Draft: WFM/8.5.2/Administrator/WrngErrMsgs
{{Article |Standalone=No |ComingSoon=No |DisplayName=Schedule Validation Errors and Warnings |Platform=GenesysEngage-cloud |TocName=Schedule Validation Errors and Warnings |Context=
When Workforce Management (WFM) is building or validating schedules, you might see one or more of the following
messages. The descriptions in this topic will help you to understand what causes these messages to occur and (in some cases) what you can do to resolve them.
When WFM generates these messages, the variable text shown in braces { } is replaced with the actual value.
Error Messages
Error[4] | Schedule build was canceled by user. |
Error[6] | Wrong scheduling start date {A} and/or end date {B}. |
Error[8] | 0 is not a valid value for minimal daily workload in contract {A}. |
Error[9] | The minimum/maximum constraints for contract {A} make it impossible to schedule. |
Error[10] | The minimum weekly workload cannot be reached for contract {A}. |
Error[11] | The minimum planning period workload cannot be reached for contract {A}. |
Error[12] | The specified day {A} is not in the schedule scenario. |
Error[13] | An unknown activity {B} on day {A} was found. WFM cannot update the staffing requirement. |
Error[15] | The staffing requirement for activity {B} on day {A} has an invalid number of elements. |
Error[16] | An incorrect contract index {A} was specified for the agent {B}. |
Error[21] | Invalid agent index: {A}. |
Error[28] | Invalid shift index: {A}. |
Error[29] | Invalid meal index: {A}. |
Error[32] | An invalid day-of-the-week index {A} was specified for shift {B}. |
Error[34] | Too many activities configured: {A} is the maximum number of activities. Configured {B}. |
Error[36] | WFM cannot overwrite shift for agent {A} on {B}. Not enough availability to schedule the shift. |
Error[38] | Invalid open hours {A} - {B} for activity {C}. |
Error[43] | Too many shifts configured: {A} is the maximum number of shifts. |
Error[45] | Invalid availability time window {A} - {B} on {D} for agent {C}. |
Error[46] | Rescheduling data of agent {A} on day {B} is inconsistent with the current meal definition. |
Error[47] | Internal error. The number of time windows for a meeting between dates {A} and {B} is incorrect. |
Error[50] | Weekly paid hours constraint for agent {A} has invalid dates {B} and {C}. |
Error[52] | Invalid break index: {A} |
Error[53] | Invalid activity index: {A} |
Error[55] | Activity {A} already belongs to activity set {B} and therefore, cannot be included in activity set {C}. |
Error[56] | Invalid break sequence {A}: All alternatives of the combine list must share the same unpaid length. |
Error[58] | Invalid task sequence {A}: Mismatched start/end anchors. |
Error[60] | No agent has been defined: solve aborted. |
Error[62] | The shortest shift item sequence for shift {A} has a minimum duration of {B}. A sequence, covering minimum shift duration, is required. |
Error[63] | The shift {A} item sequence for the longer shift contains less unpaid time ({B} minutes) than the shorter sequence. |
Error[64] | The added item sequence number is incorrect. Specified {A} when {B} is expected. |
Error[65] | Schedule build was canceled due to scheduling error from another site in the scenario. |
Error[66] | Internal scheduling engine error. |
Error[1000] | The schedule scenario failed to load. Scenario ID={A} |
Error[1001] | The loaded schedule scenario does not contain the required site. Scenario ID={A}, site ID={B}. |
Error[1002] | The specified schedule interval is {A} days. At least one week is required. |
Error[1003] | The specified schedule interval is {A} days long. The schedule period cannot be longer than 6 weeks. |
Error[1004] | The specified schedule interval is {A} days long. The schedule period must contain the exact number of weeks. |
Error[1005] | An invalid long period type={A} is detected (more than 6 weeks or less than 0) for site {B}. |
Error[1006] | WFM Server returned 0 sites. |
Error[1007] | Site to be scheduled was not found in database. Site ID={A}. |
Error[1008] | Activities not found in the database for site {B}. |
Error[1009] | Activity {B} belongs to unknown activity set. Set ID={A}. |
Error[1011] | The task anchor value {A} is incorrect for the sequence {B} task index={A}. |
Error[1012] | An unknown break ID={A} was assigned to shift {B}. |
Error[1013] | An unknown meal ID={A} was assigned to shift {B}. |
Error[1014] | Meal ID={A} is in the combined list but was not assigned to shift {B}. |
Error[1015] | Break ID={A} is in the combined list but was not assigned to shift {B}. |
Error[1016] | WFM cannot create the schedule. The schedule scenario or configuration is not valid. |
Error[1017] | The synchronized work start threshold value {A} is out of range [-1, 6]—for site {B}. |
Error[1018] | WFM cannot schedule the task sequences in single-skill scheduling mode. Use multi-skill scheduling instead. |
