View table: BDSMetric

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Table structure:

  • productshort - String
  • Role - String
  • DisplayName - String
  • TocName - String
  • Dimension - String
  • Context - Wikitext
  • Product - String
  • Manual - String
  • UseCase - String
  • Introduction - Wikitext
  • BillableItem - Wikitext
  • UnitOfMeasure - String
  • MetricName - String
  • MetricFrequency - Wikitext
  • MetricScope - String
  • MetricDefinition - Wikitext
  • DataSource - String
  • DeploymentModel - String
  • IsChoice - String
  • ChoiceMetrics - List of String

This table has 61 rows altogether.

Page productshort Role DisplayName TocName Dimension Context Product Manual UseCase Introduction BillableItem UnitOfMeasure MetricName MetricFrequency MetricScope MetricDefinition DataSource DeploymentModel IsChoice ChoiceMetrics
Draft:BDS/Current/User/ASRandTTSMinutes Draft:BDS GVP ASR minutes / GVP TTS minutes GVP ASR minutes / GVP TTS minutes This page provides information about how the GVP ASR minutes and GVP TTS minutes metric are defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

GVP ASR minutes and GVP TTS minutes are usage metrics.

Billing Data Service User Cloud Contact Center ASR (minutes) & Cloud Contact Center TTS (minutes) minutes gvp_asr_minutes, gvp_tts_minutes Daily Region ASR treatment / TTS treatment duration of the call in milliseconds with each such treatment represented by a separate record GVP Reporting Server (RS) database; Genesys Info Mart database Instance of GVP Reporting Server database per location (shared between tenants or individual); One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/ASRPorts Draft:BDS ASR ports ASR ports This page provides information about how the ASR Ports metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Cloud Contact Center ASR port peak usage and Cloud Contact Center TTS port peak usage. Port peak usage gvp_asr_ports Daily Region Peak usage of ASR treatment / TTS treatment applied to calls within the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP).  GVP Reporting Server (RS) database; Genesys Info Mart database Instance of GVP Reporting Server database per location (shared between tenants or individual); one global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/ASRTTS Draft:BDS ASR/TTS ASR/TTS TBD User ASR/TTS treatment of the call in milliseconds rounded to 20000+6000ms chunks. Objects Count TBD Daily Region ASR and TTS Minutes for Nuance are calculated as the sum of total call duration in minutes for all call segments during which any of the Nuance Software is used. Each segment is a minimum of 20 seconds and rounded up to the next six (6) second increment. GVP Reporting Server DB, Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Callback Draft:BDS Callback seats Callback seats This page provides information about how the Callback metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

The Callback metric is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents having voice sessions during which an agent handled at least one callback driven call. This metric captures only the concurrency of the full login sessions that handed a callback call at least once during the login session. Concurrency of the callback-originating activity within the agent login sessions is not included. agents count seats_callback Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active agent voice sessions recorded during the billing period (daily concurrent), during which an agent handled at least one callback driven call. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: The number of unique logged in agents that had voice sessions recorded during the billing period (monthly enabled), during which the agent handled at least one callback driven call.
Genesys Info Mart database. One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/CIMPremisePlaces Draft:BDS Genesys CIM Premise Places Genesys CIM Premise Places This page provides information about how the Genesys CIM Premise Places metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

The Genesys CIM Premise Places metric is a billable metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of unique agents places in the deployment. Excludes non-agents. places count cim_premise_places Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) global
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active unique PlaceIDs either used within multimedia login sessions, or associated with EndPoints of ACDPosition, or Extensions types, that are not linked to any IVR Ports. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: The number of concurrently active unique PlaceIDs either used within multimedia login sessions, or associated with EndPoints of ACDPosition, or Extensions types, that are not linked to any IVR Ports, since the first day of the current month.
Genesys Info Mart database. One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant.|-|'''Notes'''|*Multiple DNs associated with a single agent place are counted as one enabled seat, not multiple seats.*A single place logging into voice, email, and chat is counted as one place, not multiple places.|- No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/CIMPremiseUsers Draft:BDS Genesys CIM Premise Users Genesys CIM Premise Users This page provides information about how the Genesys CIM Premise Users metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

The Genesys CIM Premise Users metric is a billable metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of unique agents having active sessions regardless of the media channel, or switch type, and who handled at least one interaction. Excludes non-agents. agents count cim_premise_users Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) Global
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active unique agent login sessions registered within any media channel during the given day, who handled at least one interaction. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: The number of unique agents with login sessions registered registered within any media channel since the first day of the month, who handled at least one interaction.
    • Both Concurrent and Enabled exclude "non-agent" logins as determined by sessions with (MediaType = 'Voice' AND (EndPointType not in (1,2) OR IVRPortID is not Null)), as they are not Extension or ADCPosition DN types, or are associated with an IVR Port.
    • Additionally, agents serving strictly as Supervisors are excluded, unless they handle any interaction (regardless of channel) that triggers the counting logic within the measurement period.
Genesys Info Mart database. One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/CloudCCSupervisorSeat Draft:BDS Cloud Contact Center Supervisor Seat Cloud Contact Center Supervisor Seat This page provides information about how the Cloud Contact Center Supervisor Seat metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Cloud Contact Center Supervisor Seat is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and enabled number of supervisors having active sessions. objects count seats_supervisor Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: The peak number of concurrently active unique supervisors sessions registered during the given day. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: number of unique supervisors sessions during the month
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant.<div class="new-note Important"><div class="new-note-heading">Important</div>This metric requires Interaction Concentrator 8.1.514.19 or later.</div> No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/DesignerChtBtIxn Draft:BDS Designer-based Chatbot interactions Designer-based Chatbot interactions This page provides information about how the Designer-based Chatbot interactions metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Number of bot interactions sourced from Designer-based applications. Sessions count chatbot_interactions Daily Global Calculated as the total duration of all bot blocks invoked during an interaction divided by 24h, with any decimal remainder rounded up to the nearest whole number. Counts only sessions containing non-voice media channels. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/DesignerVceBtIxn Draft:BDS Designer-based Voicebot interactions Designer-based Voicebot interactions This page provides information about how the Designer-based Voicebot interactions metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Number of voice interaction containing message exchanges between a consumer and one or more Genesys bots. Sessions count voicebot_interactions Daily Global Calculated as the total duration of all bot blocks invoked during an interaction divided by 15 min, with any decimal remainder rounded up to the nearest whole number. Counts only sessions containing voice media channels. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/DesignerVceBtMin Draft:BDS Designer-based Voicebot minutes Designer-based Voicebot minutes This page provides information about how the Designer-based Voicebot minutes metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User The total duration, in minutes, of all voicebot sessions during the reporting period. minutes voicebot_minutes Daily Global The total duration of the self-service phase of voice calls containing at least one bot block. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Digital1 Draft:BDS Digital 1 bundle Digital 1 Describes the Digital 1 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. Billing Data Service User The Digital 1 bundle provides core digital customer service capabilities such as SMS, web and mobile chat, and email. In addition, the Digital 1 bundle provides applications for Routing/Context Routing, Agent Workspace, Reporting, and Configuration tools.

With the Digital 1 bundle, you have access to the following GWS APIs as well as the APIs included in the following capabilities section.

  1. Workspace API
  2. Provisioning API
  3. Statistics API

Digital 1 users are billed based on consumption type - Named or Concurrent user. For more details about Digital 1 user, see the Metric definition.

Note that some capabilities in the Digital 1 bundle incurs a fee and their details are as follows.

  • SMS per message fees
Users are counted and billed as Digital 1 users in a given billing period if they use any of the following features:
  • Chat
  • Email
User bundle_digital_one Daily Region

Named Digital 1 users

  • The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 1 bundled multicloud CX service in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) and that have taken a Chat or Email interaction during the billing period.
  • Named users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region.
  • If, during a billing period, the same User ID logged into a Digital 1 bundled multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a named user in each of those regions during that billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the named user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the named user calculation.

