceKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Session Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the agent’s active session for a particular media type. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the agent’s active session for a particular media type. In some reports, you can click the value in the Session Key column to view the Agent Login-Logout Details Report. Agent > Detail > Session Number SESS_SESSION_FACT_KEY SM_RES_SESSION_FACT_GI2.SM_RES_SESSION_FACT_KEY Agent Details Activity Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report yes yes AgentDetailSessionSessionKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Start Date Time Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the key for a particular date and time from the RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT hierarchy. This attribute is reserved for internal use. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the key for a particular date and time from the RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT hierarchy. This attribute is reserved for internal use. Agent > Group Membership Number RESOURCE_GROUP_FACT_GI2.START_DATE_TIME_KEY yes yes AgentGroupMembershipStartDateTimeKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Start Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent session began. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the agent session began. Agent > Detail > Session Datetime SESS_START_TS_TIME SM_RES_SESSION_FACT_GI2.START_TS_TIME Agent Login-Logout Details Report yes yes AgentDetailSessionStartTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Start Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction state began. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction state began. Agent > Detail > Ixn State Datetime IRSF_START_TS_TIME IXN_RESOURCE_STATE_FACT_GI2.START_TS_TIME yes yes AgentDetailIxnStateStartTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes Start Timestamp Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment that the agent entered a specific state. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the moment that the agent entered a specific state. Agent > Detail > State Datetime STATE_START_TS_TIME SM_RES_STATE_FACT_GI2.START_TS_TIME_ST Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentDetailStateStartTimestamp
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes State Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the agent’s state. Status values depend on the Genesys application (for example, Interaction Concentrator) that provides source data to Genesys Info Mart. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the agent’s state. Status values depend on the Genesys application (for example, Interaction Concentrator) that provides source data to Genesys Info Mart.

For state values, refer to the description of this Info Mart table column in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model documentation for your RDBMS (available from Genesys Info Mart documentation).

Agent > Detail > State Text State Type Code STATE_STATE RESOURCE_STATE.STATE_NAME Agent State Details Report yes yes AgentDetailStateState
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes State Where a record provides interaction-related data, this attribute enables data to be organized by one of the following:
  • The interaction’s state.
  • The interaction’s state and role.
  • The interaction’s state, role, and descriptor.
Where a record provides interaction-related data, this attribute enables data to be organized by one of the following:
  • The interaction’s state.
  • The interaction’s state and role.
  • The interaction’s state, role, and descriptor.
Agent > Detail > Ixn State Text IRSF_STATE INTERACTION_RESOURCE_STATE_GI2.STATE_FULL_NAME yes yes AgentDetailIxnStateState
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/AgentAttributes State Name Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the state, such as UNKNOWN, NOTREADY, READY, BUSY, or INBOUND. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the state, such as UNKNOWN, NOTREADY, READY, BUSY, or INBOUND. Status values depend on the Genesys application (for example, Interaction Concentrator) that provides source data to Genesys Info Mart. For state values, refer to the description of this Info Mart table column in the Genesys Info Mart Physical Data Model documentation for your RDBMS (available from Genesys Info Mart documentation). Agent > State and Reason Text State Type Code IA_STATE_NAME RESOURCE_STATE.STATE_NAME Agent Details Activity Report yes yes AgentStateandReasonStateName
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/BillingDataAttributes Business Unit Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on Business Unit. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on Business Unit. Billing Data Text BDS_BUSINESS_UNIT.NAME IVR Usage Report Inbound Voice Report BDSBusinessUnit
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/BillingDataAttributes Metric This attribute is used for internal calculations. This attribute is used for internal calculations. Billing Data Text BDS_NAMED_AGENTS.METRIC_NAME BDSMetric