Error[1020] | An unknown calendar item Exception type ID={A} was assigned to agent {B} on day {C}. |
Error[1021] | There are no activities configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration. |
Error[1022] | There are no contracts configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration. |
Error[1023] | There are no shifts configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration. |
Error[1024] | There are no agents configured for scheduling. Check schedule scenario and configuration. |
Error[1025] | A long period start date is not defined for site {A}. |
Error[1035] | There are no daily agent schedules available for schedule re-optimization. |
Error[1036] | There are no profiles configured for scheduling for site {A}. Check the schedule scenario and configuration. |
Error[1037] | The estimated number of profile agents is zero. |
Error[1038] | The time zone with specified ID={A} was not found. |
Error[1039] | There are sites from different business units specified in the scheduling request. |
Error[1040] | Internal error. WFM cannot load the configuration of some of sites in the schedule request. |
Error[1041] | Internal error. Some sites in the schedule request do not exist in the schedule scenario. |
Error[1066] | Internal error. |
Error[1068] | WFM Builder failed to save the schedule. |
Error[1069] | WFM Server communication problem: {A}. |
Error[1070] | WFM Server communication problem. |
Error[1071] | Configuration Server communication problem: {A}. |
Error[1072] | There is more than one WFM Server specified in the WFM Builder connections. |
Error[1073] | WFM Server is not specified in the application connections. |
Error[1074] | WFM failed to retrieve WFM Server {A} information. |
Error[1075] | WFM failed to retrieve business unit ID={A}. |
|sectionHeading=Warning Messages |Media=No |anchor=WarningMessages |alignment=Vertical |structuredtext=
Warning[4] | More days off have been assigned for agent {A} on week with first day {B} than are permitted by the agent's constraints. The user has assigned more days off to an agent in the specified week than are permitted by the agent's constraints. Contract weekend and/or day-off rules limit the number of days off allowed. |
Warning[8] |
No shifts match the constraints for agent {A} on day {B}; agent assigned a day off. Scheduler is forced to schedule a day off for {A} agent because there are no shifts matching the agent's contract constraints for this day {B}. If a shift is configured to be available on this day, then this warning signals a bad configuration of either the shift or an associated meal. Verify that the duration for the shift and meal are valid. |
Warning[16] | The specified starting timestep value {A} for meal {B} is invalid. It must be positive number greater than 0. |
Warning[28] | Forced day off for agent {A} on day {B} lowered weekly/monthly goals by {C} hours. Conflicting contract constraints will force the agent {A} to have the day off on {B}. This is possibly due to a combination of min/max/consecutive day-off and weekend day-off rules. It can also be caused by shift rejections. |
Warning[31] | Failed to satisfy constraint of type {A} for agent {B}. Scheduler was unable to assign the schedule items for the agent required by the specified constraint. Usually, this is due to a conflicting combination of constraints. |
Warning[34] | The start-step constraint {A} is not satisfied for initial values of shift {B}. Check that the shift start time is compatible with the timestep requested. |
Warning[43] | Planning period work constraint for the dates {A} - {B} for agent {C} cannot be satisfied. The workload constraints for this agent cannot be fulfilled for the specified days due to conflicts in Planning Period constraints settings. |
Warning[44] | The specified agent's {A} schedule cannot be given to any other agent, because it contains fixed elements that cannot be exchanged. |
Warning[49] | A part-day paid exception {C} request that was violating shift settings was removed, so that Scheduler could assign agent {B} a shift on {A}. |
Warning[50] | A part-day paid time-off {C} request that was violating shift settings was removed, so that Scheduler could assign agent {B} a shift on {A}. |
Warning[53] | There are no shifts of {A} contract that can match preferences on {B}. |
Warning[55] | Meal {A} does not fit in to shift {B}. The shift cannot be scheduled. |
Warning[56] | The time-window for day {A} of agent {B} is reduced to [{C},{D}] to match activity open hours. |
Warning[57] | the break and meal sequence for [{A},{B}] duration of shift {C} was ignored as infeasible. Sequence: {D} |
Warning[61] | The planning period paid hours limit granted preferences to {A} for agent {B}. Decreasing quotas to {C}. |
Warning[63] | Single-skill mode cannot be used when task sequences are defined. Changing to multi-skill mode. |
Warning[64] | The {A} constraint for agent {D} cannot be satisfied for the specified date range {B}-{C}.