Concurrent Digital 1 users

  • The maximum number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 1 bundled multicloud CX service in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) and that have taken a Chat or Email interaction within in any one second interval during the billing period.
  • Concurrent Users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region.
  • If, during a billing period, the same User ID logged into a Digital 1 bundled multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a Concurrent User in each of those regions during that billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the concurrent user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the concurrent user calculation.

Chat capabilities

  • Asynchronous, long-lived conversations over web or mobile channels.
  • API to enable chat within the customer's mobile application (iPhone, Android); enterprises can enable push notifications and customize the chat interface within their apps (see: Consumer Messaging API).
  • API to enable customized chat widget for web/mobile web channel (see: Widgets API).
  • Access to use Third-Party Messaging API.
  • Emojis and image transfer (additional rich media elements in roadmap).
  • Agent-initiated outbound messages.
  • Seamless integration with chatbots.

Email capabilities

  • Support hundreds of mailboxes and millions of emails in backlog.
  • Classify and categorize emails with multiple levels of rules.
  • Set and manage prioritization schemas to meet your SLAs.
  • View and manage the email backlog with advanced query capabilities in a business-friendly user interface.
  • Create routing strategies in Designer.
  • Set up automated acknowledgment emails by mailbox or category.
  • Create standard responses in Designer for use by agents within Agent Workspace.
  • Use the Genesys WFM connector to manage your workforce.
  • View near real-time dashboards within Workload Manager.
  • Personal Workbins for Agents to manage their emails.
  • Transfer email(s) to another agent, agent group, skill, or queue.
  • View related emails by using the tree-view toggle or searching for specific parameters.
  • Ability to send emails to a supervisor for review before sending them to customers.
  • Access to use Secure Email API.

SMS capabilities

  • Inbound and outbound SMS and MMS

If you are looking for extended (or advanced?) digital channels like social engagement through Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp, see the Digital 2 bundle.

If you are looking for core contact center capabilities such as inbound or outbound voice, see the voice bundles - Voice 1 and Voice 2.

Genesys Info Mart database TBD No seats_chat seats_email
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Digital2 Draft:BDS Digital 2 bundle Digital 2 Describes the Digital 2 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. Billing Data Service User The Digital 2 bundle provides capabilities such as Messaging, and Social Engagement through WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. When you signup for the Digital 2 bundle, the Digital 1 bundle is also included in your package.

Note that some capabilities in the Digital 2 bundle incurs a fee and their details are as follows.

  • WhatsApp Incidentals and WhatsApp Number Hosting fees
Digital 2 user is billed based on the consumption of the bundle as a concurrent and/or named user in a given the billing period.

Note: The Digital 1 bundle and its capabilities are included in the Digital 2 bundle.

User bundle_digital_two Daily Region Users are only counted as a Digital 2 User if they take a Social Media interaction during the billing period.

If a User ID is counted as a Digital 2 User, that unique User ID is not counted again as a Digital 1 user during the billing period.

Digital 2 capabilities


  • Asynchronous, long-lived conversations over customer's preferred channel
  • Agent-initiated outbound messages
  • Seamless integration with chatbots
  • Designer routing applications
  • Reporting in Pulse and GCXI


  • WhatsApp messaging, including templatized notifications
  • Facebook private messaging
  • Twitter private messaging

Social Engagement

  • Facebook public posts moderation
  • Twitter public posts moderation

If you are looking for core digital channels like chat, email, and SMS, see the Digital 1 bundle.

If you are looking for core contact center capabilities such as inbound or outbound voice, see the voice bundles - Voice 1 and Voice 2.

Genesys Info Mart database TBD No seats_facebook (seats_facebook_public seats_sms seats_twitter (seats_twitter_public seats_whatsapp
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysChat Draft:BDS Genesys Chat Genesys Chat This page provides information about how the Genesys Chat metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active chat agents sessions, and who handled at least one chat interaction during the session. Agent count seats_chat Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: Calculated with one-second precision, the maximum number of unique agents concurrently logged into the chat, who handled at least one chat interaction at any point of time during the login session. 
  • Enabled: the number of unique agents logged into the chat, who handled at least one chat interaction during the month.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysChatSeatsforNEXUS Draft:BDS Genesys Chat Seats for NEXUS Genesys Chat Seats for NEXUS This page provides information about how the Genesys Chat Seats for NEXUS metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Genesys Chat Seats for NEXUS is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents having active 'chat' agents sessions, and having handled at least one chat interaction of InboundNew interaction subtype during that session. agents count seats_chat in release and later (seats_chat_nexus in earlier releases) Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active agent sessions with agents logged into the 'chat' media channel, and having handled at least one chat interaction of InboundNew interaction subtype during that session. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: number of unique agents logged into the 'chat' media channel, and having handled at least one chat interaction of InboundNew interaction subtype during that session
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysCIMPlatform Draft:BDS Genesys Customer Interaction Management Platform Genesys Customer Interaction Management Platform Metric discontinued — This metric is no longer available beginning with release

This page provides information about how the Genesys Customer Interaction Management Platform metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of unique agents who have active sessions regardless of the media channel or switch type.  Agent count seats_CIM Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: Calculated with 1 sec precision, the number of concurrently active unique agent sessions with agents who are logged into facebook, twitter, or RSS media channels. 
Enabled: the number of unique agents who are logged into facebook, twitter, or RSS media channels.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysCobrowse Draft:BDS Genesys Co-browse Genesys Co-browse This page provides information about how the Genesys Co-browse metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active chat or voice agent sessions, and use the co-browse functionality during those sessions. Concurrency of co-browsing activity within the agent login sessions is not measured here; only the concurrency of the full login sessions that use co-browse at some point during the login session is measured.   Agent count seats_cobrowse Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: Calculated with 1 sec precision, the number of concurrently active agent sessions recorded during the billing period (daily concurrent) with agents who are logged into the chat or voice media channels, and are using co-browse functionality during those sessions. 
Enabled: the number of unique logged-in agents that recorded sessions during the billing period (monthly enabled) with agents who are logged into the chat or voice media channels, and are using co-browse functionality during those sessions.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysE-Mail Draft:BDS Genesys E-mail Genesys E-mail This page provides information about how the Genesys E-mail metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active email agent sessions. Agents count seats_email Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: Calculated with 1 sec precision, the number of concurrently active agent sessions with agents logged into the email media channel, and where the agents handled at least one email interaction during the session. 
Enabled: the number of unique agents logged into the email media channel who handled at least one email interaction during the session.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysFacebookStsforNEXUS Draft:BDS Genesys Facebook Seats for NEXUS Genesys Facebook Seats for NEXUS Beginning with release, the Genesys Facebook Public Seats for NEXUS and Genesys Facebook Direct Messaging Seats for NEXUS metrics are combined into a single metric, Genesys Facebook Seats for NEXUS. This page provides information about how the Genesys Facebook Seats for NEXUS metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate this metric in the billing files.

Genesys Facebook Seats for NEXUS is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents having either:
  • active facebook agents sessions, and having handled at least one interaction of FacebookPublic interaction subtype during that session.
  • active chat agents sessions, and having handled at least one interaction of FacebookPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
agents count seats_facebook (seats_facebook_public, seats_facebook_direct in release and earlier) Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: The number of concurrently active agent sessions with agents that are either:
  • logged into the facebook media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of FacebookPublic interaction subtype during that session,
  • logged into the chat media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of FacebookPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
    Calculated with one-second precision.

Enabled: number of unique agents that are either:

  • logged into the facebook media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of FacebookPublic interaction subtype during that session,
  • logged into the chat media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of FacebookPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysInboundVoice Draft:BDS Genesys Inbound Voice Genesys Inbound Voice This page provides information about how the Genesys Inbound Voice metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents that logged in for a voice media type at least once during the billing period. Agent count seats_inbound_voice Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent users are billed based on the maximum number of unique User IDs that logged in within any one minute interval during the billing period. Calculated with one second precision.
Enabled users are billed based on the total number of unique User IDs that logged in at least once during the billing period.

