EE33 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by EE33 use cases across all offerings.

Administration Dashboard

Go back to admin dashboard to create and manage platform-specific use cases in the system:

Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys Skills Development and Assessment

Automate skills assessment of employees, contractors and teams. Improve capability by training, coaching and certifications.

Workforce Engagement

No draft

Not published

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: To match customers with the most appropriate agents, you need an accurate assessment of employee skills.This challenging-but-necessary task can be complicated by internal processes. As you align with HR andoperations to reduce costs, your reduced visibility to organizational skill sets can impact customer experience

Platform Solution: Identify skills that drive desired business results, then create models to distribute this knowledge in aconsistent manner. Automate employee skills and capability assessments to measure, manage and developindividual skills. Provided targeted additional training if needed.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved Agent Competency Gain key insights on the skills and capability of high performers and use this as the basis for developing skills and capabilities of all other agents.
Improved Customer Experience Instill customer confidence and experience through consistent agent knowledge.
Improved Employee Utilization Provide targeted self-paced training to fill down times with knowledge gaps and improve overall performance.

High Level Flow

High Level Flow Steps

  1. Identify skill requirements and create baseline skills assessments
  2. Agents complete their required skill trainings and assessments
  3. Skills gaps are identified and Learning items are assigned to reduce skill gaps
  4. Agent's manager is notified periodically on agents skill gaps and improvements
  5. Manager implements continuous skill improvement and revised assessments needed for the agent

Data Sheet Image

CE28 - genesys knowledge management - header (2).png

Canonical Sales Content


Qualifying Questions

Pain Points (Business Context)

Desired State - How to Fix It

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