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/BillingDataAttributes Region Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the geographic classification of the call. Possible values include: us, eu, ap. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the geographic classification of the call. Possible values include: us, eu, ap. Billing Data Number BDS_REGION.NAME IVR Usage Report Inbound Voice Report yes yes BDSRegion
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Business Result Enables data to be organized based on the configured business result. Displayed as Source Business Result in some reports. Enables data to be organized based on the configured business result. Displayed as Source Business Result in some reports. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Outbound Contact > Contact Attempt Queue Text Dynamically generated based on the configuration of your contact center. (businessresult_lov) A_BUSINESS_RESULT,A_CA_BUSINESS_RESULT,T_BUSINESS_RESULT,Q_BUSINESS_RESULT,CA_BUSINESS_RESULT INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR_GI2.BUSINESS_RESULT Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report yes yes BusinessAttributeBusinessResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Customer Segment Enables data to be organized based on the configured customer segment. Displays as Source Customer Segment in some reports. Enables data to be organized based on the configured customer segment. Displays as Source Customer Segment in some reports. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Queue Character customersegment_lov A_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT, A_CA_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT, T_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT, CA_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT, Q_CUSTOMER_SEGMENT INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR_GI2.CUSTOMER_SEGMENT Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report yes yes BusinessAttributeCustomerSegment
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Interaction Key Enables data to be organized based on the surrogate key that provides a join to Info Mart tables. Enables data to be organized based on the surrogate key that provides a join to Info Mart tables. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Number ??? AG2_AGENT_CAMPAIGN_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_AGENT_GRP_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_AGENT_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_AGENT_QUEUE_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_ID_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_I_AGENT_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_QUEUE_ABN_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_QUEUE_ACC_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY AG2_QUEUE_*.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY IF_IRF_GPM_FACT_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY INTERACTION_RES_FACT_TRNSFR.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY INTERACTION_TYPE_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report yes yes BusinessAttributeInteractionKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Interaction Subtype This Attribute enables data to be organized by the interaction’s subtype; for example, InboundNew or Outbound Notification. This Attribute enables data to be organized by the interaction’s subtype; for example, InboundNew or Outbound Notification. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Agent > State and Reason > Interaction State Agent > State and Reason > Interaction State > Interaction Predictive Routing Detail > Transfer Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Queue Text interactionsubtype_lov A_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, CA_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, T_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, IF_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, IRF_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE_CODE, IA_AGENT_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, Q_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE, T_IRF_INTERACTION_SUBTYPE_CODE INTERACTION_TYPE_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE_SUBTYPE Contact Center Report yes yes BusinessAttributeInteractionSubtype
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Interaction Type Enables data to be organized by the interaction’s type—for example, Inbound, Outbound, and Internal. Enables data to be organized by the interaction’s type—for example, Inbound, Outbound, and Internal. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Agent > State and Reason > Interaction State Agent > State and Reason > Interaction State > Interaction Predictive Routing Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Detail > Transfer Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Queue Text interactiontype_lov A_INTERACTION_TYPE, A_CA_INTERACTION_TYPE, T_INTERACTION_TYPE, IF_INTERACTION_TYPE, IRF_INTERACTION_TYPE, IA_AGENT_INTERACTION_TYPE, IRSF_INTERACTION_TYPE, Q_INTERACTION_TYPE, T_IRF_INTERACTION_TYPE INTERACTION_TYPE_GI2.INTERACTION_TYPE Contact Center Dashboard Abandoned Delay Report Agent Activity Agent Detail Activity Report Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interval Based Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Summary Activity Report (interaction) Agent Utilization Email Report Agent Utilization Report Agent Wrap Report Contact Center Report Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Queue Outline Report Queue Report Queue Summary Report Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Volume Report yes yes BusinessAttributeInteractionType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Service Subtype Enables data to be organized by the detailed type of service that the customer requested. Displays as Source Service Subtype in some reports. Enables data to be organized by the detailed type of service that the customer requested. Displays as Source Service Subtype in some reports. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Detail > Transfer Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Outbound Contact > Contact Attempt Queue Character servicesubtype_lov A_SERVICE_SUBTYPE, A_CA_SERVICE_SUBTYPE, CA_SERVICE_SUBTYPE, T_SERVICE_SUBTYPE, Q_SERVICE_SUBTYPE INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR_GI2.SERVICE_TYPE_SUBTYPE Contact Center Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report yes yes BusinessAttributeServiceSubtype
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Business AttributeAttributes Service Type Enables data to be organized by the type of service that was assigned to the interaction. Displays as Source Service Type in some reports. Enables data to be organized by the type of service that was assigned to the interaction. Displays as Source Service Type in some reports. Business Attribute Agent > Activity Detail > Transfer Outbound Contact > Agent Contact Outbound Contact > Contact Attempt Queue Character servicetype_lov A_SERVICE_TYPE, A_CA_SERVICE_TYPE, CA_SERVICE_TYPE, T_SERVICE_TYPE, Q_SERVICE_TYPE INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR_GI2.SERVICE_TYPE Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report yes yes BusinessAttributeServiceType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Dim 1 Key Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_1 table. Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_1 table. Callback Number AG2_CALLBACK_*.CBD1_KEY CALLBACK_DIM_1.ID yes yes CallbackCallbackDim1Key
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Dim 2 Key Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_2 table. Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_2 table. Callback Number AG2_CALLBACK_*.CBD2_KEY CALLBACK_DIM_2.ID yes yes CallbackCallbackDim2Key
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Dim 3 Key Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_3 table. Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_3 table. Callback Number AG2_CALLBACK_*.CBD3_KEY CALLBACK_DIM_3.ID yes yes CallbackCallbackDim3Key
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Dim 4 Key eserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_4 table. Reserved for internal use, this attribute enables the organization of data based on the primary key of the CALLBACK_DIM_4 table. Callback > Detail Number CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.CALLBACK_DIM_4_KEY CALLBACK_DIM_4.ID Callback Details Report yes yes CallbackDetailCallbackDim4Key
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Direction Enables data to be organized based on which party originated the call. Values=CUSTOMER_TERMINATED, CUSTOMER_ORIGINATED. Enables data to be organized based on which party originated the call. Values=CUSTOMER_TERMINATED, CUSTOMER_ORIGINATED. Callback Text none CB_CALL_DIRECTION CALLBACK_DIM_2.CALL_DIRECTION Callback Summary Report yes yes CallbackCallbackDirection
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Offer Type Enables data to be organized based on the type of callback offer that was presented to the customer.


Enables data to be organized based on the type of callback offer that was presented to the customer.


  • During off-hours, you can make only the scheduled option available.
  • During on-hours, allow only the wait_for_agent option, or a combination of scheduled and wait_for_agent.
Callback Text none CB_CALLBACK_OFFER_TYPE CALLBACK_DIM_1.CALLBACK_OFFER_TYPE Callback Summary Report yes yes CallbackCallbackOfferType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Callback Type Enables data to be organized the type of callback. Values: IMMEDIATE,WAIT_FOR_AGENT, SCHEDULE. Enables data to be organized the type of callback. Values: IMMEDIATE,WAIT_FOR_AGENT, SCHEDULE. Callback Text callbacktype_lov CB_CALLBACK_TYPE CALLBACK_DIM_1.CALLBACK_TYPE Callback Summary Report yes yes CallbackCallbackType
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Channel Enables data to be organized based on the Callback origination channel. Values=ivr, web. Enables data to be organized based on the Callback origination channel. Values=ivr, web. Callback Text callbackchannel_lov CB_CHANNEL CALLBACK_DIM_1.CHANNEL Callback Summary Report yes yes CallbackChannel
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Customer Phone Number Enables data to be organized based on the phone number provided by the customer for callback. Enables data to be organized based on the phone number provided by the customer for callback.

This is the number that was used to dial out (in CUSTOMER_TERMINATED scenarios) or used to execute a match by ANI (in CUSTOMER_ORIGINATED scenarios).