Note that, in Genesys Multicloud CX, usage for both Concurrent and Enabled is calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If, during a billing period, the same User ID logs in at multiple geographic regions as an Inbound Voice agent, that User ID is counted toward usage in each of the regions.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysSMS Draft:BDS Genesys SMS Genesys SMS This page provides information about how the Genesys SMS metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active agent sessions with the sms media type. Agent count seats_sms Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: The number of concurrently active, unique agent sessions with agents who are logged into the sms media channel, and who handled at least one sms interaction during the session. Calculated with one second precision.
 Enabled: the number of unique agents logged into the sms media channel, and who handled at least one sms interaction during the session.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysSocialEngagement Draft:BDS Genesys Social Media Engagement Genesys Social Media Engagement This page provides information about how the Genesys Social Media Engagement metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active agent sessions with Facebook, Twitter, or RSS media types. Agent count seats_social Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: Calculated with 1 sec precision, the number of concurrently active, unique agent sessions with agents who are logged in to Facebook, Twitter, or RSS media channels. 
Enabled: the number of unique agents logged in to Facebook, Twitter, or RSS media channels.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysTaskRouting Draft:BDS Genesys Task Routing Genesys Task Routing This page provides information about how the Genesys Task Routing metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Number of 'workitem' interactions created within a billing period. Objects count gtr_interactions Daily Global Number of 'workitem' interactions created within a billing period. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysTwitterSeatsforNEXUS Draft:BDS Genesys Twitter Seats for NEXUS Genesys Twitter Seats for NEXUS Beginning with release, the Genesys Twitter Public Seats for NEXUS and Genesys Twitter Direct Messaging Seats for NEXUS metrics are combined into a single metric, Genesys Twitter Seats for NEXUS. This page provides information about how the Genesys Twitter Seats for NEXUS metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate this metric in the billing files.

Genesys Twitter Seats for NEXUS is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents having either:
  • active twitter agents sessions, and having handled at least one interaction of TwitterPublic interaction subtype during that session,
  • active chat agents sessions, and having handled at least one interaction of TwitterPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
agents count seats_twitter (seats_twitter_public, seats_twitter_direct in release and earlier) Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: The number of concurrently active agent sessions with agents that have either:
  • active twitter agents sessions, and have handled at least one interaction of TwitterPublic interaction subtype during that session,
  • active chat agents sessions, and have handled at least one interaction of TwitterPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
    Calculated with one-second precision.

Enabled: number of unique agents that are either:

  • logged into the twitter media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of TwitterPublic interaction subtype during that session,
  • logged into the chat media channel, and have handled at least one interaction of TwitterPrivate interaction subtype during that session.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GenesysVoice Draft:BDS Genesys Voice Genesys Voice This page provides information about how the Genesys Voice metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Genesys Voice is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents with voice sessions agents count seats_voice Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: The peak number of concurrently active unique agents' voice sessions registered during the given day. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: number of unique agents with voice sessions during the month.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GIMVoicemail Draft:BDS GIM-based voicemail GIM-based voicemail BDS supports tracking of SIP voicemail usage based on data supplied by Genesys Info Mart through the metric voicemail_boxes_gim. This page provides information about how the metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User
You must never enable both voicemail_boxes_gim and voicemail_boxes metrics simultaneously, as they generate the same files.
The maximum number of configured Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DN objects that simultaneously had voicemail_box_gim enabled, in either an active or inactive state, at any point during the day. This metric is an alternative to the voicemail_boxes metric, which uses datasets that are snapshots of the configuration from Configuration Server / GWS. Use this new voicemail_boxes_gim metric in deployments where Genesys Info Mart is installed with Configuration ICON release 8.1.514.19 or later. Objects count voicemail_boxes_gim  Daily (the number of Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DNs that have voicemail boxes configured) Global Monthly maximum enabled voicemail boxes. Genesys Info Mart DB One global instance of Genesys Info Mart DB per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GplusWFM Draft:BDS Workforce Optimization WFO TBD Billing Data Service User TBD TBD TBD Daily Region TBD Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GVPMinutes Draft:BDS GVP Minutes GVP Minutes This page provides information about how the GVP Minutes metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

GVP Minutes is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Cloud Contact Center GVP port minutes port usage time gvp_minutes daily Region Duration of GVP treatment applied to calls within GVP platform GVP Reporting Server database, Genesys Info Mart database Instance of GVP Reporting Server DB for each location (shared between tenants or individual). One global instance of Genesys Info Mart DB for each tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/GVPPorts Draft:BDS GVP ports GVP ports This page provides information about how the GVP Ports metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Cloud Contact Center Genesys Voice Platform (GVP) port peak usage. Port peak usage gvp_ports Daily Region Peak usage of GVP treatment applied to calls within GVP. GVP Reporting Server database; Genesys Info Mart database Instance of GVP Reporting Server database per location (shared between tenants or individual); one global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/IVR Draft:BDS IVR IVR TBD User The IVR add-on provides its services through IVR services in GVP. The total number of minutes consumed by IVR services in the billing period. Minutes TBD Daily Region


  • DTMF Applications
  • Speech-enabled applications
  • Call Queuing/Call Parking
GVP Reporting Server database, Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/IWD Draft:BDS Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD) Intelligent Workload Distribution TBD User The Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD) add-on:
  • Prioritizes an organization's workload from many different systems.
  • Pushes the work requests to the most capable/skilled resource.
  • Monitors execution to understand availability for new or critical tasking.
  • Provides real-time, intra-day, and historical visibility so you can understand in real time the entire workload and the contribution of the people to the business.
Concurrent and named number of agents who have active IWD work item sessions. The metric considers only sessions where at least one IWD task was handled. Agent Count TBD Daily (Concurrent), Monthly (Named) Region Concurrent: The peak number of concurrently active unique agent sessions in IWD media channels, in which the agent handled at least one interaction of that workitem type during the login session.

Named: The number of unique agents logged in to IWD media channels, and who handled at least one interaction of that type during the login session.


  • Universal Queue – Enterprises can capture all work items across different source systems and place them into one global task list.
  • Categorization – Assigning work items to multi-level categories allows for quick and easy organization and adherence to timely delivery SLA.
  • Insight into SLA and workforce performance – Standard reports and dashboards provide comprehensive insights across all work items. Performance and handling times can be measured for non-real-time interactions.
  • Automation of SLA management – Push-based delivery of work items forcing the fulfillment of all process steps on time and ensures the end-to-end delivery of all SLAs.
  • Forecast and schedule across all interactions and work items - Provides input data for workforce scheduling and planning even for off queue employees. Capacities can be planned for non-real-time channels and enterprise employees just like contact center resources.
  • Omnichannel employee desktop - Receive work items from different systems. Employees / Advisors do not need to log in or out of different systems.
  • Continuous reprioritization of all work items - Continuously reprioritize work items based on their business value. The push-based delivery ensures that all employees will work on the most important tasks first.
Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/OC Draft:BDS Outbound Campaign Transactions Outbound campaign transactions TBD User Number of CX Contact enabled transactions. Objects Count TBD Daily Global A sub-type of interaction that is either initiated by an agent or by a computer towards a target number. This sub-type of interaction is counted regardless of a connection being established between the two parties or even if no attempt is made to reach the target number because the target number is part of a "Do not call List". CX Outbound Interactions are also counted for outgoing SMS and Emails. Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/OutbndVcWithCXContactIxn Draft:BDS Outbound Voice with CX Contact Interaction Outbound Voice with CX Contact Interaction This page provides information about how the Outbound Voice with CX Contact Interaction metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Outbound Voice with CX Contact Interaction is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Number of CX Contact enabled transactions. objects count cx_contact_interactions Daily Global Number of CX Contact enabled transactions. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/OutboundContact Draft:BDS Outbound Contact Outbound Contact This page provides information about how the Outbound Contact metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have voice sessions during which an agent was involved in the OCS-driven activity. Concurrency of the co-browsing activity within the agent login sessions is not measured here; only the concurrency of full login sessions that use Outbound Contact at least once during the login session is measured. Agent count seats_outbound Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region Concurrent: Calculated with 1 sec precision, the number of concurrently active agent voice sessions recorded during the billing period (daily concurrent) during which an agent was involved in the OCS-driven activity.
Enabled: the number of unique logged-in agents that recorded voice sessions during the billing period (monthly enabled) during which an agent was involved in the OCS-driven activity.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/RecordingAndQM Draft:BDS Active Call Recording / Screen Recording / Quality Management Active Call Recording / Screen Recording / Quality Management This page provides information about how the Active Call Recording, Screen Recording, and Quality Management metrics are defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Active Call Recording, Screen Recording, and Quality Management are usage metrics.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled Cloud Contact Center Active Call Recording / Screen Recording / Quality Management Agents Seats. agents count seats_call_recording, seats_screen_recording, seats_quality_management Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent "seats_call_recording", "seats_quality_management": number of concurrently active voice call recording sessions recorded during the billing period (daily concurrent).
  • Concurrent "seats_screen_recording": number of concurrently active screen recording sessions recorded during the billing period (daily concurrent).
  • Enabled "seats_call_recording", "seats_quality_management": number of unique logged in agents who had at least one voice call recorded during the billing period (monthly enabled).
  • Enabled "seats_screen_recording": number of unique logged in agents who had at least one screen session recorded during the billing period (monthly enabled).
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/SIPInteraction Draft:BDS Genesys SIP Interaction Genesys SIP Interaction This page provides information about how the Genesys SIP Interaction metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

