CE43 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by CE43 use cases across all offerings.

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Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys Personalized Routing with Callback

Route voice interactions to the best skilled resource with personalization and callback option

Customer Engagement


No draft

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: When customers call you, they want to speak with someone familiar with your company, someone who can quickly address their needs. If they encounter long wait times or connect to agents who lack the proper information, then calls can transfer more often, hold times increase, and the customer experiences unnecessary repetition. Any of these factors can result in a poor customer experience.

Platform Solution: Proactively address the needs of your customers when they call into your contact center, which helps drive a greater customer experience. Recognize repeat customers and route calls either to the last agent they spoke with, or to the best-skilled agents that can more effectively help address their needs. If no agents are available to address their needs appropriately, let them know their expected wait time, and offer a callback option.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved Customer Experience Shorter wait times, callback options, and quicker call resolutions deliver value and improve your customer’s experience.
Increased Revenue Increase revenue and control costs by connecting callers with the best agents to assist them when they call.
Reduced Handle Time Matching customer and agents based on previous interactions or skill-level helps reduce handle time and control costs.

High Level Flow

Info needed

Data Sheet Image


Canonical Sales Content


  • Contact Center Supervisor / Manager
  • Head of Customer Experience
  • Head of Operations

Qualifying Questions

  1. How easy is it for your customers to get repetitive or easy issues fixed the first time they call?
  2. What service level issues are you experiencing?  Are costs to maintain consistent levels of staff a concern?
  3. How often is a transfer required, due to agents’ experience or knowledge?
  4. Would it positively impact customer satisfaction scores if repeat callers were matched with the same agent?
  5. What is your abandonment rate during peak periods of activity?
  6. What alternatives do you offer customers who've been on hold a while?

Pain Points (Business Context)

  • Poor customer experience scores due to excessive wait times, transfers, hold times, agents who do ​not have needed expertise, and the need for repeat contacts
  • Missed service levels and increased abandons, within or across channels, due to long handle times with customers having to recap previous interactions​ causing customer dissatisfaction
  • Inability to use context of previous interactions to optimize each customer call​​​ or recognize repeat customers
  • High staffing costs to meet service levels​​​ during peak periods

Desired State - How to Fix It

  • Optimize customer experience by connecting them to a knowledgeable, efficient agent available within a configured time period
  • As customers wait in queue, remove skill requirements to expand the pool of available agents
  • Route interactions without conversations leaving the queue to better understand why customers are calling and keep your data clean for clear reporting
  • Recognize customers in all touch points and channels, and match callers with the same agent with whom they previously spoke
  • Offer self-service and callback options
  • When queue exceeds threshold set by business, the caller is played a message relaying the current wait time and given callback option

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