The specified constraint for this agent cannot be satisfied for the specified date range. |
Warning[65] | Some breaks could not be scheduled for agent {A} on {B}. |
Warning[66] | The maximum shift item distance constraint could not be satisfied for agent {A} on {B}. |
Warning[67] | The minimum shift item distance constraint could not be satisfied for agent {A} on {B}. |
Warning[68] | Shift items could not be scheduled at configured time intervals for agent {A} on {B}. |
Warning[69] | Team/shared transport shift item synchronization ignored for agent {A} since contract shift item synchronization is enabled. |
Warning[70] | Shift items could not be synchronized with other agents of the team/shared transport for agent {A} on {B}. |
Warning[71] | {A} constraint cannot be satisfied for team/shared transport {D} starting at {B} and ending at {C}. |
Warning[77] | Failed to satisfy constraint of type {B} for agent {A} on {C}. |
Warning[78] | {A} constraint cannot be satisfied for team/shared transport {B} on {C}. |
Warning[79] | {A} constraint cannot be satisfied for team/shared transport {D} with contract {E} starting at {B} and ending at {C}. |
Warning[81] | Contracts with different weekend start days were assigned for agent {A} during the scheduling period {B} - {C}. |
Warning[82] | Contracts with different maximum consecutive work days were assigned for agent {A}. Value configured on the first day of scenario will be used. |
Warning[83] | Contracts with different minimum consecutive work days were assigned for agent {A}. Value configured on the first day of scenario will be used. |
Warning[90] | Meeting {A} for agent {B} could not be scheduled. |
Warning[91] | Meeting {A} for agent {B} could not be scheduled on {C}. |
Warning[92] | Meeting {A} for agent {B} could not be scheduled during {C} - {D}. |
Warning[93] | The parameters of multi-site meeting {A} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[94] | The parameters of the meeting {A} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[95] | Multi-site meeting {A} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[96] | Meeting {A} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[97] | Multi-site meeting {A} could not be scheduled. |
Warning[98] | Meeting {A} could not be scheduled. |
Warning[99] | The parameters of multi-site meeting {A} on {B} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[100] | The parameters of meeting {A} on {B} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[101] | The parameters of multi-site meeting {A} during {B} - {C} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[102] | The parameters of meeting {A} during {B} - {C} are invalid. The min/max group size cannot be satisfied with current number of agents and number of instances. |
Warning[103] | Multi-site meeting {A} on {B} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[104] | Meeting {A} on {B} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[105] | Multi-site meeting {A} on {B} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[106] | Meeting {A} on {B} was not scheduled. Could not find enough agents for one instance of the meeting. |
Warning[107] | Multi-site meeting {A} could not be scheduled on {B}. |
Warning[108] | Meeting {A} could not be scheduled on {B}. |
Warning[109] | Multi-site meeting {A} could not be scheduled during {B} - {C}. |
Warning[110] | Meeting {A} could not be scheduled during {B} - {C}. |
Warning[111] | {B} out of {C} instances of multi-site meeting {A} could not be scheduled. |
Warning[112] | {B} out of {C} instances of the meeting {A} could not be scheduled. |
Warning[1000] | The Calendar item containing invalid shift ID={A} was assigned to agent {B} on day {C}. |
Warning[1001] | The Exception will be ignored for overnight shift on day {A} for agent {B}. The strict work time cannot accommodate the partially covered Exception. |
Warning[1002] | The schedule start date weekday is not the same as the long period start day. Moving the long period back {A} days. |
Warning[1003] | Task sequence {A} was removed either because it contains activity set {B} with no activities, or the assigned activities are not present in schedule scenario. |