The Genesys SIP Interaction metric is a billable metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents with voice sessions registered on switches of type 72 (SIP Switch or SIP Cluster), and handling at least one interaction. Excludes non-agents. agents count seats_sip_interaction Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) global
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active unique agents' voice sessions registered on switches of type 72 (SIP Switch or SIP Cluster), and handling at least one interaction during the given day. Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: The number of unique agents with voice sessions recorded since the 1st day of the month, registered on switches of type 72 (SIP Switch or SIP Cluster), and handling at least one interaction.
Genesys Info Mart database. One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant.|- No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/SIPVoicemail Draft:BDS SIP voicemail SIP voicemail This page provides information about how the SIP voicemail metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User
You must never enable both voicemail_boxes_gim and voicemail_boxes metrics simultaneously, as they generate the same files.
The maximum number of configured Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DN objects that simultaneously had voicemail_box enabled, in either an active or inactive state, at any point during the month. Objects count voicemail_boxes  Daily (the number of Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DNs that have voicemail boxes configured) Global Monthly maximum enabled voicemail boxes. Tenant Configuration Server  Instance of Configuration Server per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/TaskRouting Draft:BDS Task routing Task routing TBD User The Genesys Task Routing (GTR) add-on provides the ability to implement a single routing platform for all interactions. Number of 'workitem' interactions created within a billing period. Objects Count TBD Daily Global A sub-type of interaction that is defined as a request and submitted to Genesys routing to route a task.

Note: The task does not actually need to be routed in order to be counted.


  • Submit interactions from external systems to Genesys Engage Cloud.
  • Use Designer to create application to handle the classification, prioritization and targeting the best available agents to handle the interactions.
  • Allow Agents to handle interactions with screen pop to external applications.
  • Provide blended Agents to handle all type of interactions including voice.
Genesys Info Mart database TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Third-partyWorkItems Draft:BDS Third-party work items Third-party work items This page provides information about how the Third-party work items metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

This metric is designed to measure concurrent/enabled iWD seats, where applicable.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of agents who have active iWD work item sessions. The metric considers only sessions where at least one iWD task was handled. Agent count seats_third_party Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) Region
  • Concurrent: The peak number of concurrently active unique agent sessions in 3rd-party Work Items / iWD media channels, in which the agent handled at least one interaction of that type during the login session.
  • Enabled: The number of unique agents logged in to 3rd-party Work Items / iWD media channels, and who handled at least one interaction of that type during the login session.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/TTSPorts Draft:BDS TTS ports TTS ports This page provides information about how the TTS Ports metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files. Billing Data Service User Cloud Contact Center ASR port peak usage and Cloud Contact Center TTS port peak usage. Port peak usage gvp_tts_ports Daily Region Peak usage of ASR treatment / TTS treatment applied to calls within the Genesys Voice Platform (GVP).  GVP Reporting Server database ; Genesys Info Mart database Instance of GVP Reporting Server database per location (shared between tenants or individual); one global instance of Genesys Info Mart database per tenant. No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Voice1 Draft:BDS Voice 1 bundle Voice 1 Describes the Voice 1 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. Billing Data Service User The Voice 1 bundle provides core contact center functionalities such as handling inbound voice (SIP or WebRTC based), callback, reporting modules, and few other capabilities. Voice 1 users are billed based on the consumption type - Named or Concurrent user. For more details about a Voice 1 user, see the Metric definition in the following sections. Users are counted and billed as Voice 1 users in a given billing period if they use 'Inbound Voice' (including SIP-based). User bundle_voice_one Daily Region

Named Voice 1 users

  • The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that are configured to handle inbound voice interactions and that logged into a Voice 1 bundled multicloud CX service in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) for at least 60 seconds during the billing period.
  • Named users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region.
  • If, during a billing period, the same User ID logged into a Voice 1 bundled multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a named user in each of those regions during that billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the named user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the named user calculation. 

Concurrent Voice 1 users

  • The maximum number of unique User IDs (including Supervisors) that are configured to handle inbound voice interactions, and that logged into a Voice 1 bundled multicloud CX service in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) within any one second interval during the billing period.
  • Concurrent Users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region.
  • The User needs to be logged in for at least 60 seconds in the service.
  • If, during a billing period, the same User ID logged into a Voice 1 bundled multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a Concurrent User in each of those regions during that billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the concurrent user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the concurrent user calculation. 

Voice 1 capabilities

  • Inbound voice handling via skills-based routing.
  • Genesys Context Routing.
  • Genesys Softphone or SIP Endpoint Connector for 3rd party Endpoints.
  • Genesys WebRTC internet connection.
  • Genesys Callback.
  • Call recording (file-based).
  • Workspace (Agent Workspace) or Workspace Toolkit or Workspace API.
  • Provisioning API to allow to retrieve and set configuration values.
  • Statistics API to allow to subscribe operation statistics for monitoring.
  • Real-time monitoring of agent activity via Pulse reporting.
  • Historical reporting via Genesys Info Mart (GIM) and Genesys Customer Experience Insights (GCXI).
  • Genesys Info Mart data export.
  • Genesys Portal.

If you are looking for Outbound solutions, see the Voice 2 bundle. If you are looking for Digital channels, see the digital bundles - Digital 1 and Digital 2.

Genesys Info Mart database No seats_callback seats_inbound_voice
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Voice2 Draft:BDS Voice 2 bundle Voice 2 Describes the Voice 2 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. Billing Data Service User The Voice 2 bundle provides standard Genesys Outbound capabilities such as outbound voice, SMS, email, and few other capabilities. When you signup for the Voice 2 bundle, the Voice 1 bundle is also included in your package.
  • If your organization uses Outbound IVR, you need to purchase IVR minutes based on your organizational needs.
  • If your organization sends Outbound SMS or Outbound Email, you need to purchase the Digital Hybrid Bundle through a specific Service Order.
    Note that Genesys offers Outbound SMS or Outbound Email capabilities through Genesys Cloud CX SMS/Email Aggregation Services. Hence, any third-party SMS/Email aggregation services are not supported. Contact your Genesys sales representative for more information.

Voice 2 user is billed based on the following approaches:
  • Consumption of the bundle as a concurrent and named user in a given the billing period.
  • Consumption based on the number of outbound transactions handled such as outbound voice, SMS, or email in a given billing period.