Callback > Detail Text CBF_CUSTOMER_NUMBER CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.CUSTOMER_PHONE_NUMBER Callback Details Report yes yes CallbackDetailCustomerPhoneNumber
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Desired Time Enables data to be organized based on the callback time requested by the customer. Enables data to be organized based on the callback time requested by the customer. Callback > Detail Text none CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.DESIRED_TS_TIME yes yes CallbackDetailDesiredTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Dial Dialog Result Enables data to be organized based on the cause of the final dialing result. Values=RIGHT_PERSON, WRONG_PERSON, CANCELED. Enables data to be organized based on the cause of the final dialing result. Values=RIGHT_PERSON, WRONG_PERSON, CANCELED. Callback Text none CB_DIAL_DIALOG_RESULT CALLBACK_DIM_2.DIAL_DIALOG_RESULT yes yes CallbackDialDialogResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Dial Result Enables data to be organized based on the dialing result. Enables data to be organized based on the dialing result. Possible values are:
  • BUSY
  • FAX
Callback > Detail Text none CALLBACK_DIAL_RESULTS yes yes CallbackDetailDialResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Final Enables data to be organized based on whether callback was dialed, or scheduled but never dialed. (0 = callback was scheduled, but not dialed, 1 = callback was dialed.) Enables data to be organized based on whether callback was dialed, or scheduled but never dialed. (1 = callback was dialed, 0 = callback was scheduled, but not dialed.) Callback > Detail Number CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.FINAL_RECORD Callback Details Report yes yes CallbackDetailFinal
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Final Dial Result Enables data to be organized based on the final dialing result. Values=BUSY, NO_ANSWER, ANSWERING_MACHINE, ERROR_TONE, FAX, PERSON, REDIAL_LIMIT_REACHED. Enables data to be organized based on the final dialing result. Values=BUSY, NO_ANSWER, ANSWERING_MACHINE, ERROR_TONE, FAX, PERSON, REDIAL_LIMIT_REACHED. Callback Text callbackchannel_lov CB_FINAL_DIAL_RESULT CALLBACK_DIM_2.FINAL_DIAL_RESULT yes yes CallbackFinalDialResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Final Target Enables data to be organized by the routing target that was used to find the agent. Callback Text CB_FINAL_TARGET CALLBACK_DIM_3.FINAL_TARGET yes yes CallbackFinalTarget
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Forced Dialed Enables data to be organized based on whether the callback queue is being flushed, and dialing (or push notification) is being forced regardless of actual agent availability. (0 = No, 1 = Yes). Enables data to be organized based on whether the callback queue is being flushed, and dialing (or push notification) is being forced regardless of actual agent availability. (0 = No, 1 = Yes). A value of 1 (yes) might occur at the end of the day, when contact center personnel are trying to close the queue for the day and do not want to leave any callbacks for the next day. Callback > Detail Number CALLBACK_DIM_4.DIAL_IGNORING_AVAILABILITY Callback Details Report yes yes CallbackDetailForcedDialed
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Offer Timing Enables data to be organized based on whether the callback arrived during normal hours of operation, or during off-hours. Values={OFF-HOURS, ON-HOURS}. Enables data to be organized based on whether the callback arrived during normal hours of operation, or during off-hours.


  • OFF-HOURS: callback (typically scheduled only) was offered during non-operational hours
  • ON-HOURS: callback was offered during operational (business) hours
Callback Text CB_OFFER_TIMING CALLBACK_DIM_2.OFFER_TIMING yes yes CallbackOfferTiming
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Order Connect Enables data to be organized based on the order in which the parties connected. Values=CUSTOMER_FIRST, AGENT_FIRST_PREVIEW, AGENT_FIRST_NO_PREVIEW. Enables data to be organized based on the order in which the parties connected. Values=CUSTOMER_FIRST, AGENT_FIRST_PREVIEW, AGENT_FIRST_NO_PREVIEW. Callback Text CB_CONNECT_ORDER CALLBACK_DIM_1.CONNECT_ORDER yes yes CallbackOrderConnect
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Queue Enables data to be organized based on the name of the virtual queue. Enables data to be organized based on the name of the virtual queue. Callback Text Queue Type queue_lov CB_RESOURCE_NAME RESOURCE_Q.RESOURCE_NAME Callback Summary Report yes yes CallbackQueue
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Queue Key Enables data to be organized based on the primary key for the virtual queue. Enables data to be organized based on the primary key for the virtual queue. Callback Number AG2_CALLBACK_*.RESOURCE_KEY yes yes CallbackQueueKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/CallbackAttributes Service ID Enables data to be organized based on the original SCXML/GMS session ID. Enables data to be organized based on the original SCXML/GMS session ID. Callback > Detail Text CBF_SERVICE_ID CALLBACK_FACT_GI2.SERVICE_ID Callback Details Report yes yes CallbackDetailServiceID
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Chat BotAttributes Bot Category Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on generic bot categorization. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on generic bot categorization. Chat Bot Text BGS_BOT_DIM.BOT_CATEGORY Bot Dashboard Bot Sessions Overall no yes ChatBotBotCategory
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Chat BotAttributes Bot Function Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on bot functionality. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on bot functionality. Chat Bot Text BGS_BOT_DIM.BOT_FUNCTION no yes ChatBotBotFunction
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Chat BotAttributes End Reason Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the reason given for Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session termination. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the reason given for Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session termination. Chat Bot Text BGS_SESSION_DIM.END_REASON no yes ChatBotEndReason
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Chat BotAttributes End Result Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the Technical Result (Success or Fail). Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the Technical Result (Success or Fail). Chat Bot Text BGS_BOT_DIM.END_RESULT no yes ChatBotEndResult