Warning[1005] | Neither the break and meal are null elements in the break/meal list of shift {A}. |
Warning[1006] | Shift {A} task sequence ID={B} was not found. |
Warning[1007] | Agent {A} has no assigned contract. The agent will not be scheduled. |
Warning[1008] | The contract ID={A} assigned to agent {A} is unknown at site {B}. |
Warning[1009] | Agent {A} has an accrual rule ID={B} that is not known to WFM Server. |
Warning[1010] | The team ID={A} of agent {B} does not exist at site {C}. |
Warning[1012] | Removed activity set {A} with no activities. Activities are either not present in schedule scenario or not configured properly. |
Warning[1013] | Removed task sequence {A} ID={B} since it contains invalid activity sets. Check prior warnings for activity set configuration problems. |
Warning[1014] | Removed agent {A} with no activities. Activities are either not assigned to this agent, missing in schedule scenario, or not configured properly. |
Warning[1015] | The minimum shift {A}'s paid duration is not covered by the combined list. The minimum shift paid time was changed to {B} hours {C} minutes. |
Warning[1016] | Task sequence ID={A} was removed from shift {B}. The task sequence may be misconfigured or contain an unavailable activity set. |
Warning[1017] | Shift {A} was removed since it has no assigned mandatory task sequences. |
Warning[1018] | One or more shifts assigned to contract {A} could not be used due to configuration problems. Not all shifts that were assigned to the contract could be used for scheduling. This warning usually is issued after more detailed shift configuration warnings. |
Warning[1019] | Agent {A} will not be scheduled. Scenario activities cannot be used in any of the task sequences in the contract shifts. The Schedule scenario does not contain activities that are required to schedule shifts with mandatory task sequences. |
Warning[1020] | Activity sets will be used for scheduling even though task sequences exist in the site. Task sequences exist in the database but are not assigned to the shifts. |
Warning[1021] | Contract {A} was removed. Shifts assigned to this contract are not configured properly. The contract has no usable shifts and therefore, is removed from scheduling. Shift configuration problems are described in other warnings. |
Warning[1022] | Agent {A} was removed with a contract that was not correctly configured. The contract that was assigned to the agent cannot be used. This warning usually follows #mintydocs_link must be called from a MintyDocs-enabled page (Draft:WFM/8.5.2/Administrator/WrngErrMsgs). .
Warning[1023] | Agent {A}'s schedule was not reoptimized. During Intra-Day scheduling, the agent's schedule for a particular day could not be modified, because the current configuration prevents scheduling of a valid shift on that day. |
Warning[1024] | Weekly rotating paid hours {A}:{B} - {A}:{B} for agent {C} on week {C} - {C} are not compatible with the contract on this week. |
Warning[1025] | The Calendar item for agent '{A} on the last day of the schedule overlaps the shift on the next day. |
Warning[1026] | Profile {A} was removed because it has no activities. Activities are either not assigned to the profile, missing in schedule scenario, or not configured properly. |
Warning[1027] | Profile {A} was removed because it contract is incorrectly configured. |
Warning[1028] | Profile {A} will not be scheduled. Scenario activities cannot be used in any of the task sequences of the contract shifts. |
Warning[1029] | Contract ID={A}, that is assigned to profile {B}, is unknown at site {C}. |
Warning[1030] | The understaffing limit could not be reached during profile optimization scheduling. |
Warning[1031] | Meeting {A} cannot be scheduled after time zone conversion. |
Warning[1032] | Meeting {A} time zone cannot be determined. |
Warning[1033] | Meeting {A} cannot be scheduled at site {B} due to an inaccessible Exception type. |
Warning[1034] | No activities are available for agent {A} on {B}. The agent is assigned a day off. |
Warning[1035] | No contract is assigned for agent {A} on {B}. The agent is assigned a day off. |
Warning[1036] | Meeting {A}'s start or end date is not specified. WFM cannot schedule this meeting. |