Note: The Voice 1 bundle and its capabilities are included in the Voice 2 bundle.

User bundle_voice_two Daily Region
  • Users are only counted as a Voice 2 User if they handle an outbound call as part of the dialer campaign during the billing period.
  • If counted as a Voice 2 User, the unique User ID is not counted as a Voice 1 user during the billing period.

Voice 2 capabilities

Voice 1 capabilities plus the following Voice 2 specific capabilities:

  • Outbound Dialing with Agents
  • Outbound IVR
  • Call Progress Detection (CPD)
  • Call Results
  • Outbound SMS Campaigns
  • Outbound Email Campaigns
  • Agent Interface Desktop ? (Workspace Web Edition) or Workspace Toolkit or Workspace API Writer's note: Do you want to mention Agent Workspace or Agent Interface Desktop specifically?
  • User interface supporting Campaign, List, and Compliance Management

If you are looking for Digital channels, see the digital bundles - Digital 1 and Digital 2.

Genesys Info Mart database TBD No seats_callback seats_outbound seats_voice
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Voicemail Draft:BDS Voicemail Voicemail TBD Billing Data Service User The Voicemail add-on provides a single voice mailbox for recording, notification and playback of voice messages. Each mailbox is assigned to an agent or functional group.

Note: This add-on requires Voice 1 bundle.

The maximum number of configured Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DN objects that simultaneously had voicemail box enabled, in either an active or inactive state, at any point during the day. Objects count TBD Maximum voicemail boxes enabled in a month.


  • Recording of a message by a caller
  • A Message Waiting Indication (MWI) to the assigned group's agents on their Agent Workspaces (Workspace)
  • Playback of the recording from the Agent Workspace
Daily Global Configuration Server DB TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/WFO Draft:BDS WFO WFO TBD User TBD User TBD Daily Region TBD Genesys Info Mart TBD No
Draft:BDS/Current/User/Workspace Draft:BDS Workspace Workspace This page provides information about how the Workspace metric is defined and calculated, and describes the key values used to designate these metrics in the billing files.

Workspace is a usage metric.

Billing Data Service User Concurrent and Enabled number of unique agents using Workspace and having active sessions regardless of the media channel, or switch type  agents count seats_workspace Daily (concurrent), daily (enabled) in release and later, (monthly (enabled) in earlier releases) region
  • Concurrent: The number of concurrently active unique agents' login sessions registered within any media channel during the given day, and using Workspace.  Calculated with one-second precision.
  • Enabled: number of unique agents with login sessions registered registered within any media channel during the month, and using Workspace.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database, per tenant No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/ASRTTS Draft:System ASR/TTS ASR/TTS Describes the ASR/TTS add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Nuance Automatic Speech Recognition / Text-to-Speech (ASR/TTS) add-on provides natural language processing and speech synthesizing solutions to your contact center.
  • ASR - This add-on includes a single ASR language of your choice. You can purchase additional languages for ASR subscriptions for an additional monthly subscription fee.
  • TTS - This add-on includes a single TTS voice of your choice. You can purchase additional voices for TTS subscriptions for an additional monthly subscription fee.


If you are purchasing the ASR/TTS add-on, you should have already purchased the IVR minutes as part of the IVR add-on. The purchased minutes of ASR and/or TTS does not need to equal the quantity of IVR minutes purchased.

ASR/TTS treatment of the call in milliseconds rounded to 20000+6000ms chunks. Objects Count gvp_asr_minutes, gvp_tts_minutes Daily Region


  • The ASR meter starts when the first recognition is initially invoked, and continues to run for as long as the call is in the IVR. The meter stops running when the caller hangs-up, or when the call is transferred to an agent or queue.
  • Minimum charge is 20 seconds, and individual calls will be rounded-up to the nearest 6 second increment.
  • The sum of all calls per day is rounded-up to the nearest minute.


  • The TTS meter reflects the number of seconds of TTS used within a call to the IVR.   
  • Minimum charge is 20 seconds, and individual calls will be rounded-up to the nearest 6 second increment.
  • The sum of all calls per day is rounded-up to the nearest minute.

ASR Capabilities

ASR, sometimes known as Natural Language Speech Recognition, can recognize, interpret, and assign meaning to particular words and phrases. It can also recognize natural numbers and currency amounts.

ASR supports the following grammar types:

  • Closed grammars accept a finite range of input and are implemented using finite-state grammars with traditional parsing. These grammars are usually authored in GRXML.
  • Open NLU grammars accept an essentially unlimited range of input and can be implemented using a variety of techniques based on statistical language models (used alone or in combination with statistical semantic models), finite-state grammars incorporating the GARBAGE rule, finite-state grammars used with robust parsing, and/or word lattice generation.

ASR Additional Language Capabilities

A single ASR language of the customer's choice is included with the ASR add-on. Additional languages for ASR subscriptions may be purchased for an additional monthly subscription fee.

The quantity of ASR Additional Language minutes must equal the quantity of Genesys Choice ASR minutes. This will entitle the customer to use any available ASR language.

For example, if your application operates in US English, Canadian French, and German, and if you need a total of 100 minutes of ASR, you must purchase 100 minutes of ASR and 100 minutes of ASR Additional Language. The total ASR usage across all languages will not exceed 100 minutes.
Contact your Genesys Account Representative to get a complete list of supported language options for ASR.

ASR Connector Capabilities (Private Edition only)

Permits connection from Genesys Choice IVR to customer-provided Nuance MRCP grammar-based ASR resources. The quantity of ASR connector minutes must reflect the quantity of ASR minutes used within the IVR and is calculated using the same measurement and invoicing rules as Genesys Choice ASR.

TTS Capabilities

TTS permits applications to play speech directly from ASCII text by converting the text to synthesized speech. TTS minutes are counted until the synthesized audio playback is complete. The TTS is streamed during the call in real time and it cannot be saved to a file for subsequent playback.

TTS Additional Voice Capabilities

A single TTS voice of the customer's choice is included with the TTS add-on. Additional voices for TTS subscriptions may be purchased for an additional monthly subscription fee.

The quantity of TTS Additional Voice minutes must equal the quantity of Genesys Choice TTS minutes. This will entitle the customer to use any available TTS voice.

For example, if your application operates with TTS using a US English female voice (Samantha), Canadian French male voice (Nicolas), and a German female voice (Anna), and if you need a total of 100 minutes of TTS, you must purchase 100 minutes of TTS and 100 minutes of TTS Additional Voice. The total TTS usage across all voices will not exceed 100 minutes.
Contact your Genesys Account Representative to get a complete list of supported voice options for TTS.

TTS Connector Capabilities (Private Edition only)

Permits connection from Genesys Choice IVR to customer-provided Nuance MRCP TTS resources. The quantity of TTS connector minutes must reflect the quantity of TTS minutes used within the IVR and is calculated using the same measurement and invoicing rules as Genesys Choice TTS.

GVP Reporting Server DB, Genesys Info Mart database For GVP Reporting Server (RS) database - an instance of GVP RS database per location. This instance can be used by a single tenant or shared between multiple tenants. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/Digital1 Draft:System Digital 1 bundle Digital 1 Describes the Digital 1 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Digital 1 bundle provides core digital customer service capabilities across web and mobile chat, email, and SMS channels. In addition, the Digital 1 bundle provides applications for Routing/Context Routing, Agent Workspace, Reporting, Workload and Configuration tools.

With the Digital 1 bundle, you have access to the following GWS APIs:

  1. Workspace API
  2. Provisioning API
  3. Statistics API

Additionally, you have access to the APIs included in the following capabilities section.


Users are counted and billed as Digital 1 users in a given billing period if they use any of the following features:
  • Chat
  • Email
  • SMS

A user accessing other non-desktop applications such as Designer, Reporting, and so on is not counted as a Digital 1 user and, therefore, their log in to those applications is not billed.