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Chat BotAttributes Ended By Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on who terminated the Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on who terminated the Bot Gateway Server (BGS) session. Chat Bot Text BGS_SESSION_DIM.ENDED_BY no yes ChatBotEndedBy
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes End Reason Enables data to be organized based on the reason why the chat ended. Enables data to be organized based on the reason why the chat ended. Chat Text CHAT_SESSION_DIM.ENDED_REASON yes yes 9.0.011 ChatEndReason
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes Ended By Enables data to be organized based on what party ended the interaction (agent, customer, or timeout). Enables data to be organized based on what party ended the interaction (agent, customer, or timeout). Chat Text CHAT_SESSION_DIM.ENDED_BY yes yes 9.0.011 ChatEndedBy
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes Language Name Enables data to be organized based on the language used in the chat interaction. Enables data to be organized based on the language used in the chat interaction. Chat Text CHAT_SESSION_DIM.LANGUAGE_NAME yes yes 9.0.011 ChatLanguageName
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes Media Origin Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS. Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS. Chat Text CHAT_SESSION_DIM.MEDIA_ORIGIN Chat Engagement Report Chat Session Report yes yes 9.0.011 ChatMediaOrigin
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes Media Origin Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS. Enables data to be organized by where the chat session originated—for example, CHAT, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS. Chat > Thread Text MEDIA_ORIGIN.MEDIA_ORIGIN yes yes 9.0.011 ChatThreadMediaOrigin
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/ChatAttributes Mode Enables data to be organized by the mode (Regular or Async). Enables data to be organized by the mode (Regular or Async). Chat Text CHAT_SESSION_DIM.ASYNC_MODE Async Chat Dashboard Chat Agent Stats Chat Interaction Stats yes yes 9.0.011 ChatMode
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Co-browse Duration Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the session duration. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the session duration. Co-browse Number COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SESSION_END_TIME minus COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SESSION_START_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseCobrowseDuration
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Co-browse End Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session ended. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session ended. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SESSION_END_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseCobrowseEndTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Co-browse Session ID Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the identifier of the Co-browse session, as reported by Co-browse Server. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the identifier of the Co-browse session, as reported by Co-browse Server. Co-browse Text COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SESSION_TOKEN Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseCobrowseSessionID
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Co-browse Start Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session started. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which the Co-browse session started. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SESSION_START_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseCobrowseStartTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Handling Agent Name Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the name of the Agent who assisted the customer in the co-browse session. This attribute show all Agents regardless of Dynamic Access Restriction filters. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the name of the Agent who assisted the customer in the co-browse session. This attribute show all Agents regardless of Dynamic Access Restriction filters. Co-browse Text User Name Last Name First Name Employee ID RESOURCE_A.AGENT_NAME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseHandlingAgentName
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Interaction Duration Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the duration of the interaction, which is calculated as the difference between the start and end timestamps of the interaction. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the duration of the interaction, which is calculated as the difference between the start and end timestamps of the interaction. Co-browse Number Calculated based on INTERACTION_FACT_GI2.END_TS and INTERACTION_FACT_GI2.START_TS Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseInteractionDuration
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Interaction End Time Enables data to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction ended. Identical to Detail > Handling Attempt > End Timestamp. Enables data to be organized by the calendar date and time when the interaction ended. Identical to Detail > Handling Attempt > End Timestamp. Co-browse Datetime none INTERACTION_FACT_GI2.END_TS_TIME Interaction Handling Attempt Report Co-browse Detail Report yes yes DetailHandlingAttemptInteractionEndTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Interaction Start Time Enables data to be organized by the moment when the interaction began. Identical to Detail > Start Timestamp. Enables data to be organized by the moment when the interaction began. Identical to Detail > Start Timestamp. Co-browse Date none INTERACTION_FACT_GI2.START_TS_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes DetailHandlingAttemptInteractionStartTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Irf Anchor Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the first resource that handled an interaction. (Or the resource in which the interaction was abandoned or stopped, if no resource handled the interaction.) Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the first resource that handled an interaction. (Or the resource in which the interaction was abandoned or stopped, if no resource handled the interaction.) Co-browse Number INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT_GI2.IRF_ANCHOR Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseIrfAnchor
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Mode Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the mode that is used during a given segment of the Co-browse session: POINTER, WRITE, or UNKNOWN. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the mode that is used during a given segment of the Co-browse session: POINTER, WRITE, or UNKNOWN.
