BO07 - Titles and Canonical Info

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This information is shared by BO07 use cases across all offerings.

Administration Dashboard

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Titles and Taxonomy

Main Title Subtitle Taxonomy Product Category Draft Published Edit

Genesys KPI Insights

Monitor and analyze interaction data to detect addressable service level anomalies

Business Optimization


No draft

Canonical Information

Platform Challenge and Solution

Platform Challenge: You need quick and easy access to data insights that will help you improve results. When data is missing or is inconsistent across channels, and when business users find it difficult to get to information they need to make good decisions, customer and agent experiences suffer.

Platform Solution: Improve the customer and employee experience by giving business users a full view into real-time agent and workgroup activity and tools to take timely action. Genesys KPI Insights monitors performance against operational goals and provides simple filtering, drill-down and reporting to address service issues in a snap.

Platform Benefits

The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

Canonical Benefit Explanation
Improved First Contact Resolution Users must be able to report, monitor and make decisions regarding their contact center/customer experience. Knowing when changes need to be made and its impact requires the ability to identify and understand anomalies. This can improve FCR.
Increased Revenue Manage resources to optimal service levels to increase revenue and improve business outcomes.
Reduced Administration Costs Users must be able to report, monitor, and make decisions regarding their contact center/customer experience. Knowing when changes need to be made and its impact require the ability to identify and understand anomalies This reduces labor costs.

High Level Flow

Info needed

Data Sheet Image


Canonical Sales Content


  • Business Analyst
  • Head of Contact Center(s)
  • Head of IT Infrastructure

Qualifying Questions

  1. Are you able to set SLA targets and effectively monitor them? Are you able to drill down to understand root causes of falling SLAs?
  2. Can you see how many customers attempted self service but opted out? Do you know why they called in the first place? (Available in PureConnect 1H2019)
  3. Is it easy to tell what kind of agents are handling your high value customers? (e.g., new hires, experienced, top performers)

Pain Points (Business Context)

  • Limited data and reports – missing relevant business data and inconsistent data across channels
  • Limited capabilities – business users unable to easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Reliance on IT - busienss users unable to take or automate action in a timely manner
  • Agent Performance - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions
  • SLA drops - Inability to identify the root cause to take appropriate and timely actions

Desired State - How to Fix It

  • Make informed decisions based on business outcomes
  • Provide end-to-end visibility into your business performance with consistent relevant business data across channels
  • Allow business users to take actions in a timely manner with easily filter reports, sort or create agent and workgroup reports leveraging business data
  • Set thresholds on various KPIs to monitor and take timely actions
  • Wide range of agent and workgroup dashboards with relevant business data

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