User bundle_digital_one Daily Region

Named Digital 1 users

  • The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 1 bundled Multicloud CX service in a given geographic region and have taken a Chat, Email, or SMS interaction during the billing period.
  • Named users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Digital 1 bundled Multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a named user in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the named user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the named user calculation.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a digital channel and handled at least one Chat, Email, or SMS interaction, then their user ID is counted as a Named Digital 1 user.

Concurrent Digital 1 users

  • The maximum number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 1 bundled Multicloud CX service in a given geographic region and have taken a Chat, Email, or SMS interaction within any one second interval during the billing period.
  • Concurrent users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Digital 1 bundled Multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a concurrent user in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the concurrent user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the concurrent user calculation.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a digital channel and handled at least one Chat, Email, or SMS interaction within any one second interval, then their user ID is counted as a Concurrent Digital 1 user.

Chat capabilities

  • Asynchronous, long-lived conversations over web or mobile channels.
  • API to enable chat within the customer's mobile application (iPhone, Android); enterprises can enable push notifications and customize the chat interface within their apps (see: Consumer Messaging API).
  • API to enable customized chat widget for web/mobile web channel (see: Widgets API).
  • Access to use Third-Party Messaging API.
  • Emojis and image transfer (additional rich media elements in roadmap).
  • Agent-initiated outbound messages.
  • Seamless integration with chatbots.

Email capabilities

  • Classify and categorize emails with multiple levels of rules.
  • Set and manage prioritization schemas to meet your SLAs.
  • View and manage the email backlog with advanced query capabilities in a business-friendly user interface.
  • Create routing strategies in Designer.
  • Set up automated acknowledgment emails by mailbox or category.
  • Create standard responses in Designer for use by agents within Agent Workspace.
  • Use the Genesys WFM connector to manage your workforce.
  • View near real-time dashboards within Workload Manager.
  • Personal Workbins for Agents to manage their emails.
  • Transfer email(s) to another agent, agent group, skill, or queue.
  • View related emails by using the tree-view toggle or searching for specific parameters.
  • Ability to send emails to a supervisor for review before sending them to customers.
  • Access to use Secure Email API.

SMS capabilities

  • Asynchronous mode allows customers to connect with companies on their own terms; conversations can continue over minutes, hours or days
  • Use short codes, local long codes and toll-free numbers to communicate to virtually any phone
  • Support for native and third-party SMS aggregators
  • Inbound SMS responses can be connected to CX Contact campaigns
  • Transfer SMS conversations to another agent, agent group, skill, or queue
  • Support for auto-responses, standard responses, and chatbot support
  • Last agent subscription and notifications to provide consistency where possible
  • Agents able to respond to/from multiple numbers for categorization of communications

If you are looking for additional social engagement and messaging channels like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter, see the Digital 2 bundle.

If you are looking for inbound voice and outbound capabilities (including SMS and Email), see the voice bundles - Voice 1 and Voice 2.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/Digital2 Draft:System Digital 2 bundle Digital 2 Describes the Digital 2 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Digital 2 bundle provides capabilities across Social Engagement and Messaging channels including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. When you sign up for the Digital 2 bundle, the Digital 1 bundle is also included in your package.
WhatsApp Incidentals and WhatsApp Number Hosting incur additional fees on top of the Digital 2 bundle.

The Digital 2 users are billed based on consumption type - Named or Concurrent user. For more details about Digital 2 users, see the Metric definition section below.

Users are counted and billed as Digital 2 users in a given billing period if they use any of the Social or Messaging channels' capabilities. If a User ID is counted as a Digital 2 User, that unique User ID is not counted again as a Digital 1 user during the billing period.

A user accessing other non-desktop applications such as Designer, Reporting, and so on is not counted as a Digital 2 user and, therefore, their log in to those applications is not billed.

User bundle_digital_two Daily Region

Named Digital 2 users

  • The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 2 bundled Multicloud CX service in a given geographic region and have taken a Social or Messaging interaction during the billing period.
  • Named users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Digital 2 bundled Multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a named user in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the named user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the named user calculation.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a digital channel and handled at least one Facebook, Twitter, or WhatsApp interaction, then their user ID is counted as a Named Digital 2 user.

Concurrent Digital 2 users

  • The maximum number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into a Digital 2 bundled Multicloud CX service in a given geographic region and have taken a Social or Messaging interaction within any one second interval during the billing period.
  • Concurrent users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Digital 2 bundled Multicloud CX service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a concurrent user in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the concurrent user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the concurrent user calculation.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a digital channel and handled at least one Facebook, Twitter, or WhatsApp interaction within any one second interval, then their user ID is counted as a Concurrent Digital 2 user.

Digital 2 capabilities


  • Asynchronous, long-lived conversations over customer's preferred channel
  • Agent-initiated outbound messages
  • Seamless integration with chatbots
  • Designer routing applications
  • Reporting in Pulse and GCXI


  • WhatsApp messaging, including templatized notifications
  • Facebook private messaging
  • Twitter private messaging

Social Engagement

  • Facebook public posts moderation and engagement
  • Twitter public posts moderation and engagement

If you are looking for core digital channels like chat, email, and SMS, see the Digital 1 bundle.

If you are looking for inbound voice and outbound capabilities (including SMS and Email), see the Voice 1 and Voice 2 bundles.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/GplusWFM Draft:System Gplus Workforce Management (Gplus WFM) Gplus Workforce Management Describes the Gplus Workforce Management add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice Concurrent and Named number of agents who have login sessions as registered by Gplus WFM Adapter Agent Count seats_gplus_wfm Daily Region


The total number of unique agents registered by adapter during the month.


Calculated with 1 second precision, a peak number of concurrently active unique agents using the adapter during the given day.


The Gplus Adapter for Workforce Management (Gplus WFM) is a software solution that provides integration between a third party WFM system and Genesys routing solutions. Genesys event data is filtered and aggregated to provide interval activity data and a real-time data feed for the WFM system.  Gplus WFM supports Aspect, Calabrio Teleopti, NICE IEX, and Verint.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/IVR Draft:System IVR IVR Describes the IVR add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice The IVR add-on provides its services through IVR services in GVP. The total number of minutes consumed by IVR services in the billing period. Minutes gvp_minutes Daily Region The IVR meter starts when the IVR service is initially invoked, and continues to run for as long as the IVR service is being used. On a daily basis, the sum of seconds of all calls is rounded-up to the nearest minute.


The IVR add-on provides the following self-service and/or assisted service capabilities.

  • DTMF applications
  • Speech-enabled applications
  • Call Queuing/Call Parking
  • IVR Survey
  • Callback
Genesys Info Mart database, GVP Reporting Server database For GVP Reporting Server (RS) database - an instance of GVP RS database per location. This instance can be used by a single tenant or shared between multiple tenants. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/IWD Draft:System Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD) Intelligent Workload Distribution Describes the IWD add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice The Intelligent Workload Distribution (IWD) add-on:
  • Prioritizes an organization's workload from many different systems.
  • Pushes the work requests to the most capable/skilled resource.
  • Monitors the execution to understand the availability for new or critical tasking.
  • Provides real-time, intra-day, and historical visibility so you can understand the entire workload and the contribution of the people to the business in real time.
Concurrent and named number of agents who have active IWD work item sessions. The metric considers only sessions where at least one IWD task was handled. Agent Count seats_third_party Daily Region

Named IWD users

The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into Genesys in a given geographic region and have handled at least one work item interaction during the billing period.

Concurrent IWD users

The maximum number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that logged into Genesys in a given geographic region and have handled at least one work item interaction within in any one second interval during the billing period.