  • In POINTER mode, the agent observes while the customer browses the web page.
  • In WRITE mode, the agent can actively click or enter data on the web page.
  • In a single Co-browse session, an agent can switch between the two modes; each switch is recorded as a separate segment within a single Co-browse session.
Co-browse Text COBROWSE_MODE.SEGMENT_MODE Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseMode
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Mode End Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a mode ended. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a mode ended. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SEGMENT_END_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseModeEndTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Mode Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the surrogate key that is used to join the COBROWSE_MODE dimension to the fact table, to identify modes uses in the Co-browse session. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the surrogate key that is used to join the COBROWSE_MODE dimension to the fact table, to identify modes uses in the Co-browse session. Co-browse Number COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.COBROWSE_MODE_KEY COBROWSE_MODE_.ID yes yes CobrowseModeKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Mode Start Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a mode started. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a mode started. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.SEGMENT_START_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseModeStartTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Page End Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit ended. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit ended. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.PAGE_END_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowsePageEndTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Page Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the surrogate key that is used to join the COBROWSE_PAGE dimension to the fact table, to identify characteristics of the pages visited in the Co-browse session. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the surrogate key that is used to join the COBROWSE_PAGE dimension to the fact table, to identify characteristics of the pages visited in the Co-browse session. Co-browse Number COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.COBROWSE_PAGE_KEY COBROWSE_PAGE.ID yes yes CobrowsePageKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Page Start Time Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit started. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the UTC-equivalent value of the date and time at which a page visit started. Co-browse Datetime COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.PAGE_START_TIME Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowsePageStartTime
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Page Title Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the title of the web page shared in the Co-browse session. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the title of the web page shared in the Co-browse session. Co-browse Text COBROWSE_PAGE.PAGE_TITLE Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowsePageTitle
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Page Url Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the URL of the web page visited in the Co-browse session. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the URL of the web page visited in the Co-browse session. Co-browse Text COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.PAGE_URL Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowsePageUrl
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Resource Agent Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the ID of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the ID of the agent who is associated with the interaction. Co-browse Number INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT_GI2.RESOURE_KEY Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseResourceSessionKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/Co-browseAttributes Start Date Time Key Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the 15-minute interval in which the Co-browse session began Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized based on the 15-minute interval in which the Co-browse session began. Co-browse Number COBROWSE_FACT_GI2.START_DATE_TIME_KEY Co-browse Detail Report yes yes CobrowseStartDateTimeKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/DesignerAttributes Activity Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the name of the activity. Enables data within the reporting interval to be organized by the name of the activity. Designer > Activity SDR_ACTIVITY.NAME Activity by Final Disposition Report Activity Summary Report yes yes 9.0.013 DesignerActivityActivity
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/DesignerAttributes Activity Key Enables data to be organized by the ID of the activity which is associated with the interaction. Enables data to be organized by the ID of the activity which is associated with the interaction. Designer > Activity AG2_SDR_ACTIVITY_*.SDR_ACTIVITY_KEY SDR_ACTIVITIES_FACT.SDR_ACTIVITY_KEY SDR_ACTIVITY.ID yes yes 9.0.013 DesignerActivityActivityKey
Draft:PEC-REP/Library/GCXIPRGLibrary/DesignerAttributes Application ID Enables data to be organized by the unique ID associated with the Designer application. Enables data to be organized by the unique ID associated with the Designer application. Designer Text SDR_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID yes yes DesignerApplicationID