  • Universal Queue – Enterprises can capture all work items across different source systems and place them into one global task list.
  • Categorization – Assigning work items to multi-level categories allows for quick and easy organization and adherence to timely delivery of SLA.
  • Insight into SLA and workforce performance – Standard reports and dashboards provide comprehensive insights across all work items. Performance and handling times can be measured for non-real time interactions.
  • Automation of SLA management – Push-based delivery of work items forcing the fulfillment of all process steps on time and ensuring the end-to-end delivery of all SLAs.
  • Forecast and schedule across all interactions and work items – Provides input data for workforce scheduling and planning even for off queue employees. Capacities can be planned for non-real time channels and enterprise employees just like contact center resources.
  • Omnichannel employee desktop – Receive work items from different systems. Employees / Advisors do not need to log in or log out of different systems.
  • Continuous reprioritization of all work items – Continuously reprioritize work items based on their business value. The push-based delivery ensures that all employees will work on the most important tasks first.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/OC Draft:System Outbound Campaign Transactions Outbound campaign transactions Describes the Outbound campaign add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice Number of CX Contact enabled transactions. Objects Count cx_contact_interactions Daily Global A sub-type of interaction that is either initiated by an agent or by a computer towards a target number. This interaction is counted regardless of a connection being established between the two parties or even if no attempt is made to reach the target number because the target number is part of a "Do not call List". CX Outbound Interactions are also counted for outgoing SMS and Emails. Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/RecordingStorage Draft:System Recording storage Recording storage Describes the Recording storage add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Recording Storage add-on bills customers for using the Genesys-hosted cloud storage space (for example, Azure blob storage) to store their recordings.


You must have purchased WFO 1A or WFO 2 bundle.

The storage space consumed for storing agents' recording files. Actual cloud-storage space consumed in a billing period is billed. Genesys retains the recording files (both voice and screen) based on the number of months defined in the Genesys Data Retention policy for hosted environments. According to the policy, Genesys by default retains the recording files for 13 months which allows you to review the bill value against the recording space consumed.
Contact your Genesys Account Representative if your organization wants to change the default data retention period.
Gigabytes (GB) azure_storage Daily* Region High watermark of recording storage used in terms of GB. High watermark is the maximum daily storage space consumed by all recording files in a billing period, measured in GB.

Recording storage includes the storage space consumed by screen recording, voice recording (constitutes both IVR recording and agent-customer interaction recording), and transcripts.

Azure Blob Storage One per tenant No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/SupervisorMetering Draft:System Supervisor and other non-agent personnel - access and metering Supervisor access and metering Describes the Supervisor access and metering bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. GenesysChoice For non-agent personnel to access to desktop (i.e. Workspace Web Edition) application and participate the interactions, separate Agent accounts must be created for Supervisors, Managers, Analysts and Administrators. Supervisor user is billed based on the following criteria:
  • If Supervisor had at least one login session into a voice channel for more than 60 seconds, then it is counted as a Voice 1 User
  • If Supervisor had at least one login session into a voice channel and took at least 1 outbound call, then it is counted as a Voice 2 User
  • If Supervisor had at least one login session into a digital channel and took at least 1 chat, email or SMS interaction, it is counted as a Digital 1 User
  • If Supervisor had at least one login session into a digital channel and took at least 1 Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp interaction, it is counted as a Digital 2 User

For the access to other non-desktop applications (i.e, Designer, Reporting, etc), then it is NOT counted as a user and therefore is not billed either.

User Daily Region
  • Supervisor Users are counted as a Named Voice 1, Voice 2, Digital 1 or Digital 2 User if they handle Voice 1 bundled, Voice 2 bundled, Digital 1 bundled or Digital 2 bundled interaction(s) <insert the functionality> during the billing period. See the above Billable item criteria and Named user definition of each bundle.
  • Supervisor Users are counted as a Concurrent Voice 1, Voice 2, Digital 1 or Digital 2 User if they handle Voice 1 bundled, Voice 2 bundled, Digital 1 bundled or Digital 2 bundled interaction(s) <insert the functionality> during the billing period. See the above Billable item criteria and Concurrent user definition of each bundle.

Supervisor Capabilities

  • Voice 1 bundle, Voice 2 bundle, Digital 1 bundle, Digital 2 bundle. Please refer to each bundle for details.
  • Supervisors are able to access to other non-desktop applications such as Designer, Reporting, etc. (not counted as a user).
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/TaskRouting Draft:System Task routing Task routing Describes the Task routing add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice The Genesys Task Routing (GTR) add-on provides the ability to implement a single routing platform for all interactions. Number of 'workitem' interactions created within a billing period Objects Count gtr_interactions Daily Global A sub-type of interaction that is defined as a request and submitted to Genesys routing to route a task.

Note: The task does not actually need to be routed in order to be counted.


  • Submit interactions from external systems to Genesys Multicloud CX system.
  • Use Designer to create application to handle the classification, prioritization, and targeting the best available agents to handle the interactions.
  • Allow agents to handle interactions with screen pop to external applications.
  • Provide blended agents to handle all type of interactions including voice.
Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/Voice1 Draft:System Voice 1 bundle Voice 1 Describes the Voice 1 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Voice 1 bundle provides core contact center functionalities such as handling inbound voice (SIP or WebRTC based), callback, reporting modules, and few other capabilities. Voice 1 users are billed based on the consumption type - Named or Concurrent user. For more details about a Voice 1 user, see the Metric definition in the following sections. Users are counted and billed as Voice 1 users in a given billing period if they log in to handle inbound voice interactions but they don’t handle outbound interactions.

A user accessing other non-desktop applications such as Designer, Reporting, and so on is not counted as a Voice 1 user and, therefore, their log in to those applications is not billed.

User bundle_voice_one Daily Region

Named Voice 1 users

  • The total number of unique User IDs (including supervisors) that are configured to handle inbound voice interactions and are logged into a Voice 1 bundled Multicloud CX agent desktop service (Agent Workspace or custom integration via Workspace Toolkit or API) in a given geographic region for at least 60 seconds during the billing period.
  • Named users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Voice 1 bundled Multicloud CX agent desktop service (Agent Workspace or custom integration via Workspace Toolkit or API) in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a named user in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a voice channel for more than 60 seconds, then their user ID is counted as a Voice 1 named user.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the named user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the named user calculation. 

Concurrent Voice 1 users

  • The maximum number of unique User IDs (including Supervisors) that are configured to handle inbound voice interactions, and are logged into a Voice 1 bundled Multicloud CX agent desktop service (Agent Workspace or custom integration via Workspace Toolkit or API) in a given geographic region within any one second interval during the billing period.
  • Concurrent Users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If a User ID is logged into a Voice 1 bundled Multicloud CX agent desktop service (Agent Workspace or custom integration via Workspace Toolkit or API) in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a Concurrent User in each of those regions during the billing period for that service.
  • The User needs to be logged in for at least 60 seconds in the service.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a voice channel for at least 60 seconds, then their user ID is counted as a Voice 1 concurrent user.
  • Any User ID used by Genesys for testing purpose is excluded from the concurrent user calculation.
  • Any User ID used by a customer for testing purpose is included in the concurrent user calculation. 

Voice 1 capabilities

  • Inbound voice handling via skills-based routing.
  • Genesys Context Routing.
  • Genesys Softphone or SIP Endpoint Connector for 3rd party Endpoints.
  • Genesys WebRTC (voice-only).
  • Genesys Callback.
  • Call recording (file-based).
  • Agent Workspace or Workspace Toolkit or Workspace API.
  • APIs for common provisioning and configuration operations, such as the PSDK or Provisioning API.
  • APIs to monitor statistics, such as the PSDK or Statistics API.
  • Real-time monitoring of agent activity via Pulse reporting.
  • Historical reporting via Genesys Info Mart (GIM) and Genesys Customer Experience Insights (GCXI).
  • Genesys Info Mart data export.
  • Genesys Portal.

If you are looking for outbound capabilities (including SMS and Email), see the Voice 2 bundle. If you are looking for Digital channels, see the digital bundles - Digital 1 and Digital 2.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/Voice2 Draft:System Voice 2 bundle Voice 2 Describes the Voice 2 bundle in Genesys Choice, its capabilities, and measurement through BDS metrics. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Voice 2 bundle provides standard Genesys Outbound capabilities such as Outbound voice, SMS, email, and a few other capabilities. When you sign up for the Voice 2 bundle, the Voice 1 bundle is also included in your package.
  • If your organization uses Outbound IVR, you need to purchase IVR minutes based on your organizational needs.
  • If you are planning to use the SMS channel, you must also purchase the following:
    • SMS short code or toll-free number provisioning.
    • SMS short code or toll-free number monthly lease.
    • Per message fees
Voice 2 user is billed based on the following criteria:
  • Consumption of the bundle as a concurrent and named user in a given the billing period.
  • Consumption based on the number of outbound transactions handled such as outbound voice, SMS, or email in a given billing period.

A user accessing other non-desktop applications such as Designer, Reporting, and so on is not counted as a Voice 2 user and, therefore, their log in to those applications is not billed.

Note: The Voice 1 bundle and its capabilities are included in the Voice 2 bundle.

User bundle_voice_two Daily Region
  • Users are counted as a Voice 2 User if they handle an outbound call as part of the dialer campaign during the billing period.
  • If counted as a Voice 2 User, the unique User ID is not counted as a Voice 1 user during the billing period.
  • If a Supervisor has logged into a voice channel and handled at least one outbound call, then their user ID is counted as a Voice 2 user.

Voice 2 capabilities

Voice 1 capabilities are included along with the following Voice 2 specific capabilities:

  • Outbound Dialing with Agents
  • Outbound IVR
  • Call Progress Detection (CPD)
  • Call Results
  • Outbound SMS Campaigns
  • Outbound Email Campaigns
  • Agent Workspace (Workspace Web Edition) or Workspace Toolkit or Workspace API
  • User interface supporting Campaign, List, and Compliance Management

If you are looking for core digital channels like chat, email, and SMS or additional social engagement and messaging channels like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter, see the Digital 1 and Digital 2 bundles.

Genesys Info Mart database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/Voicemail Draft:System Voicemail Voicemail Describes the voicemail add-on, its capabilities, and measurement in Genesys Choice. System-Level Documentation GenesysChoice The Voicemail add-on provides a single voice mailbox for recording, notification, and playback of voice messages. Each mailbox is assigned to an agent or functional group.


The maximum number of configured Agent Logins, Agent Groups, and DN objects that simultaneously had voicemail box enabled, in either an active or inactive state, at any point during the day. Objects count voicemail_boxes_gim Daily Global Maximum voicemail boxes enabled in a month.


  • Recording of a message by a caller.
  • A Message Waiting Indication (MWI) to the assigned group's agents on their Agent Workspace.
  • Playback of the recording from Agent Workspace.
  • Email notification of voicemail, with Voicemail Access URL.
Configuration Server DB One global instance of Configuration Server DB for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/WFO Draft:System WFO WFO TBD GenesysChoice TBD User TBD Daily Region TBD Genesys Info Mart TBD No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/WFO1A Draft:System Workforce Optimization (WFO) 1A bundle Workforce Optimization 1A Describes the WFO 1A bundle, its capabilities, and measurements in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice WFO 1A bundle includes the following components:
  • Interaction Recording (voice) - provides a comprehensive solution to address market needs and challenges in meeting the legal and regulatory compliance requirements, and facilitates liability and dispute resolution.
  • Screen Recording - is an integral part of Active Call Recording.
  • Quality Management - provides comprehensive contact center quality assurance functions for scoring and improving an agent’s performance. It allows creating questionnaires with multi-level scoring, scheduling and executing evaluations, and provides reports to spot trends.


You must have already signed up for any one of the Genesys Choice Voice or Digital bundles.

Concurrent and Enabled number of Users who used Voice Recording and/or Screen Recording during the billing period. User bundle_wfo_1a Daily Region Users are counted as WFO 1A Users if they exclusively used Voice Recording and/or Screen Recording during the billing period.

Concurrent and Named licensing

  • Concurrent: Peak concurrent recorded users in the billing period.
  • Named: Recorded users for voice and screen in the billing period.


  • Call Recording capabilities
    • Leverages common storage, security, and a centralized command and control architecture.
    • Supports voice interaction recording
    • Provides encryption on the recorded media file
    • Supports percentage-based and other recording types
  • Screen Recording capabilities
    • Leverages common storage, security, and a centralized command and control architecture.
    • Screen recording for voice interactions
    • Provides encryption
    • Supports percentage-based recording
    • Supports After Call Work (ACW)
    • Captures attached data during ACW
    • Provides ability to use multiple monitors

Quality Management capabilities

  • Monitor quality and evaluate agent's performance periodically and consistently
  • Manage Forms
    • Question types: Yes/No, Multiple Choice, Choose from List, Free Form, Sliding Scale, N/A, and Auto-Fail.
    • Questions organized as Groups with the Reusable Question Library.
  • Percentage-based weighting
  • Manage evaluation schedule
    • Create and manage evaluation and its schedules.
    • Types: Distributed by Agent, Distributed by Interaction, Shared/Pooled, Adhoc and Calibration.
    • Create multiple Forms within an evaluation.
  • Agent Feedback Notification
  • QM Reporting
  • Singled and Bulk Export of QM Data
Genesys Info Mart database, Genesys Interaction Recording database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/WFO1B Draft:System Workforce Optimization (WFO) 1B bundle Workforce Optimization 1B Describes the WFO 1B bundle, its capabilities, and measurements in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice WFO 1B bundle provides Workforce Management (WFM) capabilities for all interaction types supported by Genesys MultiCloud CX.


You must have already signed up for any one of the Genesys Choice Voice or Digital bundles.

Concurrent and Enabled number of Users included in WFM schedules during the billing period. User bundle_wfo_1b Daily Global for each customer tenant Users are counted as WFO 1B Users if they do not use Voice Recording and/or Screen Recording, but are included in WFM schedules during the billing period.

Concurrent and Named licensing

  • Concurrent: All scheduled shifts that contribute to the maximum number of agents scheduled at a given time during the billing period.
  • Named: List of agents scheduled during the billing period.


  • Workforce planning
Genesys WFM ETL database One global instance of Genesys WFM ETL database for each tenant No
Draft:System/Current/GenesysChoice/WFO2 Draft:System Workforce Optimization (WFO) 2 bundle Workforce Optimization 2 Describes the WFO 2 bundle, its capabilities, and measurements in Genesys Choice. GenesysChoice WFO 2 bundle is a performance management bundle that offers all the capabilities of WFO 1A and WFO 1B bundles as well as Speech Analytics capabilities.

Speech Analytics provides analysis of the recorded conversations by generating transcripts of both sides of the conversation. It then categorizes voice interactions based on customized criteria (topics/phrases and call events) to visualize trends and KPIs for analysis to improve your contact center operations and improve customer experience.


You must have already signed up for any one of the Genesys Choice Voice or Digital bundles.

Concurrent and Enabled number of Users who used Voice Recording and/or Screen Recording and who are also included in the Workforce Management (WFM) schedules during the billing period.


Concurrent and Enabled number of Users who are included in Speech Analytics.

User bundle_wfo_2 Daily Region Users are counted as WFO 2 Users if
  • they have used Voice Recording and/or Screen Recording (WFO 1A), and
  • they are also included in the WFM schedules (WFO 1B) during the billing period


  • they are included in Speech Analytics. In this case, the user is always counted as a WFO 2 User regardless of their usage of WFO 1A or WFO 1B bundle.

Concurrent and Named licensing

  • Concurrent: Named WFO 2 users who are either in the WFO 1A concurrent user list (peak concurrent recorded) or in the WFO 1B concurrent scheduled users (largest shift) list will be billed as Concurrent Users for WFO 2.
  • Named: Unique named users for WFO 1A and WFO 1B.


  • Full transcription of the call
  • Masking of digits on playback (optional)
  • Search based on analytics data (words, topics, categories)
  • Speech Analytics specific reports
Genesys Info Mart database, Genesys Interaction Recording database, and Genesys WFM ETL database One global instance of Genesys Info Mart database for each tenant. No
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